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Posts posted by NewYorkBoraPL

  1. By double boosted I meant that it basically needed to be stripped more than once with a boosted SH solution. It was my first acrylic so that being said I definitely undercharged it. You learn from your mistakes and take those lessons with you onto your next jobs. A nice side to it is that its great for the portfolio, website, and if I ever get another acrylic strip I can justify the labor price to the HO with some photos.

  2. Matt,

    I would be real careful on this job before quoting a price. At minimum, test out some hot stripper mixes to see if you can remove most of that old acrylic without sanding for days.

    I could vouch for that. Matt, that last acrylic job I did required alot of sanding. If the rails are covered in acrylic as well it may be cheaper to just replace them. Luckily my last job did not have acrylic on all of the rails, just one section. Even with two coats of boosted hd there were many resilient spots which needed to be sanded. BTW, your message inbox is full and I could not respond to your previous messages. Good luck with the bids!

  3. It was somewhat still drying in those pictures, this wood was very thirsty for stain after I did a small section I realized I needed to apply more. I may have over applied in some sections as I needed to wipe it down with some mineral spirits in some places. After so much striping and sanding it felt like the wood really needed a lot more stain than expected. I used about 12 gallons and my estimate was 10 gallons.

  4. Cars which switch to using biodiesels and ethanol fuels need a change in their injection pulse widths and ignition spark timings. They usually get their cars "chipped" which changes these parameters. However this is in regards to fuel injected motors. Im no guru in carburated engines but they would inevitably need some sore of retune as well. Ethanol fuel consumption is rated as a higher octane fuel but in order to achieve similar results to gasoline it must be consumed at a greater rate of roughly 30 percent.

  5. Not only did it laught at me..it also called me names in the process.


    This is after a very juicy coat of boosted hd-80(boosted with RV antifreeze)

    The boosted version of the stripper sure took a lot more off, id say there is still aroun 20 percent of stain left on the overall deck. I also covered the deck with plastic drop cloths to prevent the hd 80 from drying up to quickly. Im debating if I should give it a go with another coat of hd80 or if I should use a floor sander for the rest of the job. Its gonna need deferring regardless. On a side note thumbs up to the people who have dealt with acrylic situations and left some very useful information in previous threads, thumbs up to the grime scene and its founders(Beth and Rod), and to Russel over at extreme solutions for great products/customer support.

  6. So I went to work today and the pole broke on my first performance.....nevertheless, Candy still performed well...

    On to the real matter. I am working on a cedar deck with a stain on it which is definitely not oil based. I used HD-80 at 6 ounces per gallon with ridiculously long dwell times and the stain barely budged. It does not remove like a normal oil based and in a way almost peels off after rinsing with some pressure. I have some pictures and will get them up shortly, as for now any ideas on what kind of crap is on this deck?

  7. I went to an estimate today and the potential clients thought they would save themselves some funds if their relative pressure cleaned their deck for them and a contractor sealed/stained it. Nevertheless, this relative used an excess of pressure and this can be seen on the wood. There are "fuzzies" on the wood which you can see with the naked eye and feel with your fingers.

    *Am I wishfully thinking that a caustic stripper like HD-80 will remove these loose wood particles or will this deck have to be sanded?

  8. Is the motor starving for fuel of dying while this is happening? My best advice would be to drain the gas tank, pull it off, and clean it out. You could possibly have debris in there which is leading to a clog elsewhere. Then check out the carburetor. Make sure there is no garbage floating around in there and then clean out the fuel lines. It’s no big deal, these engines are very simple and straight forward in there situation.

  9. No after pictures just because it did not budge. HD 80 seemed as if it was taking it off but when it dried it was back to square one. Magic eraser was torn apart to shreds after a couple of minutes of usage as well. This stuff is lethal. Thank God I let the HO know before hand I can not promise him that it will come off. He was very respectful about the situation and even gave me a monetary tip for trying to get it out with so many different techniques.
