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Posts posted by JFife

  1. Well put Neil. Needed to read that. Though I might argue with you about the Hole. Heaven on Earth, IMO:) I know you agree!:) Truly, the Apps. in the Fall are breathtaking. If you can, get back to some of your tight decks when the colors are perfect and get your photos. I'm starting to learn about pics, our work can be greatly accentuated by the landscape/colors around it. Thats when you get those brochure shots. Great post.

  2. IMO, if you are applying RS without backbrushing you aren't doing a quality application. Sure, it might dry fine and not show the flaws, but that doesn't mean you've done your best application possible. We flood the wood and brush until even, let it dry, and come back and do it again. Backbrushing isn't a serious task---plus it looks sloppy if you are out there just blowing and running and not leaving an even coat. I train our guys to saturate to the point of refusal, then brush to the point the entire board looks evenly wet. Then it is done!:)

  3. Chapman,

    ....I'm trying to think hypothetically how much money I'd pay to operate that thing for about two minutes. I tell ya, if it came down to getting to spend two minutes behind that gun or spend two minutes (that'd be about it) with Shakira, I might take the gun:)

  4. 1st thing: Get to know your local law enforcement, alert them to your problems.

    2nd thing: I'm assuming you have no criminal record. If you don't, you can do about anything and come out pretty clean. I'd be more concerned about civil suits.

    3rd thing: A policeman told me that if you were ever in a situation where a gun became necessary, make sure to kill the person (hey, were talking "serious" here). He said if you are a good citizen, no record, etc.....you only want there to be one story to tell at the end of the day.

    4th thing: There are consideration to make, such as, if you are the size of an Off.Lineman, and being attacked by Gary Coleman, and you shoot him, you've got problems. The law assumes you should have been able to defend yourself without deadly force.

    So if you are truly afraid of a bad situation, get your finances in order to deter a civil suit or not have much to lose. Could you live with these consequences?? Seriously, you may be better off living fearlessly, and if you get killed by some loser taking advantage of someone that is a pacifist, then maybe death would be better than a life of misery having done something you regret.

  5. Why does everyone think the world is so bad?? Go back to WWII, I heard an astounding number one time on how many children were born to women whose fathers were thousands of miles away. When I heard the figure it was from a source I wouldn't challenge, but the numbers were astounding enough that I wouldn't quote them as fact without something to back them up. But that was consider "the golden era" of the US. Wanna read about some really vile cultures?? Open that black book sitting on your nightstand. Think things are bad now?? Read the Old Testament.

    People wale about how awful the world has become...it's just because the News has learned that we LIKE that, it SELLS, so they tell us MORE of it. FoxNews is my mainpage, and I always check on the top ten stories. Amazes me at what they'll be.....12 people trampled in China, boat flips in Panama killing 9, gunmen opens fire in Jeruselum market, wounds 11, kills self. Who cares?? (Deckguy, that may answer you question about whether any of us actually have a "heart" anymore:)) But seriously?? That's just life. Those things happen, and you can choose to be fascinated by it and dwell on it, and scare your children into fearing the world---or you can go out and live your life. Fear and anxiety are terrible things to instill in your kids, and they start absorbing it from Day 1.

  6. Neil and Paul,

    You guys are knocking out some tight decks!! WTW experts, why does Paul's Ipe work have a nice satin sheen to it.....but some decks you guys post are totally flat/matte?? Just multiple coats? I like the sheen. Nice work, everybody. That is a great job Neil, and another great deck. Nice to see someone fork out the extra money for the "nice" lattice:) Looks so much better, and doesn't disentegrate upon pressure.

  7. Libertarians have their own group of problems and are also human and are prone to frequent acts of stupidity, but atleast they don't have a concerted plan to ***** out votes and make a mockery of this country. So, I'll put my votes with them almost everytime. QUOTE BY RYANH

    ....See, this is what keeps me awake. Someone like Jeff is a lost cause. Ryan, I'm sure this has been proposed to you by others, but I'd like to hear your response. You've mentioned the weaknesses of your Repub. Gov. Candidate, but I assume he has other strengths I'd expect of a Southern Republican. For kicks, let's assume his opposition is Carol McKinney (no idea who his actual compitition is). And finally, a Libertarian candidate that nobody has heard of until standing in front of the ballot box.

    VOTING IS YOUR RIGHT, YOU CAN VOTE HOW YOU SEE FIT. But I can tell by what you have to say, you and I would come down at the same place on 90% of issues. Would you vote for the Libertarian candidate because he is closer to being your ideal candidate, even though he has no legit shot at winning?? Knowing that by casting your vote, it could be seen almost as a vote for Carol McKinney?? I think it was Sun Su ("The Art of War") that said something to the effect of "my enemy's enemy is my friend". As I said before, I respect Idealism, but I also hate Democrats:)

  8. Did you forget about Clinton? He was the main reason that hatred-spewing talk-radio proliferated in the early 90's. I don't know you or your friends, but I heard venom every day about him, and now about his wife.

    One last thought before I let this thread be...what would the country be like if everyone voted? Seems the conservatives fear this for some reason.

    ...Hope things are well in Cape. I'm with you....I got one more in me and I'm done on this, requires too much energy and I'd rather put it to things that actually reap rewards.

    Re: Clinton. IMO, that is a nightandday difference. Rightwingers didn't like his morality and ethics, but it wasn't this kind of vitriolic, bitter hate. I disagree with most of Clinton's politics, but don't dispise the guy. I actually cannot think of one of my right-wing friends that do (unless "Hotshot" decides to post:)). Hillary.....touche. We hate her. Mostly because she is just a joke though.

    Darn right, more people voting will be the demise of our country. The Founding Fathers really dropped the ball on that one; they should have stipulated that in order to vote, you had to pass a test grading you on the Issue, the Candidates, general intelligence, and logic. We have to pass a written test to drive and understand our highway system, but not our political system?? Nope, any idiot can vote for whomever is going to raise taxes the highest on average workers so they can stay home and be a leech. So we start a testing system for voters!! Hey, like you Dems say, the "Mo' Gov't, the Mo' Better!" I just thought of a govt program that would actually be useful!! Ah, just think about it, now maybe a full HALF of your day can go to pay for worthless people!!:) My other idea is a draft/trade system like the NFL Draft where we trade these worthless bums to Mexico for people that are actually of hope and value. If we as tax payers are paying for them, we should be able to trade them for Mexicans.

  9. Jeff,

    Why are all Liberals like you so angry and hostile?? What exactly is happening that is so horrid?? Is it just Iraq?? Or has there been other areas of your life that have been absolutely miserable since W took office?? "Hate" will chew you up and spit you out.......you liberals have got to get a handle on this whole "W" thing. Never seen anything like it. You guys foam at the mouth at his mention......it really sad.

  10. I applaude you RyanH, yet another brilliant, straight-to-the-gut post. You always get it right.

    One thing I think about---consider you example of your Republican GA Gov. Is he pressing a hot button and trying to use it to his advantage?? Yes. Are most people too dumb to realize this?? Yes again. Would I prefer he press this button so that he can win the election, and keep some moron Democrat out of office who will make matters worse?? Yeah, I would. Sometimes you have to go with the lesser of the two evils, and it seems that plays out in politics more than any other arena.

    Candidates cannot be as fiscally/govtmentally/socially conservative as I'd like them to be, because they'd only carry 30% of the votes. Unfortunately, you have to "pander" a little to the centralized goofballs in this country, in hopes to get "undecided's". But if they can get into office, then glide a little to the right, wonderful. And if they don't.......still, better than GA being run by Carol McKinney or some other racist. You are an Idealist, and I am to an extent, but can you see my point on voting for someone, even though they may not be perfect?

    Jeff, my God you scare me. Seriously. The fact that you'd seem to be an otherwise normal person and have these beliefs bothers me.....generally Sheehan-like talking points are reserved for those I don't consider to be much like myself. Who cares about George Allen?? You and I have honkey, Jew, black, Muslim, crout, mexican, whatever in us if we go back far enough....as did he. So he had a bagelmuncher a few generations back in his lineage?? Should he go to Synagogue now?? Me and you gonna go to Freaknik?? Man you liberals are nuts.

    Another couple things Jeff---the education system is vastly better than it has been, even as recent as when I went through. My sister has young children, and is amazed at what they have to learn by certain ages now. My mom is a teacher, NCLB extraordinarily effective in her words. Oh yeah....know that successful, Myrtle Beach pWashing outfit known as JL Powerwash?? Who's watch was that on?? Let me guess----everything in the gov't was against you, but you fought against the odds and overcame......:) You've had success because your clients are THRIVING!! And you are too!! You need to stand in front of your nice new home tonight with your family, put your arm around your wife and say, "honey, I'd like to pay homage to a great man, a great leader, and a great President, George W. Bush. Without him, us buying this home, especially with a 5% interest rate, wouldn't have been possible. Every day, when we look at our lovely home, we need to think about President Bush and the Republican Party and the strides they made, so that we could be so fortunate." Then buy a tri-pod, put a camcorder atop, and record that speech and play it for us here at tgs.:)

  11. I like the runt! Lexi is probably just upset because Jake isn't the father. Speaking of, is he nice to the puppies?? I bet he licks them and is kind.....remember that Brad Paisley song, "I hope I'm half the Man, he didn't have to Be"?? I'm sure Jake has stepped in and is being a total gentleman and is acting like a father to the puppies.:)

  12. Okay RyanH,

    .....Back on task, swoon the Wife. It is playoff time in baseball?? Could you make something happen with that?? Catch a Friday night game, nice meal and hotel, send her to a spa or something Saturday while you go play golf of hang out to watch football games, catch a saturday night game....go home on Sunday?? You could do that under budget, probably anywhere except west coast or NY/Boston.

  13. Jon,

    Have you ever been to Eureka Springs? It is one of the most eclectic towns I have ever been to. The residents seem to get along even though they may disagree with each others "lifestyle". The "deliverance" type people haven't been seen in 30 years. They probably went to Branson and started a music show.

    I personally wouldn't go near Branson, but if you like to shop it is a good day trip from Eureka Springs to go to the outlet malls.

    Eureka Springs is a great place to just kick back and relax.


    Yep, currently doing a job there. I find the place to be horrible, but the place may feel the same way about me:) I don't see what there is to do?? There is a lake. I don't see what makes some places vacation destinations, but I am not a very fun person. Branson is worse---stupidist shows you can imagine, not funny, traffic, old traffic, I guess it is good if you are into shopping. There are a few good golf courses in Branson.

  14. Jon,

    Are you off your meds or just drinking Foley's koolaid? You've been quite a bit more insulting, rude and personal about things that don't agree with you.

    Gee....speaking of insults, just bash me and innocent Jim Foley why don't ya!! I'm sorry you've chosen to be offended by whatever it is was I said.

    Last I checked, "munchkins" are in EVERYONE'S town - maybe where I live, they don't like folks like your friend. Frankly, I think I'd throw rocks at you if you drove through right now.

    There is a 'munchkin commune' in Burlingtion....I figured you'd be proud an out-of-stater new about it! I'm actual serious....do you not know what I'm talking about?? The people I know from that area of NC were all familiar with it. Not making fun! Pretty cool IMO!!

    Last I checked, pregnant women actually dislike being called "pregos".

    Was this survey scientific??

    Murphy, NC (clean of the Eric Rudolph hiding out still if my memory serves me correctly) is a charming place. It is NOT overflowing with touristy stuff that brings long stands in line, horrific traffic and high prices. Hiking is not a prerequisite to going there nor is it the only thing to do.

    Cool! Kinda like western Kansas, heh??:)

    Be nice.

    Please! Come back in seven days when you aren't so sensitive!!


    I love you however, Celeste:) Except my new nickname for you is "Willow":)

  15. Jon I have NO idea what you are talking about. Munchkintown??

    Ryan, I'm talking about Murphy, NC. We've done a home there and also spent time just hanging out with our kids at the cabin. You can have pure solitude or if you want to drive through the mountains, there are actual routes laid out with premarked stops. I will send you an email with the information (email me at prowash2@carolinaprowash.com) and pics of the cabins if you like.


    ....C'mon Celeste.....Burlington, NC.....the commune where all of the munchkins live.....they are mean, throw rocks at your car if you try to drive in, etc......My friend from Burlington told me about it, and I believe him:)

    What would you do in Murphy? He can't hike, etc. From what I remember from the last time I was there....there is NOTHING. That's why Eric Rudolph hid out there for so long.

    Can prego's fly? That really rules a lot in/out. Seems heading to the GA coast/Islands would be nice. I'm still for a football weekend.

  16. http://www.eurekasprings.org/





    Eureka Springs, Arkansas is a great place to just relax for a few days. Lots of different types of place to stay, shop and restaurants. Branson, Missouri is a short back roads day trip away, if you like that type of thing.

    This is a good time of year to go.

    It is a long drive from Georgia though.

    Congratulations to you both,


    PLEASE RYANH. I live near these areas, run. Away. The best definition of Branson I ever heard was on "The Simpsons". Homer said, "Branson is like Las Vegas; if it were ran by Ned Flanders." That is the most accurate description in one sentence you'll ever find. Most vacationers are in their 80's that are there. Is my main service area though...does have some lakes.

    Eureka Springs, AR: Did you like "Deliverance"?? If you answer 'yes' to that question, you may enjoy Northwest Arkansas:)

    Western NC: (Refer to Arkansas synopsis). Like I said, you'll wanna wear a chastity belt on backwards. Ask some of the people about the "blue skin people".....and Celeste---why don't you inform everyone about MunchkinTown?? Yep, I know about it:)

    Why don't you take her to an out-of-town football game for the weekend of you fav. team, i.e. Falcons, Bulldogs, Yellowjackets, etc?? Or pay to send her to a cooking class?? That's it for me, pretty much just bash the other ideas and football.:) I'm not married so I don't have good ideas for these sorts of things.

  17. Danboy,

    ...You missed it.....it isn't a big deal until the SECOND application. Try getting a stain that "kinda pentrates, kinda doesn't" to look right. Some area soak, some flash on top of the old sealer. Result: blotchiness. .....Or, you can just strip the old sealer and start afresh. Sell that one to the customer in two years:) At least with the true, heavy film-formers like DEK you know what you are going for.....a nice thick coating. And let's say you do end up applying to the point you develop an even coating....those are even harder to maintain. And strip??

    Like I said in the other thread, I use all kinds of stuff, but for long-term maintance, a product like RS should be a mainstay for a service Co., especially if they have employees. Build a clientbase on simple re-treats. The idea of WTW as a backup for weather issues is interesting, however......but I'm not in the deck biz, so I am not pursueing that angle.

  18. Jon you can do better. I don't really have many points to contend.

    "blanket assumption"

    Read the line again. For sealer longevity you need higher pigmentation content. Thats not a fact? I also mentioned something about diminishing return (aesthetically speaking you obviously don't want an overly opaque sealer but it would stil hold true that an opaque sealer would offer longer life). Almost every customer would love to have a sealer that is a slight tint beyond the wood's natural appearance. They just don't last. You also have to apply twice as much READY SEAL (happy?) to get even coverage. The 75/sf and two different applications has been mentioned by numerous contractors, not just yourself. I have also experienced the same coverage rate with it.

    That is open to salesmanship. "Our sealer requires twice as much due to it's viscosity allowing it to penetrate further into the wood and preserve it, blah blah." Regarding pigment content, a high pigment product may look good at the surface, but be providing absolutely no protection at all. Typical is latex stains, and heavily-bodied oil stains. Just cause something looks decent, doesn't mean it is performing a function.

    Everything declines, yes. Weak arguement. The rate at which it declines is exactly what is in question. Though you glided over that issue as an aside. Nice try, Fife.

    I'd debate this, but you've essentially proposed a WTW vs. RS battle, and you cannot prove that WTW lasts longer than one year. Why?? It hasn't existed longer than that. This argument is moot based on lack of evidence from the Film Party.

    Contrary to your cynical outlook, the fact that I sell Baker's to homeowner's has no bearing in this entire arguement. If it did, I'd be smarter to keep my mouth shut because I would have, by your definition of Baker's, disparaged my own product line. Baker's does cure by the way.

    Like I said, "unless Tom does something (besides spirits) to it". Besides that, it doesn't cure any differently than RS (i'm speaking of TWP200 specifically). Completely non-drying.

    Again, Russell can fight his own arguements. If some people like the products and speak of them why would that bother you? I made much more money this year using WTW when it was appropriate. Other contractors may like the idea of making money when it gets rainy so we share our experiences. Don't let it bother you so much.

    I seem bothered? I'm not. Glad you made more money. Cut it 30:1 with water, you'll make even more.:)

    You know I love ya, Jon, but you didn't think I was gonna take this one sitting down did ya?

    From where I stand, I thought you were taking it bending over:)LOL
