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anthony szabo

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Status Updates posted by anthony szabo

  1. Hey Ron,

    You bet I will be there, its to close to home to miss even if 10 people show up. I have a few side dates with some good friends in the three days of the show. I also have a informal business meeting with Pete M. also. Are you plan on attending?

  2. good to here from you Beth. Our year is full of work but the profits are down and expenses are high. Its kinda like working for free. I do have to say now the economy is now and has been effecting us. In years past we were just fine until this year hit. Had a lost of my father in law suddenly and Deb and I are having a tough time with him being gone. Kinda losing focus on business a bit, we both have a empty hole inside and we can't find a way to fill the void of her Father.

    Sorry to cry on your shoulders, but the year kinda Sucks! and I'm a bit lost.

    I would hope things are of a brighter note for you and Rod! Thanks for the message

