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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Yea everyone has different sizes don't they... 5" stuff seems most popular round here at the stores for the orbitals. I have to dig hard to find both hook and loop and stick back type for my 6" orbitals.

    Your best bet Charlie might be Norton or Pearl Abrasives on them 9" ones. I buy floor burnisher pads direct from Norton and I know they make huge variety of sanding stuff also. (scored about 10 of the 50 count boxes in various grit recently in a lot buy)

  2. Hey Jon... I hear some old music sometimes on the lead ins to that radio talk show Coast to Coast..you know the one about aliens and ghosts..lol..j/k and rockin yer old bones.. :)

    But I do wonder if your refering to the big band era, the old country stuff, or the early rockin roll stuff.

  3. We have 60 pails of the Wood Tux "Classic" Warm Honey Gold in stock. We applied it last Thursday to a 1200 square foot deck. After one hour we walked on the floor to touch up a spot, it was mostly dry and there was zero tackiness. Coverage was 6 gallons for 1200 feet. The homeowner was extremely happy with the final color and look.

    Kinda begs me to ask the version and date of manufacture of the western cedar fivers you sent me... They look just like Beth n Rod's pics above in both container and seperation.

    Are we to assume they are the corrected batch?

    Can't say for sure the deck I used it on is still wet/sticky but all my cardboard and tarps are after 4 days of CA heat.

  4. How we go from such a luvly topic as music to the slime of politics?..lol..Oh thats right . the whole Live Earth/ al gore thingy..haaaaaa. I really do like the guys person but there aint no way he is a uniter of these American people..not the majority anyways..

    An inconvienant truth was entertaining but it leaves out known facts of ice ages gone before us and higher water levels of the near past to name but a couple flaws. Is twisted when you break it down really and jumps to too many conclusions about co2. Worst part of it is the blaiming of your own race for things out of their control.

    I doubt it far fetched to think the majority of folks already know instinctively there is plenty left out of the equations...I'll just leave out the science of it like many do and say we just aint all that when it comes to our influential role upon this Earth, neither is Gore. ...where's my fluffy?.. :)

  5. Here is my California rules and I read it to mean that it only applies if I directly pass on the price of paint or stain rather then I being the consumer of the product in my course of business:


    Reference: Section 6006, Revenue and Taxation Code.

    Painters, Polishers and Finishers, see Regulation 1524.

    Resale Certificates, see Regulation 1668.


    apply to single or lump-sum charges for repainting or refinishing used articles. Tax

    applies in such case to the sale to the refinisher of the paint and other materials used

    in the process, as he is regarded as the consumer of such property. If the refinisher

    uses paint or other materials purchased under a resale certificate, or without payment

    of use tax if purchased outside the State or in interstate commerce, he must report and

    pay tax measured by the cost of the materials to him.

    If, however, the refinisher makes a separate charge at the fair retail selling price for

    the paint or similar finishing material that is applied to and becomes a component

    part of the used articles, he is the retailer of such paint or finishing material and tax

    applies to the amount of the separate charge.


    used articles for sellers who will resell the articles in the regular course of their

    businesses will be regarded as selling for resale the paint or similar finishing material

    that becomes a component part of the used articles. The refinisher should take a

    resale certificate under these circumstances.

    History: Effective August 1, 1933.

    Adopted as of January 1, 1945, as a restatement of previous ruling.

    Amended by renumbering August 5, 1969, effective September 6, 1969.

    Amended February 5, 1975, effective March 13, 1975. Provided for charge of tax

    where materials used are separately stated for consumers and, as to resellers,

    that a resale certificate should be furnished.

    "SERVICES — The sale of services where no tangible personal property is transferred or where the

    transfer of property is incidental, are not subject to sales and use taxes. Persons providing services

    are consumers of property used in their business activities. However, persons who engage in service

    operations are retailers of any supplies or other tangible personal property sold to their customers or

    clients, and tax applies to gross receipts from such sales. Certain services, however, are defined as

    sales of tangible personal property. For example, the fabrication of tangible personal property for a

    consumer is defined as a “sale” even when the consumer provides all the tangible personal property

    used to fabricate the end product."

    Every state or local goobermint could have different regulations though so do your due diligience (sp?)

    Oh and note that if we buy stains or paints from out of state and are not charged tax then we owe use tax. Same designation as buying things online like off ebay.. I hear they cracking down on such nowadays..

  6. Bunch of family down from up North and so we put on a serious show. First before dark we did off a ton of 2 liter water bottle rockets 40' in the air until one landed on neighbors roof..People really luv them and is a good prelude til dark..Our grand finale after messing around for a half hour with the one by one fountains was setting off like $100 worth of fireworks at once. I set up my aluminum trailer ramp on a table and spread about half of all the fountains from one of the big boxes of fireworks. All the little stuff like smoke balls, ground flowers, etc. were set off as well all at once in the box they came in. You get enough heat going and it is one big steady wave of noise,smoke, and light. It was not sane.. :lgjump:

  7. During a coating strip the footware needs to be able to dig through the slick as a bannana peel layers that are not yet broken into a liquified emulsion. I often yell at any and all management or regular kitchen employee when they think they are gonna go walking across my strip job with them kitchen shoes. They know not what they are getting into as it is not zackly same a greased out kitchen envirnoment that they are used to. With grease situation the tread goes through to the hard surface beneith. on strip situation the tread goes through only as deep as the stripping dwell/process will allow that moment. One minute your skating wearing anything and everything but steel clampons and then a few minutes later you might be able to bite right through with many types of shoes.

    I've went down a few times over the years.. My worst was when I ran for a telephone call for a client. When I got to the corner turn to go around behind a counter my foot shot out and bamn it hit the wall with tremendous force. The force was so tremendous that my middle toe was dislocated inside my shoe pointed backwards. While the floor was dwelling I went next door to a chiropractor. The staff was somewhat horrified but they went ahead and xrayed it..Unfortunatley they were not able to work on it so they told me to go to emergency room. I being the commited man I am said nope can't do that and I went back to work and finished stripping and laying finish. About 3 or 4 hour later I finally got home and promptly froze it between ice cubes, sucked up the pain, and clicked it back in place. I cringe thinking about it still to this day. I did it again to another toes a couple year back in the bathroom in the middle of the night...:lgbonk:
