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Doug Dahlke

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Posts posted by Doug Dahlke

  1. I have been bust with PW and painting. Have 5 decks lined up that we can hopefully get to next week if the rain holds off. Washing two houses today one for paint prep that we will start painting tomorrow. Other washes lined up for next week. Just sent out letters to all my customers and had the website updated. Hope the work keeps coming.

  2. I did a house this year with a koi pond less than two feet from the back of the house. I covered it up but told the HO I would make no guarantees on the fish survival because being that close to the house some run off might get in there even with it covered. My son did some work out there a week later and the fish were still swimming.

  3. Happens to me all the time. People want the house done but not the concrete. A customer I did a house wash for a few months back called and wanted a quote on the driveway two days after I did the house. When I went back out there you could see where someone had tried to clean a small section with a wand. I assume they finished the job themselves because they didn't call me back to do it.
