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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Hi Dave.. Although Chaz was talking to you I doubt he was talking at or about your person directly in stating his beliefs. We comment on other's ideas here and offer lesson or our beliefs of how we expect things will go down or be taken by the masses. I suspect the 'you' or 'you're' type speech was indirect and generally speaking. Probably not meant to label or put you down at least until you fullfill what is being talked about in lowering prices. He doesn't even know you right? That usually the first clue to a misunderstanding...just my .02 :)

  2. Atmosphere and things of quality and comfort swing me everytime if such matters and is applicable. I can't say though that for anything to be any good it will cost. Is just untrue...just look to simple things of life, health, love.

    That said sometimes the better or exciting stuff tends to cost. Since this a movie thread I quote a song from Paint your Wagon --"The best things in life are dirty" :)

  3. Hancock is just OK. ..Panda is good... But Step Brothers that came out the other day is hillarious!!

    Next flick I'll see is Journey to Center of Earth and I have to see it in 3D. Haven't seen a good one since Space Hunter or Friday the 13th Part 3.

    I might go see Dark Knight since everyone says it so good. Hard to have confidence in superhero movies doing it for me these days. Been ruined ever since The Greatest American Hero series..lol :)

  4. Yea Matt I have color clauses in my paperwork but it seems these type people don't read anyway..they just want and hear what they want and throw wrenches at every step.

    Lady owes you a tip based on stressing you alone is my opinion.

    I had crete staining case recently where I agreed to return to change a color and even though the client was right there picking color we still had issues. I did like 4 spot areas with 2 different colors at 2 different tint/shades and the lady made her decission. I specifically told her I had certain amount of base to play with and that once I mix the batch she is stuck with it. She was fine with that. I go off to truck and mix up the sprayer. I get to backyard 10 minute later and she changed her mind. I told her basically it was too late and that she should go back to work and allow me to use it. She called a few days later letting me know it is good but now wants a landing done same color... I almost want to run. The ladies husband was fine wth original color and had paid me. He washed his hands of the deal is what the wife told me.

  5. ..the cement part of concrete can come gray or it can come white or you can add any other integral coloring to the mix or broadcast color it with powder when laid.

    You can oxalic an old slab to some degree or you can apply an acrylic white stain. That would require real finesse in prep and application to get it to last without top coating with industrial type permenant coatings. One or two real lite mist coats of quartz white will likely last longer than say a heavy dose as it will minimize traffic wear and chipping.

  6. Also, I haven't seen enough ease of cleanup with these exterior combo products to allow them to claim that reason. Being less smelly may be valid but that is along lines of the VOC reason.

    ps- maybe things of storage and manufacture safety is involved too. When I visit manufacture they showed me the stringent safety mechanisms and rooms they use to store coatings in. The rooms can be locked down or flooded or some such. Felt like checking out a nuclear facility... must be expensive :)

  7. Could be some logic in the strep thing since people regularly have strep or staph locked up deep in the sinus. Get things going in there with a caustic or bleach burn and who knows. I can tell you that one time my nose got busted up real deep and then pretty soon after over the next year or so I had a couple of horrible skin boils down under in the neck and chest area. I mean yea stress can cause such also but I consider it just too coincidental.

  8. Rick, word would be emulsion to encompass the use of both terms. I call it somewhat sneaky though and say if it goes into water than it waterborne. I do use some stone sealers that smell like solvent yet go right into the water..expensive stuff too.

    Rod, misuse of borne versus based is rampant. There really is no just use of base. Although I explained it awhile ago on here I would suffice to say you explain it fair enough in mentioning the terms carrier and solvent. :)

    Matt, acrylic is a synthetic binder of pigment or is a clear finish or sealer.

    It can be in either a hydrocarbon carrier, natural oil carrier, or a water carrier. Examples are:

    acrylic lacquer for concrete, interior wood finish, or car paint..

    wood stain emulsions utilizing both oil and water..

    or waterborne interior floor finishes..

  9. price of typical driveway for sealing is10 to12 cents sq.ft.

    I heard a recent job about 30k' costed a retail store near on $100k with striping included so I don't know how 10-15 cent at all fits in to the scheme of things.Sounds aweful cheap using even the cheapest or thinest of oil/seal.

    One thing is for sure... when these jobs get done it all gets tracked in off shopping cart wheels for anywhere from days to months later.

  10. Seen a show on products for interior painting that may be similar. I guess the idea of having no synthetic/hydrocarbon derived binders is all the rage and is part of the 'green' or 'eco friendly' movement. The interior stuff is supposedly available at major paint stores.

    But far as bio based goes..to me it simply means vegitable oil based. Last I understood it such has been part of some major stains for some time. Least at some level in a blend or such as I've seen it listed in info sheets at times. If you were to take the mineral/earthen based pigments of perhaps say a product such as rs and put them in a vegitable oil you could call it 'green' and it may work just as good. If you take the right type that thickens to a solid mass or coating when moisture is gone then I suspect you get this Timbertek product. Probably more to it then that in way of refining or ingredients but you get the picture I am sure.

  11. Don't be intimidated Matt... Hd Supply is $25 for the 17". Take that info and tell the Home Depot or whatever rental yard ya deal with and have them price match. Always works for me anyways. If you did not get the hipros then get the sanding driver with the bolt. Stick a floor pad between 80 grit paper ($6+ at HD supply compared to HD) and the driver to help cussion it. It take 2-3 paper is all. The low speed swing is way more agressive than the orbital machines due to the shear swath it cuts so even 100 grit paper or a screen up in the 120 range will do fine. Never rent the 12x18" rectangle sq. orbital. They suck in comparison with their tiny circular paths they give the paper.

  12. Far as the topic question goes.. I post on CL and it is good for business. I suspect much of it has to do with area and how the public sees or thinks of it. Perhaps it more popular out west as it originated out here..Trick is to use it like any other advertizing and not count on one solely. You have to link or innertwine all your advertizing in a marketing plan to project the correct picture to potential clients. I use CL to display projects and to point clients to my website which is more geared or suited to building a confidence and relationship away from the hacking lowballers.

    My best guess would put the combination of competitor shopper and cheap price shoppers at maybe 25%. Perhaps not that much different then Service Magic type lead programs or other advertizing methods. CL requires a bit more effort in keeping your ads up and in the spotlight above other posters. After doing for awhile now I can translate directly the hits to my website with the days I post my CL ads. To date my largest project would be 21k and I would not call that guy a bargain hunter.
