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Doug Dahlke

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Posts posted by Doug Dahlke

  1. The driveways I have done are nowhere near that large but I do see red clay. I have used Pro BRC from Sun Brite and I have also used NMD-80 from Eaco Chem. Both hydrchloric based products just like muriatic. I have used dilutions from 4:1 to 8:1. X-jet on and use a variable pressure wand to clean. Sometimes heat as well. I don't use a surface cleaner on new construction. My experience has been the concrete is too soft and the acid doesn't help. With drives that size maybe you could get a Landa or Steel Eagle with the height adjustment.

  2. Some of you may remeber the "Luxury Tax" from a few years back. The libs were going to stick it to the rich by raising sales tax on luxury items. Yachts were one of those luxuries. When the tax went into effect guess what those evil rich people did? They didn't buy any yachts. There was a very good yacht industry in the north east that went bust and people who weren't rich lost their jobs.

    When government raises taxes on corporations do you think they just take that extra expense off the bottom line? Heck no, they raise the cost of thier products to make up the difference. Who buys the products? In many cases we do. So when I tell my senator to raise taxes on auto manufactures, or gas companies, or any company that produces goods or services I buy I am the one who will end up paying.

    The more the government stays out of the economy the better off the economy will be.

  3. I just got back from a house with an unfinished basement. Three walls are poured concrete and the fourth is studded with insulation. There is no sheet rock anywhere. Some additional rooms are studded out all with PT pine on the floor. This is a rental and the previous owner kept some pets downstairs and it smells. I was thinking about pre-wetting the concrete floor, then spraying on some SH at around 3% letting it dwell and then hitting with hot water and a surface cleaner. I would bring my vacuum unit and have a helper running around picking up the water. Any other ideas? Will hot water or SH affect the PT pine at all?

  4. The last few weeks were slow but I received a few calls today for quotes. Another quote given over a week ago came through today too. I have been doing a few painting jobs to fill in the gaps. The drought here continues and I beleive that has slowed things down also.

  5. Don't have to worry too much about the cold down here. Things slow down but I still get calls here and there. Did my first job of this year on New Year's Day. Temps can go below freezing at night but warm right back up when the sun comes up. My trailer stays in an enclosed shop so don't anti freeze often.

  6. I hate to be pessimistic but the way I see it Republican or Democrat, doesn't make a difference. One party will kill you quick the other is slow poison. Both parties are pathetic. The only hope for the future of the U.S. is a third party candidate that understands the constitution, doesn't view it as a living document, and will restore this country to what the founders envisioned. That won't happen because we have a dumbed down electorate. I did feel a glimmer of hope when people woke up and sent Bush's immigration reform bill down in flames. I will vote for whatever third party candidate runs only because there is not a "none of the above" box on the ballot.

  7. This is a HARD business to make it in, and that is the truth.

    Many, if not most, will not make it.

    We JUST lost two here in Tampa this past month, and it wasn't because they did not try either!

    I began full time in Feb of 06. Jumped right in and went for it after losing my job. No other income other than my wife's which is not enough on it's own to support us. We did have some savings and other financial resources but they are pretty much gone now so we rely on power washing for the majority of our income. We are making it but Chris is right, it is not easy. If you think you can put an ad in the Yellow Pages or the service directory of the paper and your phone will be ringing, you need to think again.

  8. Hey Doug, Flash Foods @ Thomas Crossroads- $2.57

    I live in the Thomas Crossroads area. Flash Foods is where I usually fill up. Prices there do move dramatically. I've gone by there in the morning and come back several hours later and have seen prices go up or down $0.10 per gallon. When you fill your tank up nowadays is almost like playing the lottery.

  9. I agree with the climate change but not global warming crowd. Ken stated many of the facts that I have heard many times before. Way back in the mid seventies we were all being scared to death by the new ice age that was coming according to the experts. That never happened and now 30 years later we are all supposed to be worried that the planet is going to be too hot. Just yesterday I saw a show on PBS talking about us heading into another ice age. Just watch the weather forecast for a week. If they can't predict the weather tomorrow how can they predict it 50 years from now.

  10. I had to place my vote for other because I don't know what I am anymore. I used to vote Republican but W has been a huge disappointment. Republicans had the presidency and both houses and basically screwed the base that put them into office. Then after getting their butts kicked in the last election they still can't figure out what went wrong.

    I will not vote for a Republican or a Democrat in the next presidential election. I would rather vote Liberterian or Constitutionalist.

  11. I agree we are in a recession. My opinion is that it is related to all the easy credit that has been available for years. I know many people who pulled equity out of thier homes to fund things like cars, boats and vacations that they could not afford. Adjustable rate home loans that were taken out several years back are now kicking in with higher mortgage payments too. People used up all the ways they could to borrow and now its payback time. Too much borrowing, not enough saving, living beyond your means, recipe for disaster. I also believe our trade policies stink and that has contributed as well.

  12. I belong to a Power Core group. Very similiar to BNI but from what I've been told the attendance policy is stricter. Yearly dues are about the same. This has worked well for me and I plan to continue. As others have said you must attend the meetings and you need to follow up on leads you are given quickly. Other members are putting their reputations on the line when they refer you. Follow up and do good work and it should be very beneficial to your business.

  13. I would call Eacochem or Prosoco and get pricing and recomendations on cleaners to use. Restoration cleaners are usually not cheap. Get samples if you can and do some more test spots. Estimate the cost of the cleaners based on that then add pricing for the lift and labor. I have not done a building with that much stone work but I'm thinking $3.00/lin foot not including the lift. Be sure to charge accordingly for the columns and entrance. Keep in mind too that the restoration cleaners will probably have to be applied with a pump up sprayer.
