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Posts posted by Dave222

  1. It works.... There are a bunch of tricks to getting ranked correctly so that people will see you. I am really now just learning and there is a bunch to it. If you are going to do it, do some reading and hire someone who knows the shortcut type tricks. It seems like it will pay for itself. I am in the yellow pages now. I use it and I think people still do to some degree but it will go away

  2. LOL.... Thanks for the visual on the nose coffee.... ANd for the real world application of eficacy of SH

    AND...everyone in the business knows that feather dusters are out and "Swiffer" is in....These people need to keep up with their infomercials....I was lucky enough to be one of the first 100 callers and got that extension that allows me to clean my ceiling fan....

  3. Trying to be tactful and give people the benefit of the doubt.I don't believe it either. But you never know, so rather than put my foot in my mouth I'll give them the opportunity to back up their statement.

    I mean that site is not much more than a PR Newswire of janitorial. Read the list of other topics, "how to keep feather dusters fluffy".Not much meat there for me.

    I think they were trying to let people of other trades know about roof cleaning so people might see the revenue stream and take their class.

    I speculate a silent response unless it is a response without a technical bulletein.


    How to keep feather dusters fluffy? haaaagghghgh I shot coffe out of my friggin' nose................. It actually hurts to do that...

    I am so glad to have found this website and particularly the roof cleaning forum....

    I was sucked in to the swirling marketing machine that is "roof a cide" and others....Thank God I spent some time doing reading and research and did not go forward with that plan......Nothing against them because they seem to be doing ok....I just did not have that up front money they require and, as I read more every day, using S. Hydroxide just does not seem to be very efficient as far as labor and productivity........
