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Everything posted by JFife

  1. Big Screen T.V.s

    I've had a Sony 57" Rear for a few years now with no trouble. And I am no amatuer, this thing takes some abuse. When I am home and not busy, I can choke down some serious TV. My next buy is audio equipment, been waiting until this winter to dive into it.
  2. Anyone know of any waterbase deck stains that are available?? Besides Wolmans product (raincoat)?? Something besides the acrylics.
  3. I think your price is reasonable, assuming you are bleach washing, or percarb washing. (also assuming you sf is correct). Maybe a little low, but I don't know how fast you guys are.
  4. Defy?

    does he mean blue stain, a.k.a sapstain??
  5. Workmens Comp Very Low Price

    Cool!! Thanks for the tip--I may give them a call, jf
  6. Workmens Comp Very Low Price

    so how much was it???
  7. Beth/rod, Looks great as always. Sorry about the customer. I've been entertaining the idea of creating an organization for the LH industry that would basically be the "opposite" of the BBB. There are few enough people that do the work and do it right, and it would be nice to be able to have a database of bad customers, because they are plenty. When you say sanded, do you mean buffed or actually orbital sanded?? Another thing, on the first finished pic of the floor, the knot area has the dreaded "light" look in some spots. Does it still appear that way once dried, or does it go away?? You know as well as I the solution is the second coat, but then that changes the whole theory behind maintenance services. Thouhts??
  8. Starting New Company

    PressurePro, ....Shame on you for speaking the truth!!: Grease, ....you'll profit an amount equal to what you can put out, which with an $800 investment will be little. So you'll either burn out or cash out, one or the other. I'm not saying you cannot be the guy that starts out carrying a machine in the trunk of his car and make it. I was that guy. But that was ten years ago, when this biz was in it's infancy. I'd equate what you attempting to starting a lawn biz with an 18" push mower and trimming with clippers. Unless you are 12 yrs old and can pull off sypathy business, you won't get much work. Before you get too upset at folks on here for telling you like it is, keep in mind that we may just be saving you $800 of hard earned $ and a boatload of headaches.
  9. Advice for first time Dad?

    Congradulations Celeste, Your two posts win the prize for being the most disgusting (propelled female urination/hygiene/projectile vomiting), LOL! Question: Why shouldn't babies sleep on their back?? I've always heard that if someone passes out drunk that they should sleep on their stomach so they won't choke on their vomit. Seems babies would be the same?? Okay, here are my tips from a cranky guy without kids (sister has a couple, as do many of my friends that are my age (29). Some of these tips are based on things I've done to offend: 1) No blabbering baby messages on the answering machine, unless it is a number that only the grandparents can call. 2) Only you and really maternal broads think the babies bodily functions are cute. 3) Don't be offended if you introduce the baby to guys and they guess the *** wrong until the kid is 4 or 5. I've had to start referring to kids as "it." 4) If your baby is smiling/cooing/waving at some guy and it is obvious the guy is avoiding eye contact and not really smiling back, it doesn't mean he's a pedophile or mean, he is just really uncomfortable around kids (again, experience) 5) If it is a boy, don't let your wife name him. The world will be tough enough without having a name your wife thought was "adorable." Give him a chance with a good, solid name like Clarence or George. Think Senatorial, not Abercrombie model. Sorry my tips are so cantankerous. Good luck, I'm sure it will be fun. Oh, and it will be your job to think into the future for him, so keep him out of humiliating pictures and such.
  10. Doolittle, If you put him up at the vet for a few days, and circulate flyers, etc., and give him a chance, I'll pay for the bill. Seriously. I couldn't stand it if something like that happened to one of my dogs, and his owners probably feel the same. I also understand your plight with the other pets, so put him up and I'll cover it. jonathanmarkfife@hotmail.com let me know what you need, I'll be back in town in a week,
  11. State of Affairs-Bulletin Boards

    Everett, The feeling is mutual. Here is my take on what you've said: I'd say most of those guys you just mentioned were newer to the biz whenever they were posting a lot, and now are busier, know more, etc., and don't have as much to "take" from a bbs, so probably visit less. Now, you've got other guys that are promising but may only be a couple yrs. into biz, and have bright futures. I am with you on the customers reading up on info. Thing is, I think that effects any kind of biz, not just pw. The internet has created easy access to any info you can think of, and pw is no different. However, there is no compensation for experience. I have customers all the time ask me if it is realistic that they could do the job themselves. I tell them, "no, you'll screw it up, it will look terrible, and you'll have to call me to fix it." They usually respond offended, and say, "well, it just doesn't seem that hard to spray on some chems, let it sit, wash it off, and apply some stain." That is when I close. I ask them if they have any idea of what results they should expect. You apply stripper, wash, and it WILL look better. But is it good enough?? What if it looks 90% better, will it then look okay with stain?? What if you apply the stain, and the color isn't as rich as you like, but you've already done the rails. Do you go for two coats?? Apply a different color on top?? At that point the realize that the final result will be determined by each preceeding step, and without knowing what to expect from experience, they'll screw it up. Always works:) It is agrevating to constantly be second-guessed. That is just that 10-20% of customers that are a pain, and you just have to live with it IMO. I'm in the middle of a disasterous job right now, due to obnoxious customers. But I gotta keep my head up, keep going, finish the job, and be nice along the way. My payback comes when they need something else, and won't get to use my service.
  12. State of Affairs-Bulletin Boards

    Everett, I'd be more interested in hearing "specifically" what comments/attitudes have turned you off. I've never been one that feels "mislead" by a person that pretends to be a contractor and is actually a homeowner looking for advice, etc. That is their personal issue with ethics, not mine, and I won't let it change my day in the least just because someone is disingenuous (sp). I'm sure that has happened, I'm sure people have created a fake problem with a product just to disparage that product, etc. Keep in mind, many of us do this because we have fun doing it. Personally, I am booked up until Spring, so I am not doing this to enhance my biz, but nonetheless, I still find tips on here that are useful. I take the bad with the good, I don't like the idea of helping a newbie "jumpstart" their biz by making it easy for them, but some do. Some benefit from that. Many get/give leads from these forums. I guess my point would be, that though these forums can be obnoxious, they create a lot of good. I have friends I've met on these forums that have stayed at my house, partnered up on jobs, gone to dinner, given/taken advice, given me big jobs, etc. A lot of us have aspects of these forums to thank for our success.
  13. Oxalic Acid

    PressurePro-- Ouch! I hope the guy at least had the decency to wear protection!!LOL I'm thinking I pay $25 for a 50# bag, and maybe $35 for citric. I get those kind of chems from Harcros Chemical usually, they'll sell over-the-counter, but have a minimum or either $100 or $300 (dont remember). They have plants in most major cities, haven't found anywhere that beats their prices,
  14. Cowbell banger

    YES!! I knew it had "reaper" in the title. I never would have known the name of the Band, however. Adrian, perhaps you could challenge Mark McGrath on VH1 music jeapardy (obscure TV comment)
  15. Cowbell banger

    Have any of you seen that particular skit on SNL?? It is a classic. It is on "The best of Will Farrell" DVD should you rent it. ....dang, I cannot remember the name of the song he is "banging" to, but if I said it everyone would know it. A seventies rock song.
  16. JEA, If it is carpenter bees, they will have drilled a perfect 1/2" hole in several places. That is the only infestation I've ever seen on decks, though there could be more I suppose. Staining/sealing won't stop them, and nothing is effective at killing them long-term. They don't, however, enjoy chewing through paint. So if this is a problem for this lady, I'd go with a solid stain. They hold up remarkably well, just redo the floor every two years and you are good.
  17. Paid with Ding Dongs

    Great story Adrian,
  18. Need Furniture?

    WOW. Truly beautiful craftsmanship, and reasonably priced for custom furniture. I like the Finnish clean-lines and exposed dovetails. I hope things pick up for him, it is unfortunate when a true craftsman cannot find customers that appreciate his talents. Being said, I imagine his is in a great area where he can find people to support his talents.
  19. Ok, now I'm really wishing the original poster would come back and clarify for us. I'm sticking to my analysis. 1)why would three guys turn it down if all they have to do is keep cleaner off the roof? Ya know what, I just went back and read it and he mentions dormers, and keeping the cleaner off the roof so it doesn't streak. So I guess I am wrong once again:)
  20. Adrian, ....."Mr. Fife" doesn't do washing, but I do have some log home stuff going on in the area. I'm not really pushing it, I may go a little harder once it cools off down there and I slow down up here.
  21. PP, .....I think what the guy was saying was that the walls were covered in "a cedar roof", i.e. cedar shakes. I had to re-read to get the meaning, I at first thought like you that he meant "keeping the cleaner off the roof" but I believe what was meant was they want the cedar house to stay looking grey. I suppose he'll correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. Decline, what they want is impossible to achieve. You could wash properly, and stain a grey color, but otherwise, don't get suckered into this one.
  23. I've used the Cabot waterbase (baby blue label). Many others as well, frankly, all seem the same. Have to prime, tint the primer to the color of the stain, and you may get by with one coat of stain. Or, we just spray the entire thing with white primer, and then spray the rails white, and let it get on the floor. Then, go back and roll the floor. You'll have to do two coats. There is a lot more cutting on a solid two tone than you'd think. Good thing is, easy touch up. One product I've had good luck with in a solid is Olympic. Hated Flood. Benmoore is good, i use their paint for everything. If you do a two tone, make sure that where the cut-end of the 5/4 decking ends out flush with the decks band board, make sure you stain those the color of the floor. That is a big pet peeve of mine. That sets it off, when you see the white band board and white rails, but the lip of the floor is a color. Good luck, let me know if you want some pics,
  24. All the decks I did were on brick homes, and the look of white rails/driftwood grey floor is unparalleled.
  25. I can snail mail you a couple cool ones if you want.