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Doug Dahlke

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Posts posted by Doug Dahlke

  1. The gutters I used it on were very dirty and I brushed it on at 4:1. Let it dwell a minute and brushed some on again. Rinsed well and that did the trick. There were a couple gutters too high for me to brush and I x-jetted those with what was left of the same 4:1 mix. That would put it at about 8:1 on those gutters. Had to hit them a few times at that ratio but they came almost as clean as the brushed gutters. I used the same method on a house last Thursday. Filthy gutters. When the guy next door came home and saw the gutters on that house he hired me to do his.

  2. If you use a lift watch out for those power lines. I quoted a job very similiar to this. Have not heard back on it yet but did tell the church that a lift may be needed. Power lines around that steeple too so if I get the job I will x-jet over the side first and see what happens. With high voltage lines so close I would rather stay away from the lift.

  3. The use of SH here in Georgia is a necessity. Lots of mold and mildew. If I had to hand apply it in every area on a house that needed it I would not be in this business. To date I have not had a customer complain about dead plants or sick pets. I have pets and use SH on my own house. Rinse plants well before applying chems and focus your spray on the house. On lower levels of a home I use a 6' wand and a chem tip. You can get very close to the wall and get a good ways up without getting too much stuff on the plants. Rinse thoroughly and you should be fine. I also do some painting. Today I am doing a stucco house that I washed a week ago and SH at about 1.5% was part of the mix. No residue on the house but I rinse well.

  4. I used Gutter Grenade for the first time today and will be ordering more. The house I did was washed last year by someone else. The customer said it was dirtier now than before it was washed a year ago. The customer complained the windows were left streaked and the gutters were never cleaned even though that was part of the job. The guy said he would come back to do them but never did. My price was almost 80% higher than what he paid before but he was very pleased with the house when I was finished and the Gutter Grenade brought most of the gutters back to white. Hopefully this will get me some more work in this subdivision. Do good work and charge for it. People will be happy to pay for it when they see what you can do.

  5. If I can figure out how to change the file size on my pictures I'll post some of this project. The place has been somewhat neglected and killing grass won't be much of an issue. The thought of buying a Deckster or Bleach Bandit for this has crossed my mind. At this point in my business I'm trying to get money into the bank so I make due with what I have as much as possible.

  6. I went to look at this job yesterday. I counted somewhere between 550 and 600 markers in various sizes. I think I will use Safe Restore if I get the job. I will e-mail EcoChem some photos tomorrow to get an idea of how long on average it will take to clean one marker and price the job accordingly. Some of these stones have 170 years of dirt on them and can't even be read. Before I left there I had to spend a few minutes just looking around. There was one guy buried there who fought in the Revolutionary War. A lot of Civil War graves and some just marked with a block of stone and nothing else. A lot of history there.

  7. I have used the proportioners but found two downsides to that. One is that, due to my own stupidity, I sometimes forget from job to job that I have one in there. The result is I dilute something I don't want to until my brain engages and I realize the proportioner is still in. The other is that when you pull the hose out of whatever you are using the chemical in the line is full strength. I once accidentally pulled the line out of a bucket of concrete cleaner with hydrochloric acid in it. Before I knew what I had done the hose was on a new driveway and the stuff that came out of the hose left a mark on the concrete. If I had already diluted the chem and not used the proportioner spills become much less of an issue.

  8. We're talking about God here. If you could understand everything about him what kind of God would he be? When we were all children there were things our parents couldn't explain to us until we were older becuase we at that point in life simply could not understand or comprehend them.

    I held many of the same views others have stated in this thread until I read the entire bible myself. The more I read it the more it makes sense. Will I ever understand all of the Bible or God's plan while on earth? No. One thing I do know. There have been more than a few weill educated people who set out to disprove Christ's resurrection only to end up becoming Christians. Read the "Case For Christ" to hear one story.

  9. Okay, let me resurrect this thread. I received a call today from a church that I have recently quoted cleaning. They want me to quote cleaning the cemmetary next to the church. I need to get back out there for the specifics but can anyone give any idea how to price this thing? If I remember correctly the cemmetary is not that big. There are some very old monuments there, the earliest dating to 1835. I certainly don't want to damage anything. Any help / ideas would be appreciated.

  10. I agree the pursuit of truth is fine no matter where it leads. My point is that this discovery is not what it is being hyped up to be. It is a nearly three decade old find that has previously been documented by scholars with much higher credentials that James Cameron. This is being promoted by people with an agenda that is anti-christian. They don't want to know the truth. They want to discredit Christianity by lies, deception and half truths. It amazes me that some people who claim they do not believe in Jesus will work so hard to try and discredit him. If there was no Christ or he wasn't who he said he was then why all the fuss? Do they get as upset when someone mentions Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?

  11. They also fail to mention that this tomb was "discovered" 27 years ago in 1980. A few years ago there was a burial box found with the inscription, James brother of Jesus. It was later labeled as a hoax. Gues who discovered the tomb of Jesus. The same guy who discovered the fake James burial box.

  12. Started college at 17 quit at 18. Got a job moved out of the house and didn't regret not getting my degree until my mid 30's. Learned alot through Hard Knock U and I agree with others that a classroom isn't the only place to get an education. Still I have tried to encourage my kids to go to college because having the sheepskin can only help you later in life.

  13. I have not done a building that large but it seems to me you will have a hard time hitting the columns without getting your solution on other parts of the building. I would vote with Jarrod and either clean all of it or if you only want to do the columns, you may have to brush the cleaning solution on to keep it off of the adjacent surface.
