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Everything posted by JFife

  1. Start up costs

    I think the big thing people starting out take for granted is their vehicle. If you don't have a truck, or if you don't happen to drive around in a big white rape wagon, that is going to be a big expense on top of what 'Barry M' has just stated.
  2. Wish List

    Same question as Lance??
  3. Wish List

    Great question Jeff-- Business goals: attain my gross projection, land commercial client i've been speaking with, fill my summer schedule with jobs in a different locale Equipment: I have a trailer set up I'm working on, need about 10K to finish, that is the only equipment change Personal: achieve contentment, inner peace, and a closer personal relationship with my maker (Ken nailed it for me). Might start thinking about getting married as well, so if any of you have any really hot sisters let me know:) Otherwise it is, "look out, Russian Brides!!":)
  4. How do you control cost

    hey Rich, what do you consider as "office" expenses for the 12%?? Is that phones, adv., or what all does that entail?
  5. Growing Your Business

    okay, I'm a little more confused now. *just re-read and think I understand better. Are you asking if company/branch 'B' would have a negative impact on the profitability of company/branch 'A'??
  6. Growing Your Business

    I don't know where Martinez is, but if it is a smaller area it may not take multiple crews. Regarding partners, I don't like that idea for this biz, imo. But if you do, my grandfather always told me that if you ever get partners, make sure at the end of the day you still own 51%. Do you have that capable lead man now?? I think the only way to motivate someone in a position like this is through incentives. You'll have to determine those. And remember, there are "good" people out there, though hard to find. Good luck, keep us in the loop of your ups and downs, jon
  7. Growing Your Business

    I guess my first question to you would be, "are you at the point now where it is necessary?" Meaning, are you at multiple crews in your area, and milked it for all it is worth at the price scale with which you want to stay?
  8. Talking Powerwashing on the Grime Scene

    The report I read said that the ***.com domain name selling at 12mil. was far more than the distant-second......business.com. The guy that sold it was the ceo of match.com, and he sold it to a 'nog mogul in Boston. Anyone remember the deckseal.com bbs?? It's been out there for awhile.
  9. Talking Powerwashing on the Grime Scene

    LOL, after re-reading my post, oddly enough I've noticed that somehow my mind linked the creation of the internet to pornography. A Freudian Slip, let it be known:)
  10. Talking Powerwashing on the Grime Scene

    I grew up in the sticks, and I remember my freshman yr. at college in 1995, during orientation.....they kept saying they'd "email" you this, or that, and I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. Yesterday I saw that the web address: ***.com (didn't make it a link) sold for 12mil, the most ever for a website address.
  11. Talking Powerwashing on the Grime Scene

    Alrighty.....I first visited Delco's board in 96', anyone top that?????? Ten years......man. What happened to he hayday of ***?? I took a sebatacle a few years back......seemed *** took one with me. Was it whenever Ron got rid of it?? Ron is great for forums like these.......controversy=lots of posts. I always love Ron's posts, he can kick up some dust but is also a great businessman and a visionary for this industry.
  12. Promotional Video for my website

    Ken, that is very cool!! Great musical tracts, went very well with the pace you set. Font/color like everyone said........regarding pics, that one house you did, three story in the front w/ wood garage doors, rust stains.......the before/afters on that are not as "ka-boom" as I remember when you posted them.......maybe if you had a closer-up "before" shot to see the bad areas??? .....logo at the beginning....stating the obvious...... I wonder if you did trimmed the font in a different color if it would pop more?? Should be an easy fix for a good designer. Oh, I'm sure you are done putting pics in the slide, but put a "team" shot on your website, that is always welcoming to me. And add some "skirt" to it.....it will soften the appearance of your team.
  13. Talking Powerwashing on the Grime Scene

    John T, I was never much into the Delco board.....why did Dan get the boot off of there?? I've never liked the way the marketing works on these sites, Sunbrite used to support pwn, then they quit, then they started again, now gone again I believe. And you can find posts where Dan states they have great products, have aweful products, and have great products, LOL, all running along that same timeline. That site has since taken on a very cranky tone, and I hardly go there anymore. And I frankly thought some that posted there acted stupid far too often for me, just annoying and not funny. I don't know who "cody" is, but he always was a great poster and I wish he posted elsewhere due to what all he brings to the table. But there is a good core group that I remember from pwn that are still active.....Scott Stone, Dave Olsen, John T, beth, Reedster, matt bryan, grant, Ron M, and many more. There are guys on the boards that I talk to weekly, and guys I've done jobs with, guys I've done jobs for, guys that have sold me jobs, and guys I've sold jobs to. Great networking!
  14. Talking Powerwashing on the Grime Scene

    RON MARSHALL LIVES!!! How many of us have been around long enough to remember the legendary Ron Marshall?????:)
  15. Deleted scenes from 24

    Rich, The problem I have with the ordering is, what if you don't like what you get?? For instance, I got couple of the discs of "Las Vegas", a TV show with James Caan. Didn't like it, from watching two episodes. If it were you, you'd be stuck watching some horribly unfunny show like The Daily Show or one of it's spin-offs, but for me, I slink back into Blockbuster and get something else--and only lose about an hour. But patience is not one of my virtues:) I've stated in the past, the ultimate solution is to have a store pass as well as an online pass, to keep from running into the situations I described above. The reason I'd want an online pass is because my store doesn't always keep what I need--such as The Shield (my top 5), NCIS, and other shows I'd like to see. The always have all the HBO shows, and most are pretty good. One dissapointment was "Deadwood". That show leaves me with the same creepy feeling I had after seeing "Ravenous" (extremely sick movie, should that be your taste. Beautiful music though)
  16. be

    Although that is probably the strangest single post I've ever read, I do find it to be good advice.
  17. Please "bore" us with the afters!!! Nice job indeed,
  18. Any Gamers???

    I have my brother in town for an extended vacation, and we'd like to get back into gaming, as I am working on my home theatre sound system, I'd like to get some good games to put it to work. I, however, have not gamed since Nintendo 64 when I dominated those around me at .007. So we'd like to get back into some good shooting/killing games like 007. I know things are MUCH better now, but I am out of the loop. So, what I'd like, are suggestions on Systems (ie playstation, xbox) and then a few games that you like, preferably "mission/military" style games, etc.
  19. Any Gamers???

    I think Mike is right.:) They said it would speed up hte comp. 20%......I dunno. It was part of the whole package deal with adding spyware, etc. I upsell people all the time.....computers are one of those things where I have to put my trust in someone else, like on the work we do. I just try and be comfortable with it, and be happy with what I'd bought. Mine could have Windows 95 on it and I'd never know the difference,
  20. Any Gamers???

    Yeah, but with monitor, printer, etc. is was $750 (17" panel). Then I got suckered into doing all the additional stuff, some was good, they applied all the spyware, aintvirus, and did all the window updates, erased all the "crap" from the comp. which they said would speed it up 20%, and a bunch of other stuff......out the door with some cables and tax it was right at $1000.
  21. Any Gamers???

    I got it because it was silver:)
  22. Any Gamers???

    does any ofthat mean anthing shane??
  23. Any Gamers???

    200gb hd 1024 mb ddr atholon 64 processor 3500+ Nvidia Getforce 6100
  24. Any Gamers???

  25. Deleted scenes from 24

    Me and you both, Mike. I have to ration the discs, and I still only make it a few days. Nothing is more aggravating than going to Blockbuster and getting "ganked"(the term for someone having the next disc you need). Like a junkie needing a fix.