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Posts posted by k2waterwerx

  1. One more thing.... Make sure you use an inline filter. I have flushed hydrants while working my fire dept job and have seen the nasty stuff that comes out. The more g.p.m. you move, the more stuff gets stirred up from the main. Mainly rust. At low volumes such as house use or a "garden" hose it is barely noticeable. Just my .02. :)

  2. Thanks for the helpful info Randy! So I guess it's very uncommon for for folks to use 6% on a regular basis.

    A gentleman by the name of Bobby Weir (a member here on The Grime Scene forum) called me yesterday and talked to me for quite a while telling me a wealth of helpful information. So here's a Shout Out to Bobby Weir from Mt. Pleasant, SC. I enjoyed our conversation. It's amazing how much one can learn from talking to a veteran in the business.

    I've been at it for 2 years and have only X-Jetted so far. I got 4 downstreaming nozzles and a J Rod 4 way nozzle holder today from Pressure Tek. I tested the nozzles out and they are much softer and seemingly more efficient than the X-Jet M5. I'll be downstreaming for the first time tomorrow. I'll be using 6% for now until I can find a source for 12%. I'll be doing my house and a friends house in trade for hosting and building my website. I can't wait!

    Thanks guys!

    Rick I just did the samething. Did my friends house and composite deck for a complete web set-up. No money exchange so no money for the government to waste!

  3. I had the same problem a month ago using an x-jet but it was only on one side. It is on the side the sun constantly hits. I rewashed it 2x ditching the x-jet and increasing the pressure and the water temp. alittle. It worked and I also used a wax. It sucked at first but I guess I will start paying more attention when I initially look at jobs.

  4. It did not have any mold on it. The deck gets sun 90% of the day. However the ground around it was very wet. I think from the neighbors sump pump or something like it. I waited 4 days before I sealed it and it looked just like any other stripped deck. Since the deck is only 2-3 ft. off the ground maybe that is the problem???? I am going to go look at it tomorrow and see what it looks like. I will post more pics. Thanks for the responses. I will let you know.
