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Posts posted by RSuds

  1. I called cat and they told me that I would lose 400 psi for every 100 feet of line with the 3/8 and 100 psi for every 100 feet of 1/2. But my test showed that it was about 200 psi and maybe 50 psi. I do not know about the water flow but it did not seem like it was that much of a difference. We do more buildings and homes so I was looking at how high we can shoot the water and chemical and it was really no difference. The surface cleaners already fly.

  2. Yes we have 10 gal. And 5 gal. Machines on all our trucks and one with 2-10 gal. and 1-5 gal. With residential it is very fast. Water can be a problem at times. We also do a lot of apartments and condo's that we can fly threw very fast. We did 25 good size buildings last week in 4 days with 3 guys and 3 machines. I like it fast and efficient, just ask my wife.

  3. Here is your better path.. Stop doing the physical work and make alot more money and have your buffers in place to deal with some of the bull**** because of the more money your going to make. Those Buffers are good employees with a lead guy in charge who can handle stuff that your handeling now if your doing the work. You on the other hand are out getting the work and counting the money and dealing with your lead guy who is now dealing with stuff that you dealt with when you did the work. Of course he doesn't have all the responsibilities that you had because your the owner but pay him well so he can take on some of those responsibilities.

    I was Saying that I did a lot of the work when I was younger and now I know a better path. I agree that for a company to grow and make a lot of money you need to have systems and the right people in place. Last year was a great year for Power washing in Pa. becuase of that. All I do is put out fires and give estimates but it does not mean that I do not work a lot or have stress. I hate it when people say to me "I guess it is raining so you have the day off" What do you think everything stops. But now when I do some power washing it is fun and it is stress free, I even like it as long as my phone does not ring.

    I do seem to find more time for my wife and I to go to happy hour?

  4. I had a very good year last year with all the roofs we are now doing. This winter sucked but we are starting again. I hope to se you guys again sometime I had a lot of fun a couple years ago, golfing, a couple drinks and B.S. I still never saw any pictures from our foresome?
