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Doug Dahlke

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Posts posted by Doug Dahlke

  1. I will be voting for "none of the above". Jeff said that Romney has changed postions to say what people want to hear. I agree but so have all the others. Lets face it folks these politicians float trial balloons and conduct polls so that they can say what you want to hear to get elected. Once in office they do what they want.

    I will not vote against one candidate or for the lesser of two evils. My vote will go for a third party candidate that better represents my views and what this country was meant to be when founded.

  2. I don't think a house wash mix will clean the roof unless your apply 4 to 6% bleach to the walls with your mix.

    I've washed alot of dormers and my mix won't cut the stuff on a roof.

    With that being said you need to be careful and test your mix it may need to be adjusted.I think I put 1 to 2 % bleach to the wall in my mix depending on the soil and mildew level.

    Same here. I have done plenty of dormers and the house mix just won't cut it to remove the roof algae.

  3. I keep thinking about DS but still x-jet. Only DS once and that was using a variable pressure wand and soaping some concrete. My big concern is that most houses down here are on at least a one acre lot. I usually park my rig in the street and routinely have 200'+ of hose out. Some of these houses can be pretty nasty and I don't think I could pull enough chem to clean them.

  4. I went out today to look at a pool apron. The pool is new and the owner had a coating put on the concrete apron. Soon after the coating began to blister up in spots and come off. The contractor came out, power washed the entire apron and reapplied. The new coating is now coming off. The coating contractor is ready to give up and refund the customers money. Any idea what is causing this and how to fix it. The coating looks like epoxy but I would think that would be too slippery to put around a pool.

  5. I set up my own site a year and a half ago. Didn't know much about it and although the site itself looked good there were a lot of problems I was unaware of at the time. I had never heard of SEO, I had the file sizes too big on the pictures and they took a long time to load and the host company I was using changed their software and I could no longer edit the existing site. I now have a local web designer working on a new site that should be much better and hopefully bring in some business. My advice for what its worth is if you want to grow find someone who knows what they are doing to build your site. It will free your time up for other things and you will end up with a better site. Call you local chamber of commerce or search the web, Yellow Pages etc for someone local. Most will have sites you can visit that they developed so you can get a feel for their design style and capabilities.

  6. Gas in Mexico is cheaper than the US. My guess is the price difference has more to do with how much tax the Mexican government levies on the gas and the fewer environmental, transportation, etc regualtions than it has to do with Bush helping out his buddies here. Just for the record I am not a Bush supporter.

  7. Anyone who lived during the Carter administration knows taxing the oil companies doesn't work. It is also a dangerous game to let the government decide what an "unfair" profit is and punish a company or industry for it. All of you are business owners. If the government thought you were making too much money and raised your taxes what would be your reaction? I hope everyone in the class said raise their pricing to offset the loss. Anytime the government passes a higher tax onto a business that business is going to pass the cost to the consumer and you will pay the taxes in the form of higher prices. If anyone is making a windfall profit it is our government that takes 60% of our earnings each year and wastes the majority of it. I want the government to be punished for theft, blackmail, extortion, misappropriation of funds, etc. If anyone in private business did what our government does they would be in jail.
