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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. OK so I've never priced a job this big and could use some help with what to charge. Supplies aren't an issue, the guy that owns the properties is going to give me a credit card to purchase everything.

    In total, 5 properties scattered about a 3 mile radius in a lower class end of town. The measurements break down as follows:

    Flooring: 1179 sq. feet x $1.25 - $1.75 clean and stain

    Rails: 617 linear feet x $3.50 - $6

    Steps: 47 per sq. ft. or $5 -$10 each depending on length

    Lattice: 30' per sq. ft.

    Fence: 232 linear feet per sq. ft. ($.49 - $.65)

    (108 sq. feet of that flooring is going to be solid)

    (56 linear feet of the railings will be solid)

    (and 11 steps solid)

    Now I come up with right around $9,000 if this was just standard residential pricing...

    Water hookup is a problem at three of the locations...as there is no outside supply. So I'll have to port my own h2o around. Won't be a problem filling as I can fill it up at one of his other properties when I run out.

    So what kind of discount do you normally give commercial customers for a good bit of work like this? Keep in mind I'll be so busy for a week or two that I may lose a couple of residential jobs that need something quickly.

    Also keep in mind, this guy owns about 450 properties...so repeat business is probable.

    Feel free to PM me or give me a ring at 412-901-2880. Thanks! - dp

    Confused... is the flooring a total of all 5. I ask as the ln.ft. of the railing and steps seems as maybe a total?

  2. Scott,

    I understand what your saying and would somewhat agree with the shying away from acrylic if it situation of customer wanting natural look or lower prep costs on a remaintenance.

    Have to take issue though with the generalization or imply of no "wet look" on stone though.

    When customer wants "wet look" I respect their wants and try to accomodate just like thousands upon thousands of other contractors and manufactures. They have their reasons like easier maintenance and the awesome look in mind.

    Although surely there are solvent based acrylics suitable for interior or exterior I go with the 'wet look' lacquers myself.

    Here is example found just about any place: Glaze N' Seal (wetlook 2000)

    Thing people need to realize is it like anything else and that recoating 1 to 5 year down the road is on the menu and they need to prep it correctly each time.

  3. Wish we had pictures...

    Is it lite color?.. Is it all grouted?.. when they not it sure makes for luvly muddy mess.. If you got any of that white efflorescence situation you may have to go with speciality acid based cleaners and low pressure..may even have to use a sealer to help prevent..

    Regardless, to get the black mildew you'll need anywhere from 1 to 6% SH and you may even need hot water or (scary as it may sound) a turbo head on some areas like the ivy if you don't wish to chlorinate it. Set it up with a disclaimer that chlorine could do some the vegitation in even though you'll do your best to prevent it.

    Prevent it by not overspraying chems directly of course onto the plants but more importantly do plenty of pre-watering so the plants have their fill and dirt becomes open to absorbtion. Then while doing job and directly after you deep water until you believe the chems have absorbed under the root line of the vegitation. I also tell the customer to water real good over next few days.

    I've done this on stepping stone areas and tight flower garden areas and only stuff to ever show any browning or death is that ground cover stuff they sometimes plant between steps...you know it like moss and sometimes has little white baby breath type flowers.

    Here's an interesting video link...wanted to run from them myself though:

    Efflorescence on Flagstone Can Be Tough To Get Out. Check Out This Free Video!

  4. who vote.. me?.. NEVER..lol

    Here is idear for ya... what ya do is every month or so ya do yer own sitemap work with a crawler. (Remember back a couple year ago when I offered?) So anyways then you submit it to the search engines and if ya time it right you open the whole site up and let them crawl with the info ya gave them.

    That way all new posts are indeed searchable on internet and you still drive people in. They will be forced to register if they real serious and will just move on if they not interested in spending time with it.

    I'd do the crawl work fer like a c note and send ya a file every month....abit more for actual submission ..:)

  5. What's that wand threaded like..1/4? Looks like you would just unscrew that variable sprayer via that brass nut and the wand will be male pipe threaded underneith. The quik connect for wand tips are female..least mine is..they just screw on end. You can see wand kits or washers with them at Lowes.. if lucky they may have a loose one fer sale. You should also be able to see them in site vendor catalogs here. Click on a banner to get to them off main page..

    ps.. opp there's one now.. hi Russ :)

  6. Hi bjp--,

    Take a look at the sponsor banner ads that flash up top outside the thread..like on the main page or forum root. I click on Quiklinks/Todays Posts to keep abreast on topics and there you'll see a current supplier called The Sealer Store up top.. am pretty sure people are having good experience with them..

    The Wood Cleaning forum section has lots of activity and discussion of HD80. You can also try the search feature of the site to get to the older stuff..seems you already found it going on how old this thread is..haha.

    Enjoy TGS!!

  7. Matt, No problem...just make sure to put some water in bottom and maybe put some duct tape around outer lip of can part to keep air from agitating things if ya like. The water makes humidity which lessons the chances for combustion, and the excessive air made during driving down the road can induce flamage. I mean just make sure the lid not too loose.

    Greg, Good Golly!! what the full horror story behind that inferno?..is there a link to it?

    Jamie, wow!. that shed like a 3k$ shed hu?

    Scary stuff people... real scary stuff!!

  8. Awesome stuff Scott!..I dig the having a reason behind the naming. Have used the bible and the baby books with their old English meanings to name my 3 boys. Got one on the way too and but since we don't know *** we may wait till the very end to do the naming. Some names I can't use as my lady and I both agree to having a few outs each? Like I considered Amos but lady wasn't having it...lol.

    Pardon the pun but since yer from Omaha why Limited yourself..you could go with Carl..you know Carl Sandburg?...well in honor of Carl Sagan there probably a Biiiiillion there already..pardon the double pun,,haha

    Am voting Paul Joseph as it just seems to go together..

    Have fun with this.. I luv it!! :)

    ps--..here is some Scott trivia..do you realize he played over 17 hours of space invaders in the arcade? wow!!

  9. No more Stripes when surface cleaning!!! - Pressure Washing Institute

    If anyone wants to read my reasons please feel free to click above.

    Why click Ron? ..post away..

    I'll help ya out :)

    Ron says:

    No more Stripes when surface cleaning!!!

    Check tips

    1. damaged orifice

    2. debris stuck in tips

    3. warn out tips

    4. tips out of balance from hitting objects

    Spray bar

    1. angles are correct

    2. bars are balanced and not bent

    3. no damage to bars

    Shaft & Rotary union

    1. lubrication to shaft

    2. lubrication to union if able

    3. make sure union is tight and no play in the shaft

    I have found that when you have check most of the above the number one problem is wear or damage orifice.

    With your eye you turn your surface cleaner over and look at the tips, it seems your nozzles are spraying even. With your naked eye you cannot see that the orifice has been altered just enough to disburse a micro zero area that causes this what most call striping. It’s simply spraying a small area with greater pressure, that causes and uneven cleaning.

    Yes over using chemical can cure it by using the chemical to help the less PSI area clean as good as the tiny area that is applying more PSI.

    Doubling over the cleaning area is another cure for fixing the stripes. I’m here to tell you this is not necessary if your surface cleaner is running properly.

    I tested many brands when surface cleaners where being invented. The factory sent them to me because phoenix is hot. The experience and things I learned working with the engineers who invented these machines was valuable.

    The tips you should be using where originally invented for parts washers. Inside of a parts washer the debris and often the parts would strike the nozzle. Of course in parts washer’s not so critical if the orifice was damaged. Regardless they needed to get more wear out the tips. A parts washer tip has a protected area and the orifice is damage less.

    I say this is not the only reason but the one many here and elsewhere do not understand.

    It’s simply the number one reason and many false cures can fix it. It’s as simple as using the protected tips and changing them first when problem starts. (Unless it’s something more obvious of course)

    ps- oh and btw..yes I have to concure with the idea of a proper fixing of problem instead of using more chem. That's just regressive and expensive if your already using heat.

  10. That is shocking to hear Matt that it did it right in yer hand!!

    I been interested in that preservawood for awhile now but hadn't tried it yet.

    It made up the hill from me aint it? No one knew anything of it when I asked about it awhile ago..could just be out here at our HD stores..

    During the heat wave I had some mineral spirit rags get aweful hot and then a 2 layer tarp started smokin and combusting with the wtw.

    Is very concerning to me this whole combusting thingy. This new one you present is like wow..how we to prevent that?? Like how's a firecan with water in the bottom supposed to help here?

  11. David, Who don't need a 4x4?..let's string them up... :)

    I have an Xterra to play in. Could do the Rubicon trail with it if not for wanting to keep it pretty. My lady drives it actually most the time and I get it for hunting and fishing...

    The computer in my truck is pretty darn accurate and sensitive in seeing the real time mpg. It reflects all the little changes of accelerating or coasting up and down the hills. When drafting behind semi's I can see when I am in the sweet spot or not..Fun to play around with out on the hwy but it all goes out the window in city traffic.
