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Everything posted by RSuds

  1. Is Electronic Billboard Advertising Affordable ?

    I called on 1 and they said 3,800 a month.
  2. Who's getting slammed

    We are staying busy still, it has been a busy year. I hope it will keep up.
  3. New stairs

    How about this project that we did over the last 2 weeks. And yes the dog always has to help in any project I do. We ripped out tho old walls and put in the new rails. My wife is happy.
  4. New stairs

    We had a flood with the tiolet and it went thru 3 floors so we had to replace the drywall, carpet, and paint. since I did most of the work we saved a lot of money so my wife said that we had to do all this also??? I did have a guy replace the steps for me.
  5. Suns out Guns out. My golf tan looks like that, does that count?
  6. Deck Help!

    We do not stain any decks that we do not clean! You need to also make the money on cleaning.
  7. Never knew it took so much

    We beat our machines up. If I get 3-4 years I am happy. The cat pumps are the best and last the longest and we even put the chemical thru the pumps.
  8. Never knew it took so much

    I do not know how you could keep a machine for that long. Butt you could get a 10 gal. With a 25 horse engine with a gear box for around 4,200. Or you could get a 10 gal Cat pump with belt drive for around 6,000. I have both and love them. Love the Cat pumps
  9. Never knew it took so much

    Ask Tom at ACR he has made a lot for me
  10. Never knew it took so much

    Buy a cold water unit to start and then get the hot water as you go. It sounds like you are doing houses and decks and buildings. You only need hot water for grease and gum. I have been doing it for 21 years and all my trucks have tanks with 2 or 3 machines on it and they all have a 10 gal. Cold water Machine that is used more than anything.
  11. Nice work for a old guy, and yes I still hate wood and I agree with Jim. I,m ready for another convention??
  12. Which machine

    why Cat?
  13. I was just trying to inspire people to keep working hard and be happy to be busy. And yes I would rather work hard and make millions. My hair is gray and I'm only 43 but I look at it as I have been through a lot and now I will know a better path. Maybe?
  14. Yard Signs

    Yo, Thanks We will talk. And that girl is prety.
  15. Yard Signs

    We put a sign out on all our jobs and tell people to leave them out for a week or 2 then throw them away, I buy 500 at a time and we will pay around 4.00 for the sign and stand. It is a nice sign and we also coupon around 10-20 neighbors the same day with a 44 cent stamp on it. It works. Spend money to make money.
  16. I tried that lcs on a Sikkens job last year and it did not work that well for me, had to use Toms stripper strait and a lot of dwell time.
  17. We had to strip this off today, not easy but it worked out good and got paid well.
  18. I would rather clean a house or building but some wood jobs are still good. Roofs are kicking for me this year, Just got a new truck (Flatbed) with 3 power washers, roof machine and 550 Gal. of water. It kicks but.
  19. Jim is correct, Mahog it was. Made it easier to get it off. It was a crime and they were very upset. I like that the other pro that they had also stained the vine going up the rail. It took us around 6 hours and a lot of stripper. Now it will be time for a little ready seal next week.
  20. She wanted a red toner and got this.
  21. They do not work well with larger machines and you need the right # nozzle inside 1 is for 1-3 gal. 2 is for 3-5 3 is for 6-8 and 4 does not work well on a 10 gal. machine. We also use the pumps now to pump the soap in the injector and it works. You need to run water thru them after the chemical. The spring and ball will not last if you do not.
  22. Does anyone know if we are going to be in serous trouble with the new lead paint laws??
  23. Who's getting slammed

    I here ya if we get some bad weather we will be in trouble. We are a little over booked now. Doing around 6-12 jobs a day every day is hard to reschedule.
  24. Who's getting slammed

    Ya what day is it, they are all running together.