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Everything posted by JFife

  1. Matt, I emailed the address you have listed there, mdbusch,etc. with some info.
  2. Old cedar issues

    From where I stand, I thought you were taking it bending over:)LOL
  3. Old cedar issues

    (Jim, disregard that request. Drink your wine and continue posting as usual. You are my evening entertainment whenever you take the time to post:)) Ken, if you want to hone your psychoanalysis skills, try making sense of some of Ron ********** posts. He makes Diamond look like George F. Will:) Good debate, I'll check in later or tomorrow,
  4. Motorola Razr

    Razr=Breakable. At least, that is the reason I didn't get it. I've been with Cingular for a while now (incidently, hands-down the best cell Co. I've ever dealt with). I'd say it would depend on where you carry your phone (as in where on your body). Regarding Bluetooth, I've got an earpiece an never use it. Feels flimsy in my ear, like it is about to fall off. But I have small ears and a really big head, so I look like a pit bull trying to wear a Bluetooth, LOL:) Also, kinda hard to switch from BT to regular phone.....I prefer the old corded headset for now.
  5. Old cedar issues

    I'm interested in your theory.....let's put it on hold for a couple days. In the meantime, I'll be arming myself with information to battle you WoodTux Bandits. It's about time someone puts an end to this film-forming nonsense, and I intend for that person to be me [twirling six-shooters]:) I'm actually gonna be outa town till Friday/Sat. so I'm gonna have to sober up Diamond Jim for some action.:)
  6. Old cedar issues

    I'm tired and incoherent enough that I'd be willing to give you $200 for that amp!
  7. Old cedar issues

    "Solids" are what stay in the wood, don't evaporate away, i.e. water, spirits, thinner. So by that definition, RS would be 80-90% solids, Ken. If you don't believe that, then I've got some "Ocean Front Grey" Property In Missouri to sell you, near Portage De Sioux:)
  8. Old cedar issues

    Didn't get email seymore!! Please re-send, I'll send you a blank email, jf
  9. Old cedar issues

    Seymore, ...I said 35-40yrs, southern exposure.:) Seriously, I don't know. I told them it would be time for a wash and re-coat in 4-5 yrs or so.
  10. Estimate Check

    Do you think you could keep quiet for very long??:)
  11. Old cedar issues

    I'm figuring on 35-40yrs.
  12. Old cedar issues

    thanks Beth/rod, Russ---another thing.....I've noticed what I like in colors changes about every year. Right now, I'd give anything to do a house in a nice dark brown cedar color.....that color there is RS Nat. Cedar.....most would go with something more like lightbrown, your Warmhoneygold, or TWP cedeartone. I used to like the light colors, now I am starting to like more walnut and mahogany looking finishes.
  13. Old cedar issues

    Russ, What I've been told, the enhanced performance is due to the pigment being suspended at the surface on the final coat. We do a light coat on a couple walls, followed by a saturation in about 30 minutes, backbrushed, heavy enough that the wood is soaked and the stain is gliding across the surface. The final coat is done the same way, couple days or so later. Final coverage per sq. ft. I have no idea. That is something I don't really keep too good of track on.....what I do is bid the job at a point that I can do the absolute best possible job I can without the factor of stain cost becoming a burden to me. That is a variable that is hard to predict, and I don't like telling the customer that they have to pay for the stain. So I bid what I want, and I win and lose some. This was a moderate sized home, and we used about 75gal of RS. If I'd be using TWP, probably would have used half that. As for how long I expect this application of stain to last, my initial guess is somewhere between 35-40years. It will need periodic rinsing.
  14. Estimate Check

    You should have named your business, "NEIL BEFORE ZOD" pressure washing I'm going to have to start a marketing firm:)
  15. Old cedar issues

    15 yr old cedar, neglected, knots didn't spot. I found the trick is to apply and let it cure for a while.....then come back and apply....kinda like a topcoat theory. Makes RS look better and more finished, person that recommended it to me said it will double (or close) the durability.
  16. Estimate Check

    Look for my book, "The Art of the Unsell" coming to shelves soon:) Kind of a good word----needs a good meaning. "UPSELL" for those confused. I'm with you Neil. That job would be a pain to bid.
  17. Old cedar issues

    Tell customer "I think deck look good", looks nice for 25yrs neglected.
  18. Estimate Check

    I don't understand what you are considering painting?? The "handrail" (actual part you grab)?? The kickplate or whatever you call it on the stairs definitely needs painted or a different color IMO. Is that part of the bid?? Oh, and I'd definitely include in my bid to do the underside of that triangle deck. I've started doing the unders on most decks.....makes a big difference in overall appearance of 2nd story deck. Are you bidding to do shakes, T&G ceiling, etc??? If not, have you tried to unsell??
  19. twp 200

    Ethan, regarding your PM, I thought you were using the twp concentrate, but I guess you are using the WoodDefender conc/Product. Hey, the guy you fired may be disgruntled, but at least in that post by "Garcii" where "the fired" criticized his work, he was still trying to filter the work back to Texseal. So he may be disgruntled, but he still seems to be trying to push your products for you!
  20. a profesional at "work"

    Well done. If you ever have to explain the reason why you would do something like that, the person won't understand anyways:)
  21. twp 200

    Ethan, ...Okay, so your product is better. So once you recieve the TWP concentrate, what is it that you do to it that makes your better than GreyAway?? Pretty simple question, doesn't require any proprietary info. Or better yet, what makes it better than just straight twp200 out of the pail?? ....And what if Amteco saw the disparaging remarks you were making about a competitor that uses the same/similar base product?? This might be a good opportunity to consider utilizing the "edit" button.
  22. Has anyone seen Lynrd Skynrd/38 Special tour?

    I mean, do I live in a cave or something????? Of course, I know U2, but Pogues, SCOT, Bad Brains, Coitus and Cohen (whoever that group Thad always talks about).....I've never heard of any of these.
  23. Has anyone seen Lynrd Skynrd/38 Special tour?

    Yeah Thad, ....Those all would have rounded out my top #10 as well, LOL:)
  24. My New Truck!!

    HUH?? Look into those Cheverotle C4500's. I think they go new for less than 50K, not much more than a pickup. And don't require CDL. Actually, I'd hold off for 6months until Fords new trucks come out, and see what they have to compete with it.
  25. ...a deck on a house we did, this is after the color cured out. I like light colors like these, some don't. Sorry I don't have a 'before', stripped off some store-bought crap, not sure what. Possibly sikkens, applied by HO.