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Posts posted by tbl141

  1. I was reading in another post about foamers and was thinking about the application for residential washing .The benefits seem pretty good with longer dwell time, less water runoff and it seems like less chemical use.It also seems like a pretty good marketing niche for lower pressure washing.

    Anyone do this or can give the pros and cons thanks.

  2. I have used these products with a lot of success. I prefer to support my local powerwasher supply house but they keep bankers hours and i look for alternatives when they are closed . The northern brands are great I like the choice between picking up a gallon for speciality jobs or 5 for larger jobs , my powerwasher supply house only selly 5 gallon and larger.

  3. I am in law enforcement and understand the need to defend your self.

    there are very few instances where i have to go hands on but I rely on my verbal judo skills . Just about any situation can be talked down .I live in Macon Ga.which means that there is a pretty good chance of someone coming up wanting a dollar or having plans of walking away with your equipment. Just remember that all of it can be replaced and just be a good witness for the police .

  4. I spilled 12% on a customers driveway ,well drive way is not the word ,it should have its own interstate designation ended up cleaning the area for free . Should have seen the guys face when he got home and found his clean driveway the first words out of his mouth was this was not in the contract. I told him that the house wash came out so great that i felt cleaning the driveway would highlight the job. then i confessed. LESSON LEARNED DONT EVER PULL ON THE X-JET TRYING TO GET A LITTLE FARTHER, JUST REPOSITION IT.

  5. Good evening all,

    I have visited this site several times in the past and really enjoyed the information shared.I have been p-washing for a little over a year as an independent owner ,before that i was in a partnership.

    I am looking forward to learning a great deal more in the future. I am part time washing in the macon area and full time with the local police department. I enjoy brainstorming so if there is any thing that I can help with let me know. Josh Sanderson

    M&C Pressure Washing

    Macon Georgia

