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Everything posted by Tegrey

  1. Beth, We are lucky that we belong to an organization that helped us grow. (PDCA) We found the small problems that become large and the list goes on. As far as the question, In reality we are as stable this year as we were 5 years ago? Yes. With a business plan, we knew what we needed to do do overcome some of the problems we have today. We knew the equipment and man power to grow on. Raise prices as needed and do the right thing. Of course we did not do everything right. But enough to move on and continue to grow. That is a very good question we all must answer from time to time. Thank You.
  2. Quickbooks?

    We have been using QB Pro for 9 yrs. It save us much $ Not having a program is like putting your $ in a cigar box? it is worth every penny. Thank You.
  3. Competitors Ad

    Copgib, I'd have them come out to your home or a friend and ask for a bid on site. Include everything they quoted. Then ask for insurance papers, credit cards accepted etc. If they are legitimate, they will be out of business soon. I din't believe they will even come out?
  4. Three times already this year

    Len, I'd give them a seperate estimate, based on labor. 75% for stripping 25% on Staining. Or as needed. I don't have any problem breaking down a job like that. If I feel they want to stain the deck, I'd price the stripping higher then it would be with both included. Make more money by breaking it down. Ex: If I Strip & Stain, =$1500. Strip only =$850. Stain only = $850. I'd tell them it's more because I have to set up for a smaller job. If they don't like it , so be it. Nothing loss. Hope this helps.
  5. Credit Cards

    We've taken MC & Visa for about 5 years. It adds to the bottom line. Pays for itself. Sets us apart. Thank You.
  6. Dan, I believe you missed my point. Painting is along way from flushed down the toilet. Of course there are lowballers. We have them here, called WalMart! Any type of business requires the proper equipment. Would you start a PWing business with a HD PWer? Putting out 3/4 gpm.? You might, but it's going to be a slow climb to the top. The equipment in your business is what will grow you. If you cannot afford the equipment don't do it. If your selling to Forbs 500 Cos. and cannot afford a suit, do something else or borrow a suit till you can afford one. The painters you refer to that cannot afford a decent ladder will not be in business long, unless they progress. We bought our equipment one piece at a time. We sold our jobs based on what we had to work with and so on. Growing your business is what it is all about. Most of all, the low baller is not our competition anyways. They are not in the same category and skills we provide or can give Value to the customer as we do. Sorry, I'm off the topic. The pressure washing industry is very powerful. There are many companys making large sums of money and growing there business. They are driving the caddies and hummers. They have all the latest equipment and the best employees. You don't see them or hear of them, but they are there. The rest of the industry needs to work together to grow. No one company can do this. Just like the RT's popping up everywhere. Not one has all the answers. Not one can make your business grow. You need to decide which is offering you the most education and bang for your buck. The pressure washing industry is better then before. It is growing and will continue to grow. There are serious problems and need to be addressed. If you or any one else feels the end is near, they should do something else quickly. Don't drag the good contractors trying to build their business into the mud. If anyone doesn't feel positive, why are they here? Thank You.
  7. Daniel, You bring up a good point. You speak of the demise of the pressure washing industry. The low prices driving competitors to non existing. You answered your own question. The PDCA. I am a member and have been for 9 years. Our business grows every year. We are small, by choice, but profitable. Why? The painting businesses realized in 1884 that united together the industry would be stronger. They developed educational materials, networking, business plans, National Standards, Accreditation etc. The list is way to long to list here. Check out PDCA - The Voice of the Professional Painting and Decorating Contractor - - - - - PDCA...Your "Partner In Profit" you will see what I am saying is true. Now as far as any industry going broke? Many do. Why? They do not unite, constantly bicker among theirselves, work against one another, worry that some other company will find out THEIR SECRETS. Again I could go on and on. Look around. Do you see people working together? Do you see the problems I mentioned? If you do, it better get corrected or we will be out of business. The industry will not go away. It will only get weaker. I don't believe having a RT on every block will solve anything. It is when we have a National RT with 300 attendees that will make adifference. 30 contractors will not solve any problem, except their own. 300 will make a difference. I attend a PDCA RT every year with as many as 120 contractors sharing ideas and information. It is amazing. The first year I came home with 670 pages of information. How can you put a price on that? Do I think PWing will go away? No. Do I think it will get better? It is up to us. My 2 cents. Thank You
  8. Red brick cleaner?

    Prosoco carrys a full line of products.
  9. Closing Rate

    plainpainter, That would be a national average on calls that are not previous customers and old customer referals. 30% would be new calls from the advertisement you do. Thank You.
  10. Of course we would try it. We have been fortunate enough to test many products. If it is new on the market, it had to be tested somewhere. You could always tell the customer it is a new product and if it fails you'd re do it. Thats service. Thank You.
  11. Closing Rate

    Our closing rate is 80-90%, due to History and Service. We have 10 years behind us and do the job as requested. 80%+ are referals. Thank You.
  12. Average age at start up

    You folks 40's! You are old. LOL I did 30+ yrs in printing. We started our painting business in 1997 and got serious about PWing the last two yrs. I am only 56 yrs. young. Kinda happy that my play days are not as active. Just serious about our business. I don't post about Beer & Babes. Only how to clean them and make money from them! LOL
  13. This is cute!

    I wish I had the time to teach our dog to sit up! LOL
  14. Wierd Vinyl

    Doug, One idea. The fading was probably caused by something blocking the sun from it over a period of time? You cannot remove it. It will fade even on it's own. Flood's Restora may be used, If it is not light siding and cleaned properly. This may balance the siding. I would only do one side and test an area before. This could be a problem if done improper or on light siding. Hope this helps. Thank You.
  15. Spray tip?

    rj242, Each product will have this info listed on the can, or check out the product info sheet. It will list tip size, etc. Start here, then you may go up or down for your use. Thank You.
  16. Do you Accept Credit Card?

    Dane, We have had MC & Visa for about 5 years. Expensive and not too many use it. However it is one more item which sets your company apart from the others. If you are able to get work by having it, I'd look into it. Thank You.
  17. Who's Ready

    Our vehicles and equipment is always ready. Bob Williamson is adding a bandit to our rig now. Soon as the weather breaks, Let's do it! We have 2 months of exterior painting & PWing ready to do. Lousey weather today and the rest of the week.
  18. Managing our industry

    anthony,We'll keep it going! LOLAdrian,I enjoyed your comments about the King & Queen pins! I always thought I knew who was the biggest & best in the painting business. I met folks who have 250 employees, bring in 6 million a year, paint Disneyland. I soon found out, they are only in a different group then me. They are only a few of what is really out there! It is un believable how much some companys bring in on PWing alone. It would be in the millions. There are people who have more employees then we could imagine. The people you speak of are the best we know of. I'm sure they would admit there is always some one bigger and more prosperous than they are. We are very lucky they are willing to share with us. Their experience and knowledge will better us all. I thank them for letting us be part of their lives.
  19. Managing our industry

    I've already added my 2 cents. I'd like to add a couple more. When you restrict who gets to add anything to a site as this, you may be hurting everyone. Remember, where did you start? Did you know what you know now, or make the money you make now? Based on what you have learned from this site and others, how are you doing today vs. yesterday? We all started somewhere other than where we are today. A board specifying who may speak, or what may be said is a dead end. Even the new person starting out, may have the right question to make your company grow. Do you think it may be good to help the lowest company in our hierarchy to become better? They will learn and grow, able to charge the right price. Make their company stronger and we all grow. It is said we don't trust posters because they will steal our information. Where did we get the information? I know I'm not that smart to know everything. We all have trade secrets don't we? That is not bad. Keeping basic secrets on what equipment or products we use cannot help anyone. If I were a Vendor and the site I paid for good advertising were to close down everything except to the BEST, I'd go somewhere else. Does any Vendor discriminate who buys from them? I am aware what you want to do. I agree we learn more from the best businesses. I find the answer to this is to surround myself with the best company. Having a specific group is possible. There are many out there right now. I would associate myself with the best. Maybe start a new group of businesses who meet your criteria. Charge a fee to belong and disseminate information only for the group. This is very possible. It would be powerful and you would grow. Getting the very best and doing the best does exist. I believe it is called MENSA. I do not belong because I don't meet their criteria! LOL Welcomes people from every walk of life whose IQ is in the top 2% of the population, with the objective of enjoying each other's company and participating in a ... Thank You.
  20. Managing our industry

    anthony, I may be wrong, but. I have learnd allot from what we call "trunk slammers" in the painting business. If you watch your copmpetitors, you will learn. You may learn the right way, or the wrong way. This is for you to determin. If you set up a Board of Professionals, you may lose some folks. They may look at the board as to high to reach. I have friends who do 6 million in painting. I don't believe they have all the answers. I also have friends who are a one man shop, making allot less. They also answer questions for me. I totally agree that this site is very professional. I enjoy the info shared and sharing ideas with people who take their business very serious. Talking about who got drunk or who got sick doesn't interest me. This is kids play and nothing to do with my business. I believe the additions to this site are watched over? I know there is money invested and I'm sure it needs to be kept clean and professional to grow? You do have a great idea. My 2 cents. Thank You.
  21. what is a business worth?

    I agree with Ken. Your business is only worth what you can prove it is worth. The amount of money you brought in last year is worthless this year. A friend of mine sold his business. He had to show what customers were guaranteed, where his money is and basically what he is worth. Having 100 jobs lined up this year are only worth what you complete of them. Unless provisions are set in place, the jobs I retain from buying your business are worthless. You need lots of paper work, signed and approved for a different owner. Being able to prove what you are worth is probably the hardest thing you can do as a company owner. I would work with a professional in this area if I were serious about buying or selling a business. I'd hate to spend $100.000 and find the business is only worth $100. We tell our customers to hire a professional, but we sometimes forget to do this ourselves. Thank You.
  22. Thank You! Happy Holidays.

    Christmas Shoes Merry Christmas Folks. Thank you for sharing your ideas this past year. We have gained a wealth of information and have all grown our business do to our sharing. Giving of ourselve throughout the year makes us better contractors. We grow, gain business and become better at what we do. We are learning that keeping our knowledge to ourselves is good. Sharing with our Brothers & Sisters makes us all Great. We hope to help others this coming year and truly appreciate you for doing the same. Thank You.
  23. The 24 -Carrot Manager by Gostick & Elton, The Education of an Accidental CEO by David Novak. Both good business books.
  24. Thank You! Happy Holidays.

    David, Normal! 20degrees snowing with 40mph winds! Or 50degrees and sunny. Depends what time of day! LOL
  25. The closest thing to an acid trip...

    Rod! As we said in the 60's. Cool Man! I never did acid. Thank you for opening (weirding) my eyes! LOL