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Posts posted by RSuds

  1. We should all focus more on what makes you more money but I have a question about what to do with the part that makes only a little bit of money and is a pain in the a$$ to deal with. I have been doing decks for a long time and we also stain them for our customers. My prices have gone up with staining and most of them I try to use the same products (I do not want to talk about what kind to use F&P or Ready seal) that makes it easy and we can just prep and recoat, but we also will use some products that people have already. Were I have a problem is mostly with scheduling the stain work on top of doing other stuff. Every year end of april we get 7-12 days of rain and we then have 20-30 decks on the board to seal and then the calls come on that nice day. (I know we all have the same thing) I have some painters that I sub the work out to and give them 85% of the job, they like it because they do not need to do anything but go paint it and I will pay them. But they also have some problems with doing the work they have first and well most painters that want to help are?? Also I can keep only employees for power washing.

    So after doing my numbers I'm leaning twords cleaning everything and telling people that we do not stain anymore?

    My question is have some other guys done this and how does it effect your other jobs? We do a lot of residentail work and when we do decks we also do the house and roof, so if we do not do the deck staining will they go with another guy?

    Then I think I will be able to focus more on the commercial side of business and not worry about the Decks.

    In business it is tough sometimes to know if you are doing the right thing or not??

  2. We have done it all over the years. We do a lot of buildings that we use 300-600 feet of hose and we have used a small pump that you can put a line into the super suds sucker that will help ( turn the pump on-when you change to bigger nozzle it will go on and not work with a pressure nozzle) but it has some problems. The best way is to put the chemical thru the pump and you can turn a valve on and off. Only use cat pumps for this and you will need to change the seals every 3-6 months. It is not hard to change seals and will cost around 100-150 but the time it saves on everything is worth it. You can turn the valve off and wash down with bigger nozzles also.

  3. Just wanted to let everyone know what happened to us and hopefully will help.

    So we did a deck and had some extra stain that was left. The guys came back and they left the cans with very little stain in each can out back behind our shop to dry out and we can seal back up to get rid of them. They were out back for only a couple days. The guy who owns the buildings is looking to get a new motgage on the buildings, so when they looked at the buildings and saw the 3 cans and a brush in a empty bucket they called the EPA. A Environmental Hydrogeologist company came out and said that they will need to dig 3 feet down and se if the ground is contaminated or not. If it is it will cost a lot of money. They came out and dug then tested the soil. Everything turned out great and the soil is good with no problems.

    The thing is that I am now supposed to be happy that they only billed me (Thousands) instead of 50,000 or more if they found a problem. What a business. Also I had to buy drums 100.00 each and fill them up with the dirt they dug and then they will pick up the dirt and charge another 180.00 for each drum they take.

    So after 5,000 or so at the end of the year, I wanted to alert everyone do not leave anything outside!!!!



