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Everything posted by Tegrey

  1. shotgun mold

    Clell, This is very predominate in Ohio. To the best of my knowledge, you cannot completely remove the mold. The top layer will be removed by pressure or scraping. Left is a residue. This will lighten but will not be completely removed. Maybe someone else has had better luck.. Thank You.
  2. Pick a Winner! (Decks)

    Russell, It would be nice if we had a better view of the decks. It's hard to tell how much work and the degree of difficulty each deck was. Each looks to have quite a bit of work and the finishes all look great. Is it possible to see before and after shots? They are all winners. Thank You.
  3. We use all of Flood's products. There new Solid Color, deck & siding finish, urethane modified, white stain is awsome. Here are a few picts. The product is guaranteed for 5 yrs. on decks and 15 on siding. We are very happy and it is very white. Hope this helps. Thank You.
  4. We looked into PW because: It is the right thing to do. Our painting business is doing well, we have good employees and want to work the easiest and best way. Learning how to powerwash to us is, cleaning the substrate with the least effort, while maintaining the surface. We never heard of some of the chemicals and equipment till we heard from the real PWers. The intelligents and use of proper equipment put us into a new catagorie of PWer. The professionals on this and other sites should be proud. This is more than a job, it's a way of life! :lgangel: As in painting, anyone can PW, but not everyone is a true PWer. Thank You.
  5. Hiring Illegals

    One thing I see is there is a definite shortage of workers. There are so many jobs available, no one would have to be out of work. Look at all the help wanted signs. In Ohio, far north, filled with Mexicans, central and south americans. Chicago is filled with Polish. All over the country there are people from other countries working. Why? Look at unemployment numbers. White, hispanic and black americans laid off & cannot find a job? Why? I have and would work for less money to get a better job. I know you have to sacrifice to get ahead. Too many folks think they are worth alot more than they really are. Would you hire someone telling you they want $20.00 /hr. just because they said they were worth that? We should get the companies that hire the illigals and close them down.. This means the huge corporations who find ways to conceal cheap labor. Hoover Company who has been sold three times since owned by Hoovers is now owned by a Chinese company! Guess what, the jobs will soon be in China, or not at all. Think about that the next time you buy the cheap Hoover sweeper.
  6. Hiring Illegals

    Legal workers are great. Foreign workers are great. We need them for all the work that American feel is below their standards. We must fill the jobs that Americans cannot handle. However, Illegals should be prosecuted and back where ever they came from plus fined whatever the law allows. Most of all the companies should be fined as much as the law allows. If we have to, put them out of business. This is one reason our system is having soo many problems and Americans suffer. Thank You.
  7. Bottom Line is....

    I agree with FCPWLLC, The Value for the customers dollar is what it is about. Unfortunatly there are many more price shoppers than folks who realize the Value. As with our painting business, we shop our customers. We don't lower prices, use inferior materials, etc. We charge more than average, do less work than alot of companys, BUT make more money. We feel the LOW Ballers our not our competition. They are usually out of work after an attempt to do what we do. Sell Your Service. Thank You. Quality-Service-Price
  8. Bottom Line is....

    Rfitz, I believe you are correct. Most service people are looked at a sub standard living. We all want the very best service, quality and price! Anyone can buy a cheap PWer and spray off their deck. Anyone can paint, etc. It is up to us to educate the public. An old History teacher once taught me" The masses are ******". He was correct. We see it daily. By learning what we need to properly run our businesses and build in a profit, we will survive. We must learn about our businesses and our customers. Get a hold on who we are and what we want. If we want to complete a project, spend the cash on a brew or two, so be it. If we grow our company, present ourselves in a professional manner, we will survive. We raise our prices, sometimes more than once a year. All based on our cost and profit plan. Thank You.
  9. Restora

    Restora does not crack, peel. Covered in the warrenty on the label. However it does fade away over a period of time. Kind of like eating a McDonalds hamber. You eat it, its gone get another one. We'll Restore siding every four or five years if applicable. The cost of getting on ladders is very inexpensive compared to the income of the project. If I complete a project get a few hundred dollars I get my cost per hr. for the company. I charge the same for time as I would if I get on a ladder or stand on the ground. Having more hrs. per year is how we make more money. I know we couldn't keep six full time employees busy PWing, but adding on the rest of our work, I sometimes think we need more employees. I pay low WC based on the PDCA rating, Group rate. 90% Reduction. Everyone is trained for all our work On the Ground or 50' up. We found that Restora is our most profitable part of our business. Thank You.
  10. I'm shocked! Low Insurance, Low Inc. High College. What gives? The value of being incorporated, the low Insurance for your future safety and employees safety? It should be added: Who pays employees under the table? I wouldn't sign though. Uncle Sam is watching. Thank You.
  11. Restora

    Jnoden, The time of Restora is forever! It will never crack, peel or blister, *see product label for details. LOL, Seriously, I believe the product only fades away over the years, based on locality. Hopefully one of the Flood folks will verify my information. In the North where I'm located, I usually base in on about 4-5 years. Then we will happily re finish the siding again. In hot sunny areas, time would be less due to UV rays. Correct? Presently our oldest project is two years old and looks great. This House front is a freebee for one customer. Just to get future work with Restora and advertisement. Thank You.
  12. What did you do before becoming a Pw'er?

    Many amazing folks out there! Thank You for sharing. I worked in Printing. 30 yrs. I'm old by some standards! LOL Had a great trade. Got tired and wanted to learn a way to make me money. After being a Milkman, Fireman, Salesman, etc. ended up in painting. My wife and I built our business from a trunk slammer to being profitable and educated in our sellected field. Were very active in the PDCA. Presently Chapter President, Incoming Council President National Board member. My wife Peggy has just been named the Spouse contractor of the year, for Cleaning Times Magazine. She is an amazing women and deserves all the recognition possible. We eliminated Tub & Tile refinishing and decided to learn the right way to power wash! Joining PWNA and speaking with intelligent PW'ers is a great start. We want to be profitable and do the right thing in our PW business. Here is truly a good place to do just that. We Thank You.
  13. Restora

    Steve I'm sorry for not remembering you. I'm sure as soon as I see you, I will remember you. Old age does funny things! The price for shutters, about what the market will bear. We try to stay about $15-20 per shutter. Depends on height and how bad they are. If you have faded and very dirty shutters and dirty siding, always clean the siding as well. Eliminate streaks and looks great. You will save problems in the future. We always try to sell the complete home. We are trying to sell some Winter work as well. Bring the shutters into our shop, clean and Restora. It would be great to handle about 1,000 per week! LOL We keep fives of cleaner and Restora on hand. The kits are great, but if ya want to produce ya gotta have the goods! I would like to order larger amounts next year. Hopefully we will need a low boy. One good idea is keep a sample shutter with you. You can show anybody anytime. Gas station, grocery store, etc. Keep track of your time for cleaning and refinishing. This is valuable for future cost. Thank You.
  14. Restora

    Here is a pix of area we Restored then the wood pile was removed! We are fixing it today. Thank You.
  15. Restora

    Scarter, Nice to hear from the South. I'm in Ohio. We are users of Flood and appreciate your generosity. Helping contractors being more profitable. We work with all the great folks at Flood, Hudson and will continue to do so. They are making us a better company. Our experience with Restora, the most profitable product we use! Being a painting company helps, but most PW companies should be able to adapt quickly. If they don't mind the ladders. Hope to meet you soon. Keep up the Great work.
  16. Oxidized Vinyl Siding

    Squeeky, We pretty much charge by T & M. As a painting company, our hourly rate plus materials, covers everything. We are pushing the button on power washing next Spring. We have to learn alot between now and then though. Learning from the experienced folks here is really an eye opener. I know there are many facets of cleaning a substrate and we want to do it the right way. Using Restora is a very good way, especially PWers to extent their business. Your not obligated to hrs. of prep work and the results are profits. The finish for Siding should be Lo-Luster. Nice but not brilliant. The shutters are finished in Gloss. Nice and Brilliant. The home is completly renewed if done properly. Thank You.
  17. Oxidized Vinyl Siding

    Jnoden, Oxidation is easily removed from siding. We are fans of Flood Restora. This requires removing oxidation before application of the Restora. We are using their Vinyl Cleaner to accomplish this. Siding over 20 years old, however may be a problem for Restora. We still clean all siding with their vinyl cleaner. This should eliminate any problems you may have with oxidation.
  18. Restora

    JTrenta, You are right. As a power washing company the cost of application would be high. For a painting company as ours, we find the Restora very profitable. We apply paint with all the same moves. However we don't worry about most problems attributed with painting vs. applying Restora. As of next year, we hope to devote 10% - 20% of our business to Restora application. Our overhead and labor are less with Restora vs. painting. The cost per gallon is always passed onto the client. The cost for materials are passed onto the client. Using Restora, for complete homes or shutters, is definantly a plus for us. The field of vinyl restoration is wide open. Thank You.
  19. Restora

    Nice to hear the Restora is making the NEWS. We have been using the product for a few years now. The semi is for Shutters, Lo Luster for siding. The Quick of it. Clean the vinyl completly. We prefer their cleaner. Allow to dry. Apply Restora. We prefer Brush and roll vs. Spray. Very nice and well worth the $$. We have a few homes planned early Spring already. We could only complete three this year. Due to late start. I would highly recommend trying Restora in your area. Spread the good word. If I might answer any questions Please feel free to ask. Thank You.
  20. New Kid on the Block!

    You folks are what it is all about. I read as much as possible, and try to follow the latest posts daily. As you all are, we are busy getting the nice weather work done before Old Man Winter shows up. My question is: How do we learn what we need, to be a Great Power washing company, continue to run our company, get more involved in our power washing business, still maintain our level of work. Six employees, 5-6 days a week, 8-10 hrs. a day. We really cannot afford to stop to learn and grow as we need to, to be better at power washing.. This Winter we will spend more time learning and being involved in what we need to. Any suggestions for growing our power washing business would be helpful. Thank You.
  21. New, First Post

    Hi Folks, We are new here and would like to learn from your experiences. Hopefully we may add a few of our own. The Forums look very interesting and the knowledge is outstanding. We are a painting contractor / Deck refinishing, family owned and operated Company. In our 10th year. Looking forward to many more. Thank You.
  22. New, First Post

    Looking at this site is heart warming! The chemicals and equipment is a welcome site for me. I have been doing too many jobs the hard way. Where do I start. LOL I need to start working more hrs. I guess. Thank You.