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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Think about bringing in a sweeper truck guy for the lots. It can save you heaps of time...if not use firehose off the hydrants.

    I'd just quote them what day and time work is to commence with a binding signature section after an hourly rate services description area. I put language in mine that allows me to invoice for services completed at days end regardless of project completion.

  2. I guess you answered my question James cause maybe you felt some attachment to the issue I described of some not helping? If that makes for a side note fact than so be it...You alone are responsable for your actions or inaction. The topic of finding or offering solution for this mold problem has not much to do with theory..You either got it or you don't. Doesn't make a hoot of sense to describe the issue again to the forum without offering your supposed solution is what I am saying. If the stance your taking is that of not helping others on this, which would be in contrast of how you usually have been, then I truly feel sorry for you and wish you future health.


    But hey to offer you a inspirational bone and to prevent bridge burning..Please go ahead...Go ahead and make our day. ..double, tripple dog dare ya.. ..you can do it..Is just a little 4 letter word called 'help' :)

  3. Mike, Think he was refering to how Gates took someone elses stuff and tweaked it to be his own wheel. His went faster and more efficient.....whatever the case...

    Mr. Brown, I don't mind helping younger people get there head on straight and point them right direction to better achieve their goals. Business is rough and tough and maybe it will eat him up if he don't hear the facts that them other fellas thought most important to give him. Maybe you failed to recognize that the individuals that did not receive him well deserve honesty of intention/forthrightness. It so happens this group of professionals is about the cream of the crop and he will remember and be thankful for some the sound advice given if he sticks with it. Personally I think his 20 year old drive and ambition and way of going about things is about on track far as maturity goes and he gets point in my book for making apology. Such is not often seen these days in young folks. You on other hand..I don't know.. Have no idea how old you are but I feel a tad offended and think your closing remark is somewhat rude upon this forum...

    Well anyways I am sure you know best how you wish to be received so carry on.. ..God Bless :)

  4. Many calender programs will suffice...I use MS Works Calender as it comes with my computers. Can make multiple calenders for different people or businesses. It shoots up reminders any amount of time prior to job and can set jobs to reoccuring any amount of days apart you like...7 day..14, 30..etc.

    Can even see how long the job will run through a day or over many days.

    There is a few really good free calenders I've used but their names escape me right now as I am part caveman too..

    There is a movie with the caveman coming out now and actually we seen one in the bushes while pulling into Discovery Kingdom yesterday...!! :)

  5. This one not bad with the 4 to 8 oz info..

    Oxygen Bleach-cleaning Tips and Formulas

    I've went up to about 12 oz per gal. along with upwards of a cup each of the tsp and borax. All the black dead stuff just starts foaming and boiling out on verticles..Good stuff..but hey be careful if ya use the borax as it is of course a toxin and can be dangerous to plants, insects, animals, and humans..

    They say hot water activates it to work better but that isn't always readily available less you ask customer to use their bath tub..Not a chemist but I think the squirt of the ammonia based stuff might cause same effect as if using the hotwater.

  6. Matt..look up the 'apple sauce' thread and find the part where I modified it substituting percarb for bleach. Careful with the soap additive mentioned though as the ammonia in it kicks things off pretty good..could blow closed containers and yerself up if ya go nuts with it. Just a good squirt is all ya need.....You can boost the other two ingredients to get you to where you need to be but mix well or use a good nonclogging type application method.

    ...I wanna see that 4k redwood deck..what ya puttin on it?

    p.s.--PC no go with SH

  7. Are they all RS users?. Is this stuff black as usual stuff or is it the more yellowish round spores we get on drives out here in the west?

    Show us some more pics Ken...maybe think about sending sample to a lab or university for testing.

    "I don't know of any strain of mold that can withstand an assualt with 5-6% sodium hypochlorite" ... I've got drives on my street with a black strain that covers real well and then the yellow round ones are mixed in and usually about a quarter in size by time people try to get rid of. Both withstand changing color with 4% dwelling 10 minutes or more and don't come off till hot high pressured at 3k psi.The yellow for sure lasts through the bleach as I have at times had to leave some for a few days when I ran out of heat.

    Maybe too hard to see the black in the first picture but if you look close you can tell each drive right at the garage door are totally black:

    driveway mold

    driveway mold closer

    ..just wonderin if it same stuff.. :)

  8. Surely there will be lots of info forthcoming concerning the ability of professional contractors being able to remove the old stain from the spindles. Am sure also that you'll find such a suitable contractor right here on TGS....

    My brief imput on your project is that wood only needs to be below a certain moisture content before your able to apply most oil based products and it is somewhat frowned on these days to let wood 'weather'. Wood begins to exhibit dimensional changes from day one of exterior installation so the quiker it is protected the better. There is no sound reason to allow damage to wood. The original contractor may have well served you fine considering that the wood will take stain better the second or third time around. Now is the time to do it right with a good penetrating type stain is my feeling.

  9. The darker the board the more the old school tannin moving around in it.

    Since it moves around within the wood and comes come up from even water your best bet is a lite oxalic spray after most of it has leached up and dried after the main cleaning and neutralizing phaze.

    You Eastern folk come out this way you can see whole forests and state parks full of black tannin ..heck we got a stump at Calvaras Big Trees with a stump the size of these decks. They never stain it and thousands of people trapse around on it every year..It'll never give up the ghost in our lifetime. It something like 20' diameter of old school. :)
