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Everything posted by JFife

  1. Any diabetics?

    ...so the definition of "diabetic" is having blood sugar level over 200?? ...And is it being said that once you are classified as a diabetic, it cannot be reversed?? Just great, I've gotta go to the doctor today. So what are the common symptoms of diabetes??
  2. collecting deposits?

    Lance, ...I'd say it depends on the size of the Co. you are working for. A smaller Co. would probably get you a deposit. I had 50K laying out on the table once, and it does nothing good for the ulcers. Honestly, my guess is that you're gonna have to eat the expense upfront. I asked the Contractor if they'd be willing to pay me upfront, the said "no", and it would be two months until I got a check. I told them the bid would be significantly higher due to this, since I'd be accruing debt interest, etc. and they were fine. I think on something 50K i probably bumped it 5K, and I'm glad I did.
  3. George, .....you'd be a GREAT person to spend some time pursuing this. Why?? You are probably older than most of us, more respected, may not need the money as badly (retiree), and you probably have a strong sense of right and wrong, and are offended greatly by anything less. Go for it! I'll be anxious to hear your results, and if the locals come through. There is a guy down there named 'Mike Williamson' that you might look into outing, LOL:) j/k Update us whenever you hear something,
  4. Agreed....I'd also like to hear more input on "outing" lowballers. Actually, not lowballers but those without the proper ins, WC, etc. To the person that started the post, I think I'd follow through real hard on the people you turned in, and find out if it made a difference. I'd say there's a good chance it gets shuffled to the back, typical local govt. Take the "personal" out of it, and see if the system works. If it does, I'd pursue other contractors. If it doesn't, I'd make a decision whether you want to 'prove a point',etc., or just get on with things. You could become the Rosa Parks of WC enforcment, and make contracting in FL better for all. Or you may just waste a lot of time, money, but mostly, energy. How strongly do you feel about it? IMO, sometimes you just get punched in the gut, and you gotta walk away. I was just in a lawsuit with a non-paying customer, and ended up settling for half of what they owed me. The job was perfect. We did everything we were contracted to do. But they didn't pay at the end. So I sued......I probably could have won in court, but they'd have turned around and counter-sued me for something silly. Who wins?? I took half the money, and put that stresser to sleep. I think there is a value to taking the high road. Not that tattling is the low road. I know this isn't analagous, but it's like comparing Walmart to their competition. Their competitors cannot compete on price, and some gripe and say walmart is cheating, not paying workers fair, etc. But some figure out how to use it to their advantage. Offer a more hands-on service. I read an interesting article recently of how Maytag stores have tried to battle the bigbox strores by offering free testings of their machines....you bring in your own laundry. Outside the box. I think the battle to eliminate the lowballer(including the un-insured,etc) parallels this. Have you ever thought about REFERRING out the lowballer?? I've done this...I have a competitor that charges way less than me. Any job that comes my way that I don't want, I refer my lowball competitor. Hey--keep them busy doing the crap I don't want frees up the good stuff for me, right?? If you are working customers that are WILLING to buy from the scumbags, they aren't the ones you want anyway! So next time you (anyone) bids a roof, do a professional sale, bid is $400, they say they've got a bid for $200, say, "aahhhhh, are you looking for the lowest bid?? I'm sorry, I was bidding a quality service, guaranteed not to kill plants, ec. You know what? There are guys out there that will do it for less than $200. Call Billybob Roofs, I'd say there's a possibility he'd spray some bleach on your roof for $75-100. That might be a better fit for what you are going for." ....It'll either work as a close for you, or it will keep a lowball competitor busy, and screw up that person's property (no, I don't feel bad about that).
  5. First Time Home Buying Financing

    ..AMEND my statement on interest-only to include what MAS just said....
  6. First Time Home Buying Financing

    Vandiesel: Great tip from Ken. I'll remember that one. IMO, the problem with the 100% finance is that it is almost impossible to ever build equity in the home, at least in less than five yrs minimum. If you use it as a rental, it might not be as bad of a deal. Heck, while you are thinking like that, you might as well consider interest-only. If you are a savvy investor and well represented, it can work out very well for you. NOT for everyone. I'd NEVER do it. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Second, you may find you are not as "loanworthy" as you might think. Are you showing a good income for the last two years?? That is the one that always gets you being self-employeed. Lastly, a conservative number would to not buy any house that is worth more than twice as much as your income. Income=50K, buy a house=100K. I believe a lender will lend you up to triple your income, so that is the extent of the risk they'll take. Good luck,
  7. Need help in Chicago

    nope... jonathanmarkfife@hotmail.com
  8. Need help in Chicago

    I've got a guy in Chi. the next few days, depending on how big the cedar home is, we could bid it. I think my email addy is in my signature,
  9. Seen any good movies lately?

    You'll think I am joking, but "Hustle and Flow" was one of the better movies I've seen in quite awhile. Inspirational, good storyline and good acting. Not a movie for kids imo.
  10. Seen any good movies lately?

    Hey, at least both of you still have Mississippi to look down on:)
  11. Seen any good movies lately?

    Q: Why do all the trees in Tennessee lean to the South?? A: 'Cause Alabama sucks! :) Q: What is the #1 pick-up line guys use in Alabama?? A: "Hey Sis, you still awake??" :)
  12. My Lil' Dominatrix!

    Here is my precious little Abby, punishing some "bad boys". This is my cousin's male Rotweiller, about a year and a half. When he comes over, she absolutely DOMINATES my other male and the Rot. She'll pin them into a corner on the deck, and not let them out. They sit there panting, and she snaps at them when they try and leave the corner. Don't worry--it's in fun. This is just how they all play, and nobody gets hurt. They've been playing together since pups. She was HIGHLY socialized as a pup--took her to the dog park constantly from three months of age. Even then, it was her world. At three months and about 18lbs, she got in a fight with a full grown Husky. The owner pulled the Husky off---but Abby was still fighting this dog five times her size. Her best friend at the time was a 250lb Mastiff--they'll roll a giant ball around together, with Abby savagely barking at him. She is never aggressive--just very dominant. Obviously, once she was grown I couldn't take her to the park, she'd just terrorize dogs more submissive than her. Never hurt them, just dominate. Truly, I've never seen a female to her equal as far as this goes. I know I could train it out of her, but they stay fenced and it is never a problem, or I'd fix it. I'm a responsible pet owner and once I saw her temperment, I knew I'd have to control her environment. But.......enjoy the pics!!
  13. My Lil' Dominatrix!

    ...I actually thought about that Don, and considered not starting this goofy post, but thought it would serve well to remind of the 'good' memories boxers create. Did you guys post your loss on Boxerworld?? Not only a good place for info, fun, energy, etc. but a good place to mourn as well, as I am sure you guys are doing. best wishes,
  14. My Lil' Dominatrix!

    ....Let me stress, these are "fun" pics. Once I saw them, they look far meaner than what they are. He tries to mount her, and ends up being the one on his back:) That is the funny thing about dogs like this, it's not a size or strength thing, it's an attitude thing. Please, no censures on animal abuse and fighting,
  15. ...You really need both types. I've tried using an airless with RS, and even with a huge tip it still atomizes too much. Those TJet tips work the best, though I've just started using them under the tutelage of Peirce. Still trying to find the best way to build a portable Shurflo type, as I don't like the Deckster. For airless, something in the range of a Graco 395Ultra or a Titan 440 is your best bet. I use airless for all other stains.
  16. Kool deck ????

    KoolDeck is that white surface that looks like splatter-textured drywall, and is usually surrounding pools. Right??? I don't think he is talking about a wood substitute....this is more like a textured concrete coating, or maybe a surface in and of itself. Not decking of any kind. Correct me if wrong, Floridians.
  17. Bruno, ..couple things: 1) I don't feel cedar holds its color as long as PT for various reason. IMO 2) What color was it? Assuming you know the lighter color fade faster. 3) Could the moisture content have been wrong?? this would lead to premature fading. Everett is dead-on in regards to maintenance.
  18. Have you checked it since it cured?? Not knowing your experience with RS, I'll assume you know the difference in appearance if you are sampling on new smooth wood, and staining a 15yr old, abused deck. Let us know,
  19. Yep....EXACTLY what I was trying to say, I'm just not as eloquent.:) That is what gives you the highlights of the hardgrain when you use a waterbase, as opposed to an oibase which turns that area black (sometimes.....debatable). Either way, it accentuates the final appearance IMO.
  20. Upon review, Shane's pics clearly show what I was trying to say.....look to the right half of both pics. The "smoother" area won't absorb stain in the traditional sense, in my guess.
  21. Rod, ...Yeah, 'latewood'. I'd actually never heard that term until Ed corrected me on earlywood/latewood (I am sure Diamond Jim is chomping at the bit to crack a joke about these terms:)) If you blast a piece of wood (you'll wanna try this as an EXPERIMENT:)) you can keep blasting, and blasting, and blasting and totally remove all of the early wood/softwood. Then you kinda get down to another layer of hardgrain. I've noticed this experimenting with log siding, but haven't tried it with log, lumber, decking, or fencing. But what I noticed is that the hardgrain below the softgrain looks innocuous, but doesn't allow for absorption. Like hard grain. ..So my point on Shane's pic is that a particular area may look like it will absorb oil, but not due to the hardness of the grain. Not sure how this will read, but it sure typed out like a Madman's Ramblings.:) Hope it is sensible.
  22. Very interesting post Rod!! Until i started blasting, I didn't realize that "hard grain" doesn't really accept stain. It takes a little color, but it kinda dries on top, like a knot. Perhaps that is the problem Shane,
  23. bleach resistant POLOS

    ...you could just buy white polos??
  24. The Grime Scene Roundtable

    While you guys are in AC gambling, me and Mr. Burke are going to sand that deck, courtesy of the SGA (Sanders Guild of America)
  25. No!!!! Why would they PAINT that building??? It looks so nostalgic and old-school NYC. I cannot even imagine what color they'd paint it???? Why don't you propose sealing it?? I am with you on trying to GC the whole job. Why not? As long as all the paperwork is in order, it seems reasonable. The logistics may be tough, but everything has a price. Charge large and try and pull a cool 50K or so off the top. 10% is a minimal GC rate.