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Posts posted by SQUEEKY

  1. John Let Me Tell You I Ordered Some F-13 Gutter Grenade From Pressure Tek... Will Never Look Back. Sprayed On Full Strength On Extremely Dirty Gutters. Rinsed Right Off. Cut It To 10 To 1 Ratio Came Right Off!! My Partner And I Are Completley Stoked About This Product. And Now Have To Figure Out If F-18 Is Better/cheaper Than Hd-80 For Decks..

  2. 1. The center part of a ear of corn. Usually left over after eating the corn.

    2. I guess. I much prefer a deckster, but any HVLP shoudl be fine.

    3. CitraClean - Rowlett. Citrus Cleaner - Sunbrite. BTW, this is what the previous poster meant about experimenting. Just by a good housewash like citrus cleaner and be done. Safe, effective, and relatively cheap.

    One last comment: I think you need to spend some time playing with ratios and figure out how to calculate what is hitting the wall. From your first post, it seems that you don't get that yet, and it is a critical skill for a newbie. Once you've gotten some miles logged, you will be able to eyeball things and tweak you mix accordingly. But for now, learn how to calculate the ratios for your equipment.


    yea just we happen to own a HVLP at the time. glad to be able to put it to further use.

    really have no probs spending the money for the proper chems just hate the shipping issues.

    yea! the last comment is the real deal i'm clueless but determined and have 3-4 houses in my cul-de sac to work on. should be alil closer in a weak or two.

    THANKS Doolittle.

    bty who's that chick yellin in your avatar? she looks familiar

  3. Pro-Force I can't claim to know anything about.

    If you are referring to corn cob as a blasting medium, Jon Fife is the guy to talk to. It is used mostly for restoring log homes. It's like sand blasting, only you are using corn cobs. That might be a bad explaination. Jon will elaborate if he reads this post. I've never done it.

    I don't know of any commercially available products containing sodium metasilicate that you can buy locally. I know some of the more popular housewash formulas contain it. I suppose you could look for a "phosphate free" TSP substitute at Home Depot. These usually contain sodium metasilicate.

    THANKS Ken

    i will look for it.

  4. THANKS Ken yea the dawn or tsp is really irrelevant. what do you know about PRO-FORCE?


    can i use a GRACO paint sprayer for deck refinishing applications?

    "sodium metasilicate. It has a "scrubbing" type of effect and will lift dirt. In my opinion it is a crucial element in a housewash mix"

    what name brand is this chem sold under??

    thanks again

  5. nope if i had it all figured out would not be asking these questions???

    i think you think i'm saying dawn was the solution to my problem i am not saying this?

    did you get the part about me using straight 12% into the down streamer or did you just see the word DAWN and respond?

    I've read a lott of your post ken your very knowledgeable thank you for responding.

    had to settle for a degreasing product i purchased from sams club called

    PRO FORCE any experience using it? mixing it with SH 12%?

    corncob?? your a deck man right?

  6. If your playing chemist with 15% sodium hypochlorite and other chems I wish you luck. Is all the testing and time your spending worth the risks you may be opening yourself up to?

    what guy?? months of research... 1 days to locate chems... and 5 hours cleaning my partners house.. master of my destiny is worth a Lott more time and testing. what about you??

    if you don't have any advice..... please no comments..

  7. Your mix sounds a little weak. I mix 2.5 gallons 12% to 2.5 gallons house wash detergent (Hot water with 1 cup TSP will work also) Total mixture about 6% SH. Yours is probably around 2.5% SH.

    Your equipment and how it is set up is also a huge factor in how well your chemicals are drawing through your injector.

    What do you have? Signature or name please?

    thanks mike i have 13 hp 3750 psi 3.5 gpm northstar with downstream injector. i think you misunderstood? the very last thing we did was inject straight 12% with a lil dawn. came right off.

    there's no list of pressure washing terms on this board is there?

  8. just tryed to edit sig and would not let me said BBcode value is to large or some sh**?

    sorry it was my partners house that we were working on.

    we will be doing roofs also. what is the name of the fungus that grows on roofs?

    i will upload some pics to make sure the black fungus(?) we could not remove is artillary mold?

    thanks for helpin Mike and Chris

  9. ok located a chem supply company purchased sodium hypochlorite.

    owner claims it is 15%? 55 gallon drum $100.00. also purchased 45lb. bag of TSP. @ 65 cents per lb.

    tested 1 gallon 15% to 4 gallons water with 1 cup TSP. down streamed and let dwell for fifteen minutes. did not work?

    after other experiments including the use of DAWN dish detergent we found that just mixing a lil DAWN with straight 15% knocked out all the green mold. but the black artillery mold would not be beat so easily even with scrubbing?

    what did we do wrong?

  10. that is a very good idea Jaime!

    couple of weeks ago i received a flyer from a PW company explaining the benefits and advantages of hiring professional PW's even had scare tactics on the disadvantages of cleaning your own gutters!

    but to me it was wasted paper because of the way it was delivered in flyer form.

    please keep us updated.

  11. hey Kurt glad it was your house?! but what would the liability have been if it were a cust. home?

    was this a result of your workmanship or defective materials applied by another contractor? do you have anything contractually to protect you if you are not at fault?

    luckily this thread has nailed down the possible reasons for this. what methods do you all preform for testing areas??


  12. where to begin?

    first of all let me apologize for my late response had some tech. issues to deal with.

    second i am truly overwhelmed at the professional generosity you have all displayed!!

    it really says a Lott about the power washing industry and the character of people involved in it!

    jgoral76>> thanks will avoid the water broom at all cost.. will start with downstream the try out X-JET.

    R L S>> see above^^will research MOSMATIC.. THANKS

    Paul Kassander>> more hose the better.. I'm sure i will come to love that philosophy. thanks i will prolly take you up on that phone call but will wait till i really need it instead of wasting it on something trivial.

    Don M>>ok now thanks to Grime Dawg i'm lookin at the deWalt 3700psi with 4 gpm?from my research it is not a good idea to buy from big box stores??? i think i'm just gonna get it.. how would the vendors you suggested service my equipment? that is truly my biggest reason for choosing northern tool is the in-house service


    Barry M>>advice taken scratching broom,pitch witch,brush kit,hose reel,surface cleaner and X-JET.will research the whirlaway and wisper wash. do plan on getting belt driven asap.what kinda telescoping pole and brushes do you suggest?what kinda latter do you suggest? insurance is a given for me. advertising will comprise at first, with flyers ive created on photoshop that will be printed by me and delivered by me. will create thread regarding chems asap. yes i do plan on doing roofs any advice?THANKS BARRY

    AC new guy>>what kinda machine/equipment will i need for 2 or 3 story home??why would it be better to X-JET with that particular machine? what is the function of the soap tip? i completely agree with time equals money analysis and hose order has been upgraded.

    looked into the DECKSTER still not sure how it functions? does it distribute chems? at first can decks be done without it and how?

    found some used DICKIES on e-bay.will get real surface cleaner asap. O-rings on the list.have half faced recpiraor and goggles wish i would not have given all my full faced ones i salvaged from the refineries away.GERM-X on the list. spent my money yet??


    CCPC>> WHAT ABOUT 4 GPM INSTEAD? 8010 and 9510 on the list.

    surface cleaner asap. advice taken will master downstreaming before purchasing X-JET. hose has been upgraded will research cox reels. pitch witch has been scratched.what kinda equipment is required to do it right? THANKS!

    doc723>> whats up doc?will 4 gpm be enough? belt brive asap.please explain float tank and bypass? how is a ball valve used? hose has been upgraded and will be non marking. how does the market determine whether to use X-JET or to downstream?


    Washaway>> will listen to others .will research wisper wash classic.


    Keth>> LOOKing like when i purchase the surface cleaner it will be a WW CLASSIC and from PRESSURE TECH. good marketing there keth!will try it undoubtedly with great succses. 2510 tip on the list.


    FCPWLLC>> good point appreciate it!

    Grime Dawg>> thanks man was about to purchase it now im back to square one lol.. where did you purchase yours? will do lotsa research THANKS!

    John Sanford>>the thing is norther tools is my local vendor?its my biggest dilemma right now? THANKS JOHN!

    Scott STONE>>would you purchase a 3750 psi/4 gpm dewalt from home depot?business plan asap. cox must be the best hose reel. funny story about the brushes nothing like laughter to close a deal.

    THANKS for sharing.

    CELESTE>> thanks for the invite do y'all work on weekends? sounds like fun !! sendin this post and callin all at once.


  13. really appreciate all of your experiences!!!

    sorry for the late reply but been dealing with connectivity probs :lgkeyboar ??!!!

    Jeff Robison>> surface cleaner? what kind was it ? what kinda seal did it adversely affect?

    Rod>> good advice. wont have to worry about that till i can train someone.must train myself first.

    Paul Kassander>> thanks Paul really appreciate your generosity and experience!

    CCPC>> wow! that's a biggie. prolly just saved me from stress and loosing $$ thanks!

    CLASSICPW>> lol! don't know what you look like but could imagine the look on your face as it got shinier. so what is your method for cleaning aluminum siding? and what is the max. psi for cedar decks?

    Richard>> holy sh**! final paycheck!! more like final destination for that guy..... good business practice offering the work for free.

    thanks for the experience.

    jbruno>> gutter shock and seal don't mix huh.. or was it that it was newly sealed? thanks

    tbl141>> so how did the 12% react with drive way?LESSON LEARNED DONT EVER PULL ON THE X-JET TRYING TO GET A LITTLE FARTHER, JUST REPOSITION IT. i'm sorry too green to understand?? thanks!

    CarolinaProWash>> thanks Celeste. don't worry i believe strongly in insurance.

    Jeff>> thanks Jeff. you musta been trippin pretty hard when they called back and had water inside!! it seams in your situation the the customer had enough comen sense to understand that it was poor workmanship by the camera contractor. but what if he/she were a pin head and went after you? would you have to hire an inspector to determine whose at fault? which brings me to my question about stipulating such a thing in your contract? do you or anyone else have any kinda language in your contract to cover your a$$ in this kinda situation???

    R L S>> i've seen a flex lance @ 10,000 psi enter and exit 6 times through both legs of this poor fella.. hope it was not that bad!

    Rod>> funny you show up to clean ans your soiling the place! if you cleaned it up what was the H.O. prob?

    Rfitz>> that sucks man, poor kids huh.. look at it this way at least you got karma points for puttin a little food in the kids mouth as long as you could...


    anybody care to share a sample contract with me?
