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Everything posted by JFife

  1. PITA Homeowners...

    Great sign Brent!! A funny way to bring this up. ....As I think about it, I am one of those annoying customers when I go to autoshop or something. Staring and watching. I'm not criticizing or anything, just curious and entertained.
  2. Christian-- I was too tired to post on this yesterday, but you nailed it......the skill on this isn't that tough, it the logistical issues. Here is what I'd do: 1) Remove at night 2) Put on sawhorses 3) Apply Removall310 4) Stand guard at door for an hour 5) Powerwash off using airless paint sprayer 6) You and helper re-install door 7) Come back couple days 8) Sponge-sand surfaces, palm sand smooth bottoms/edges/tops 9) Brush on Sikkens cetol, attention to bottoms/edges 10) Have fans on to speed drying of 1st coat 11) 1st coat dries, re-install doors 12) Next night, 2nd coat (don't need to remove doors) 13) Next night, 3rd coat (don't need to remove doors) Hope this helps...charge large, lots of legwork on this service. To speed it up/make easier, you could do a penetrating oil stain like RS, but won't have gloss look. BTW, I'd say the door is Mahog from appearance. Definitely not oak.
  3. PITA Homeowners...

    I get this with a lot of retired guys. They are old, and you need to learn from their wisdom (that is their thinking). Sometimes it is good, sometimes not. Personally, I put them to work. Seriously. I had two 70yr old guys carrying a corn blaster off a deck the other day while I watched on the phone. Seriously. Give them tasks, ask their advice (menial things). Make them feel like part of your team. They'll eat it up, and be thrilled with everything. You have to look at it like this: "how can I manipulate this person into a situation that makes ME happier and more profitable in the long run?" That's what I do, I've had guys die laughing at what I was able to get homeowners to do.....it's just selling a concept like anything else.
  4. Look what's for sale....

    ...Now I'm rolling on the floor laughing:) Thanks guys, LOL
  5. Look what's for sale....

    ...Wasnt directed at you PressurePacker, just jokin' around a little. That usually goes over online about as well asking a fat woman if she is pregnant. No harm done, don't regret your post(s), you are trying to help others. Some may have thought it seems under-handed, but I think it is just a savvy business move. Besides, the only threads that get tons of hits and responses are when people are ticked off at each other:)
  6. Look what's for sale....

    ..Sorry PressurePacker. I am curious though how you answered your sons question, LOL:)
  7. Grime Scene Jealousy

    I'm not married, but I imagine that whenever I do get married, my Russian bride won't complain much about me being online,
  8. Look what's for sale....

    ..I agree, that PressurePro is a real a-hole:) 1) business is business, why in the heck a guy would list his contracts is beyond me. Being said, that is the way biz works, a guy goes out, the vultures come in and look for the jobs. Nasty, but true. 2) Like Scott, the numbers seemed off to me as well. 3) Besides, if his contracts are binding, it won't matter who calls.
  9. House for sale

    I might be interested if the vinyl siding wasn't so dirty:) Nice landscape in the front.....you have the ultimate suburban home, white picket fence, etc. Nice green grass too. Makes me want to play golf!!
  10. ...I agree--I find brushing/rolling to be more sloppy than spraying.
  11. Look what's for sale....

    Price seems high IMO. Not basing that on anything other that what I'd be willing to pay. I hope I'm wrong, I hope all of our biz' are more valuable than I think. A large portion of this genteman's value would be in his employees, and whether or not they are solid and sticking around.
  12. an oh s**t moment...

    ....I'm with Ken, I'd buff the car, much safer. On windshields, I use laquer thinner for "worst case scenarios", and straight Simple Green for everything else. Remember, if you ever get something on a vehicle, the only way they'll ever know is from the oil residue when it rains and they turn on wipers. Clean the glass, you'll never have a complaint.
  13. first WTW job

    Agreed!! You get an "A"!!
  14. Looking for you

    RCBILL, ...a couple months ago, I asked you to go into more detail regarding something, and I believe this was it. As I recall, you responded and said you written a very long post that didn't go through. That is about the most aggrevating thing in the world, yes!?! At any rate, should you ever feel like writing a brief synopsis of how you detail your bids in a budget to PM's, I'd love to read it, as I am sure others would. But realistically, I know you work hard like all of us and it is tough to pen out a long writing, but they are always appreciated! Hope all is well in 'da Cape,
  15. ...Cold Stone Ice Cream?? Basically, fancy overpriced ice cream. Their "gimmick" is they smash the ice cream all together with spoons and mix in a topping......basically a really expensive Blizzard.
  16. Shane, do you have a red filter on your camera or something?? Everything you do looks red to me---your stain colors, and even your stripped and brightened wood!
  17. What have you guys found to be an efficient way to mix buckets of stain?? Say, you want to mix a 5er of brown and a 5er of red......what do you mix them in?? and do you then distribute them back into buckets?? I did it with a tub for a while, but didn't like that.....looking for a better solution. Thanks!
  18. I totally agree Dan, but I think Ken is right from his perspective. What has to be weighed is, "how many customers will actually try and make a claim based on a warranty issue vs. how many additional jobs will I sell by having this built-in reassurance clause for nervous homeowners". That consideration, would alter the amount of advertising you have to do, distance you must travel to work from home base, etc.
  19. Rod, ...Very interesting theory (perhaps fact) on why DEK fails on cedar. Makes total sense, but I've never heard that before. Is that an original hypothesis or did Sikkens suggest that to you as a reason for failure?? Either way, great info.
  20. Color Choices

    gentlemen, Good morning from Central Standard, it is just a shade after 11am. Keep thinking I'll grow out of the desire to sleep in, but hasn't happened thus far.
  21. Bigfields theory reminds me of the riddle from "The Labyrinth". Anyone ever seen a 15 or 30 gal cont. with a spicket on the bottom?? Suppose you could add one. I'll try Bigfields tip--seems like that might be good enough if you are just boxing paint, but if you are mixing two totally different colors together, in hopes of attaining one new uniform color, that seems like it might not be thorough and accurate enough.
  22. ...you just need to try the right products. Talk to Bob. Spray on, protect plants, metal, etc., let sit for 20 minutes or so, rinse off, apply brightener, rinse again. It will take off everything except some acrylics. Start off weak with your solutions. It is one of those things that is easier learned by "doing and following directions" than by "listening". The instructions on his products are easy to follow, etc.
  23. Respirators ???

    LOL, can't help you with that one Guntars, but would make for a good excuse if your wife ever catches you urinating into the washing machine:)
  24. Your results are very nice. Cool decks!! To apply chems, you need to use a Shurflo spraying system. Do a search on here for that, and you'll find tons of stuff, as well as how to build one. You might call Bob at www.pressuretek.com he might sell them, and he also sells F18max stripper, which is my favorite chem stripper, and he also sells cleaner, brightener, etc. There is nothing wrong with a pump-up, these systems are just faster, safer. I am curious, how efficient are you with that sander?? Do you first set nails, etc?? How do you get edges, under railings, corners, etc??
  25. Yes, Pierce is very weird to talk to, LOL:) Kind of a cross between Charles Manson and Carrot Top. ....Pierce is the salesperson for RS, not the guy that does 40. ...Top of my head, I think his # (pierce) is: 800-599-4424. If you don't buy any RS, he'll promptly mail you a bill charging you for the usage of his 800 number:) Good luck, post some more pics of your work. Ever use the DEK product?? Or Cetol??