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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. This is a hecka old thread but I can't let somethings in it go without having say...

    It is perfectly legal and always has been for a bank to cash a business check for a sole proprietor with 'doing business as' (dba) attached to account. Holds can be placed by a bank based on your standing with them and available funds. Bank tellers also have limits placed on them by the bank or it's computer system (i.e. Merlin) based on their abilities and sometimes the said system is configured more discriminitive at a perticular time. They can automatically deny the cashing ability of the teller and then it is up to the branch manager to like you and/or take a risk with you..

    I have had this issue with BOF a few times over the years and every time I get it staightened out by going up the chain of command. The higher ups know full well there is no such fed guideline as mentioned earlier in this thread. It may apply to corporations,etc. but not sole proprietors and that is the key lingo of the matter.

    As far as reporting goes...that is between you and the irs when you get your 1099's

    p.s. This is how it is in Cali anyways..

  2. still have to lug around an extension cord. The battery doesn't have to be super heavy. Even a motorcycle battery or jetski battery will last a few jobs and can get thrown on the charger when you get home

    If you have enough hose you don't have to worry about the weight of it. Why lift a sprayer setup onto a deck or roof when you can simply use 100 or 200 feet of hose to take you where you need to go

    It ends up being to each their own but personally I wouldn't care for all the chemical that such a hose would be holding. It either has to get sprayed, left in hose, or be allowed to go back into bucket via gravity.

    When my one bucket is empty I go to spiggot (or to bath tub for hot water) on the way to the chemicals in my truck and then back to whatever it is I am spraying. If it is a deck I climb the stairs. Everyones case is different of course but now that I think about it..most of my situations call for having the unit with me.

    I often spray decks, interior carpet, interior concrete locations where leaving a front door open or bringing in a dolly would be way more intrusive and possably considered professionally hokie looking. Besides that... my 4x8 trailer rig already carries a mobile hot pressure washer, various sized autoscrubbers, and burnishers that take up all my space. All chems, spray equipment, and surface cleaner goes in truck bed. I'm maxed out and not carrying another thing less it is a large chem or supply tank..

    p.s. A starting battery's cells get killed usually within a year or less if they are discharged and recharged often. They are meant to stay very close to full charge by way of a charge system.

    Either hook them up to your washer's charge system immedietly after any small period of use to prevent killing them.. Or buy deep cells...

  3. There is no water supply the shurflo pump is pulling the chems out of a pre mix bucket of chems.

    I'll post my pic later of the set up it's nothing extravagant but it gets the jobs done! :cool:

    So two buckets..one to hold equipment, and one to hold mix. Or in Larry's case one tote thingy and one bucket of mix.

    Thing about my 110v is that the location has to have outside power or I have my machine running in order to use it's generator power..aint good for most part except for one less heavy thing to carry around...... Battery version surely is the way to go if your willing to deal with it's weight!!

  4. ......

    BTW, does anyone know where I can get 3/8 hose barb quick connects with shutoffs for my bucketster?

    Although I shut off spray with wand like everyone else there really is a need at times to shut off the supply earlier. I'll at times need to prime pump and is convienant to do so from the quik end with a garden hose, etc. Once it is primed a nice flow of acid or whatever can get me before I have time to stick the wand back on..I suppose I really need a check valve on either of the inlet/outlet to keep the prime after initial startup.

    Here is pic of the simple npt converter from big box store.. (no shutoff) :


  5. Mind you might want to do a test section first but the very best stripper combo I run across was called Aircraft stripper followed by lacquer thinner rinsing.

    That is some major heat and will eat through and destroy many things such as vct... We use it to get years worth of catalyzed paint off warehouse floors of none other than Sherwin Williams.. :)

    Try Jasco Epoxy remover first!!

  6. The sq. ft. result of Russels method would be out of range of other bidders if the rate was towards a higher avg. of around $1.

    In such case of using that method it might not be wise to leave the figures on the table but rather to just leave the end quote amount for the customer.

    Get too much into distractive talk about sq. ft. with customer and then someone's integrity at measuring will come to question and they confused.

    It really in the end is all about customer deciding on the end amount and having a good understanding or expectation of what your doing to their surfaces.

  7. By the way, the panels on this house are 10 ft. Count them from the bottom to the top folks, that's approx 40 feet for all you xjet haters. Oh yeah.... from the ground. 2800 sq ft. 1 hr 40 minutes on this one, well add on the roll out roll up time. Not bad...... and again... no shadows.

    good luck Mike.


    How many gpm flow you running through xjet and what orfice size to get that 40' peak?

    I know I can't consider getting the ratio of chemical you got up there with a downstreamer but am interested in figuring out exactly what orfice size might put me up that high. I am a bit shy of that with running 5gpm and smaller hose bib (? orfice size) as tip. An 0008.0 tip aerosols out on me with too much pressure and haven't yet tried any 0030.0 or 0040.0 sized tips.

    Anyone got the orfice size? With that info I can use nozzle chart to see what it translates into nozzle # for my machine..

  8. In reading back through this I learn so much yet can not decide on pricing...

    Seems Larry is at $.90, Ken at $1.35 , etc., etc. ..

    Some say use 3, some say use 4 as multiplier for railing linear ft...

    Then we got Russell suggesting a rail easy way with his add 6ft. method.

    Works out to 672sq. ft. on Larry's 300' floor spaced (500 tot) deck. So it becomes real easy how sq. ft. price poll is way subjective to methods of guestamating..Russels sq. ft. calculation method would result in a sq.ft price of $.67 cents.....huge differences here..

    I really like the guestamating suggestion mixed with them 5 things to think about in a business model...

    Awesome thread!!

  9. Know what is just as bad as customer fainting is when you faint from hearing what they expected to pay....

    When I ask my own frugal lady to look at something and tell me how much she would pay she comes in anywheres from 32 cent to 80 cent depending on all sorts of irrational ideas like..."the item is worth more..I'de do it myself...well cause it goes up 8 ft. so you would need ladder"..

    AllI can say to her is "ok, go buy a gal of oil and get back to me then"
