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Everything posted by JFife

  1. JohnT, ...That is AWESOME!!! Man, what a cool job to do, in a great area. As one of the guys that's been on these boards about as long as i have, it is good to see how you biz has grown/changed. Hurry up and retire!! Man, if I were doing that job it would be nothing but the largest wet T-shirt contest in the history of NYC!!:)
  2. My new brochure and flyer - take a look!

    I think I agree with Lance on this, the flyer is the property of the person that contracted the service. Being said, I could see both parties being aggitated. Just a different form of "lowballing".
  3. Those are fine, I prefer Graco. Personally, I'd step up to an Ultra395. Those cheap ones break down pretty fast in my experience.
  4. sup Dan, ...Are you asking a specific person?? ..My opinion, not as easy to apply as soon allude. It is "easy" as in "difficult to make look bad", but to make it "durable", you have to apply very specifically, i.e. correct moisture, coats done in a properly-spaced way, etc. Done right, very durable, looks nice, and the easiest of all to maintain. Just don't buy into the "can be applied by a Monkey" philosophy.
  5. heck, get paid for four sides and only do three sides. People want wierd things, give it to 'em.
  6. So far, so good

    Jarrod-- ...Don't you share an office/secretary?? That seems like a real good situation. I am lucky, most of my jobs last 2-4 weeks, and I leave my equipment at the job the whole time. When done, I move it to next job. If not for this, I'd have to have commercial space. Really glad to be holding off on that for now, I like keeping things CHEAP!!:)
  7. So far, so good

    Good work Ken. At the higher monthly gross, was your net in-line with what it was last year, etc.?? ...I think Jarrod and I crossed up on gross vs. net. My gross is way up, but net is not at what it should be due, to the costs of the ability to grow. At this point, I could stop growth and net would go way up, but at this point I'd rather grow.....I don't require a lot of personal money. My growth plans involve one more year and at that point, I'll start pushing to get the Net higher. Thoughts??
  8. So far, so good

    Do you need to streamline more or charge more?? I know office space is a killer. Also, multi-crews don't pay off much until 4 or 5, which is what gets a lot of people down. I hear ya.
  9. So far, so good

    Jarrod, ...WHich overhead is getting you? Labor? Something else?
  10. So far, so good

    Thats awesome Jarrod! Dang, that's a lot of decks. Just you and helper? I'm on pace to hit my "gross" goals, so things are well here. Basing that on the season is half over at the end of this month.
  11. Now I'm a newbie to FTA

    My consultation would be to call Shane Brassueax. He is a computer Dungeonmaster. I also have not idea what an fta Reciever is, but I think Shane probably has one:)
  12. Nashville road trip

    Hey Neil, ...Yeah, Wildhorse is crap. Is your wife a writer? Biiiiig money if the songs hit. Find a place called "Bluebird Cafe" in Green Hills, that is a place to be discovered as a writer. Always having writers nights, good place to rub elbows.
  13. 1) Clear redwood. Readyseal light brown/redwood only for the stain. 2) Mahogany. "
  14. Call Shane, he is a God, do whatever he says:) Some companies will make you do the Elephant Walk before you can use their products, but Shane can sell to you I believe. If you have to buy locally, TWP is hands-down the best locally-purchased product, without a close second IMO. Never used their chems though, I am sure they are fine.
  15. What the heck?? That is strange! My first thought is customer did something, blaming it on you. Otherwise, that is a first. Doesn't look like sap, and when salt comes through it looks "dusty" on the surface.
  16. ..What exactly would you be willing to pay, Kenneth???:) What would be a fair price?
  17. Big City vs. Small Town

    LOL, I was going to say the same thing as Enviro. From what I've heard, Barstow provides a lot of career opps for a well-oiled crank operation:) I hear you can smell the battery acid by just driving through town:) Screw pwashing, become a DENTIST!! Just bustin' chops Anthony:) Had a neighbor from Barstow. I am in same boat as you....mortgage around $600 for a house twice as big as I need. City traffic makes me homicidal.
  18. TimberTek is one of these new oil/water emulsion products. Waterborne. I'd agree that this is an acrylic coating, or if not, is going to be as difficult as one. I spoke with them about this product about six years ago, and they said that one of the greatest benefits of it is that is dries very hard. Really, I doubt F18 will strip this at any strength, and even if it does, the results will probably be blotchy. Naoh products have limited and inconsistant results on Waterbase/waterborne/acrylic products. TimberTek makes a stripper of their own....have you called them and asked what strips their product?? I'll send you a PM and suggest something else that may work for this particular product (won't work on other acrylics, don't ask:))
  19. The Little Things...?

    Over-communicate at all times. I am weak at this, but improving. Whether it is calls or emails, people want to be updated and informed. NO, it doesn't bother them. When I ask my customers what I can improve on, it is always related to this.
  20. Pics of ATO or TWP?

    No contest...TWP. Find posts/pics by myself or 'Jarrod' and you'll find some TWP pics. My pics turn out yellowish-green though,
  21. ...Diamond Jim is just badmouthing RS so that he can push customers to WoodTux:) Film-Formers-Forever!!
  22. What's up Aaron? Hope all is well in Nashville-- ...What is the current moisture level? I'd give it maybe one or two months, bleach wash/neutr. and stain. Probably need a light coat after first year. If they wait until yr. two, then you have to do a detail wash, which would take significantly longer (cost more). Option: 1: Rinse now and stain, then rinse next year and stain. Option 2: Wait yr, detail wash and stain. Sell them on option 1.
  23. 40 year old redwood home

  24. People in general

    Jeff-- ...just feel sorry for the guy. Think what he must be like on the inside if he displays that on the outside.
  25. More Furniture

    Looks bloody awesome, Roger!!