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Posts posted by RSuds

  1. We had a flood with the tiolet and it went thru 3 floors so we had to replace the drywall, carpet, and paint. since I did most of the work we saved a lot of money so my wife said that we had to do all this also??? I did have a guy replace the steps for me.



  2. Buy a cold water unit to start and then get the hot water as you go. It sounds like you are doing houses and decks and buildings. You only need hot water for grease and gum. I have been doing it for 21 years and all my trucks have tanks with 2 or 3 machines on it and they all have a 10 gal. Cold water Machine that is used more than anything.

  3. I know we are all very tired and hate some of our customers, I would like for the phones to just stop for 1 day. But this is not the way we should be thinking, Keep trucking, we do not have that much longer till it will slow down and winter will come. For all us Northan people we have till around july 4th and it will slow down a little. So lets make June are best Month Ever!! After 20 years April was my best month ever and May ? but June will be a lot better because I'm ready and I'm happy to be making money. So lets be happy and make June the best month EVER.

  4. We put a sign out on all our jobs and tell people to leave them out for a week or 2 then throw them away, I buy 500 at a time and we will pay around 4.00 for the sign and stand. It is a nice sign and we also coupon around 10-20 neighbors the same day with a 44 cent stamp on it. It works. Spend money to make money.

  5. Cool Larry

    Every once in a while I am hoping for heavy rain and lightning so my guys can get a break, but then if we take one day off now, we are screwed, just have jobs packed together

    Glad you are getting all the work

    I here ya if we get some bad weather we will be in trouble. We are a little over booked now. Doing around 6-12 jobs a day every day is hard to reschedule.
