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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Haven't ran into this one yet..that's just too crazy.

    Logic would say that if you conversed with them prior to the appointment that they were not deaf.

    ps- did you show up in a suit and/or on a bicycle?..maybe they thought you were lds or the witnesses.. :lgangel:

  2. Well Ken maybe it not effecting search rank but whatever they did it must of upped the anty as I lost a point here and there without making any changes. Course they do say that rank does depend on how frequent changes to a page are made. I'll assume my lack of attendance to making changes is the reason for loosing points.

  3. Hey Ron that was a nice summary..basically the peachtree is about the same what with all the auto memorized invoicing and form/report designing stuff.

    Dane, Profile like Ron mentions probably contains the credit/debit accounts (chart of accounts) specific to service field or the pressure washing and perhaps even some inventory items. I would take him up on it if so......would want a copy myself in case I do decide to switch over..Fork it over Ron!

    In demoing a few progs over the years they all pretty much offer sample profiles one could start off with. Some profile more geared for professionals that bill on time and some more for service trades that may bill on time or fixed rate and sq. ft. inventory.

    Probably any of the programs available have a basic help file that will explain the basic accounting methods of cedits and debits. Every transaction you do in such programs are classified as one or the other but it first depends on whether the credit or debit applies to an income or an expense account. In other words a credit to an expense account is a credit/addition to that account but of course ends up a subtraction from say a bank account or a budget account. So in essence a chart of accounts/profile will have such inner workings already created. Even the most basic will let you create new accounts manually from scratch to cover the type or source of yer income or expenses. I have income accounts that cover such things as contracted janitorial work, floors work, pressure washing, wood work, even ones for a delivery job I used to run. The beauty of making many is that then your reports and graphs can show you how much one area is doing compared to another.

    I assume the main training needed for many relates to accounting principles and/or forms designing..

  4. If it that complex that ya need training I can't help but be suspicious as I would want a novice to be able to do basic tasks from the get go. But now if it is really that rich with features to need training then it may be right up my alley...like next year..lol.

    Surely it self learns and doesn't need training. :)..j/k .I have demoed it years back.

  5. This o'le dino uses an older Peachtree. If I knew that newer version of it or the Qb eliminated other progs I might be swayed to upgrade. I use works calender/alarm for scheduling. In using primo pdf I snag quotes and then 3rd party email ap them. See the version I got doesn't email directly or translate them into what OE works with. Besides that there is a flaw that disallows creation of multiple quotes for a customer during same period without the original being over written even though the quote numbering is incremental.. is getting anoying.

    What would be the bomb is if QB could import a company profile with charts of accounts and inventory from Peachtree. Otherwise I have to start al over. ;(

  6. Some areas like that redwood masking job above could be done without plastic and tape expense and likely done as quik or quiker simply by tarping whole area and cutting in the underneith areas later on. In other words if one is good enough to tape an area like that with all them windows fast they would be just as fast in cutting in...

    The log protection scheme I like... Apparently although each little window could be taped it was better choice to protect the whole thing as one square and get the fine work after...

  7. Just cleaned/stripped same Superduck color today. That stuff fails all over and is junk. Some thick areas were not fun to strip and man did I have it strong..burned my wrist actually.

    My first impression of that house yells like $15k-20k but I wonder what the back side is like. Is it just one story or two?

    Going off approx. 10' per story X 30'ln per side ya get 3600ft. X $4= $14400 .. but that is a wild guess. But counting roof and balcony overhang or decking that thing could have twice that much footage regardless what the back is like....

  8. Not sure you will like this opinion but...

    Who in their right mind is gonna spot sand 40k+ ft. of deck in leiu of no water available at the rates you mentioned..why no water?, doesn't make sense to have 80 condos without water..if cabins then I could see it but even then there should be water around somewhere.

    No water means buildup in cracks will remain and it means areas that aren't quite yet showing flaking will flake off with new stain soon enough or disolve and bubble off when ya apply the new stain. You would have to sand every inch to get proper penetration or adhesion and if not the new will likely not match if it didn't fail. Pretty much anytime you sand an area in wood staining it will look different than the unsanded and probably doubly so if not actually cleaning and brightening. Even when I come to a project that looks fairly decent without much graying every sq. inch is done and there is major difference anywhere that would be missed. I can't fathom spot sanding and reshooting something over the old oxidized stain, grime, and uv grayed out areas but hey I do hear home owners do such on occasion.

    This is way hokie sounding project..run!!

    But on other hand if you can get water out there ya got bank..just do the stairs at 2x...I like a challenge, when do we start? lol.. :)

  9. Discretionary income indeed seems important Beth.. Would call it most important actually.

    Dan, do you recognize how different delivery systems or economic systems can be as far as size go?. Is America at all suited to immedietly turn into small compact economic lifeboats where an individual areas existance does not depend on others thousands of miles away?... I say NO.. Our country can't handle much higher gas prices without seeing major sacrafices to growth if not actual health and welfare..

  10. I'm not seeing where anything is "duh". I'm not your friend, I'm not your employee, and I'm certainly not family. Keep that level of familiarity and lack of respect to the above mentioned. Lets try to follow your own creedo and avoid the juvenile stuff. People are allowed to disagree with you, Beth. Coming back at a person's posts with a follow up of "duh" is the ultimate in unprofessional behavior from a purported industry leader. If you got it all figured out Beth, we're all happy for you.

    Beth, I think that was to say that one 'duh' labeled an act unrelated to a person and another 'duh' labeled the lack of an act at a personal level... aka-a personal insult implying no brain activity...

  11. KEN it sounds like you've positioned yerself real well on the inexhaustable gravy train..good for ya.. :)

    To me much of what ya said makes sense. I do think the leads/closing rates will start to suffer if inflation snowballs. The topic of inflation is what many are really talking and tossing about and concerned with. I've mentioned a time or two recently of hearing about an economist view on how the current gas thing not equaling or turning into inflation across the board but I'll be danged if I can't put a finger on it and refind the info. If anyone here is able to describe it. All I can confirm was that it was so simple to understand and convey that I done forgot it..lol. Often is the case on brilliant invention or reason.. ah well easy come easy go.

    So far I would have to say I don't see inflation across the board yet. Perhaps we won't... I feel some key ingredient of inflationary times are being missed in this discussion..

  12. I think we should be more concerned about the imminant dissapearance of this natural resource.

    dontcha know the oil is just like lowballers? They abiotic and the Earth just keeps making more. You can dig 4-5 mi. down on bottom of ocean and there they be, a whole colony of lowballers welling up one after the other.

    Hmm..surely old dinosaur wash guys don't turn into lowballers after millions of years..do they? :lgbonk:
