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Posts posted by JFife

  1. ...It's official, DonL is my new favorite "poster"!:)

    DonM, in MO you have to have WC no matter how many emps you have, so that route means nothing. If you cannot afford it, just keep you biz low on value (lease equipment, payments, no cash, etc) and make sure your worker(s) know this so they don't get the idea that a smashed finger might net them 50K or so. Making a big claim and taking your biz from you will get them nothing but a bunch of debt.

  2. ....Well, as you said, you were all "dirty, filthy and muddy anyway". I think that answers your question right there:)

    Great, straightforward answer DonL.

    ...Personally, I wouldn't ask the customer, but just out of my own idiosyncrasy's. Being somewhat of a germaphobe, I don't even like the solution of going to the service station. I have three places I'll go, in this order: Walgreens, Staples, OfficeMax. I just try and avoid being in the situation,

  3. ..Well put by Rush. We're on the same page here. And I agree about Biblical contradictions.....my point was with pulling verses out here and there "God saves Prostitute" vs. "God killing Uza for dropping Arc" and saying there is a contradiction. That was my only point--everything must be taken in the proper context, and one cannot just pull out a verse that makes a statement and make it fit all situations. Don't ya hate when you CANNOT type what you want to say???:)

  4. Mean Papa, ...long time, no see!! Glad you are kickin'!

    Hotshot Anthony:

    ...While I totally agree with your points, I have trouble making the decision from a Biblical perspective. I am also conservative Christian, but the trouble I have with with going to find verses that back up one point or another is that you can virtually always find something elsewhere that you could use as a counter-point. So you offer: "...protect yourself with borders, etc" and I say, "Love thy neighbor, help the poor and needy", etc.

    ...And technically, I'd beat you on the fact that the second greatest command is to love your neighbor as yourself. ...And this means our Great neighbor across the Rio Grande!! Obviously I am being extreme, but I think one should take the Bible in as a whole, some things can be taken as direct commands, "don't murder, etc", some things taken as examples to use as applicable, "...you should have borders, etc".

    My point is that I don't think the Bible necessarily has an answer within it to this current question......but it has a lot of applicable info that should weigh into an equation, and decisions should be made that benefit all of mankind now and in the future. Are we on the same page, or am I off in left field??

  5. What's up JohnT,

    ...Glad you are doing well. So you know, 18' is an odd size. Also, might as well step up to car-hauler width, 102" (8.5'). I've got one, pulls nice, lots of room.

    Think about: If you get a trailer, you gotta pull it. Sounds silly, but do you want your guys driving around Manhattan pulling a trailer?? Wrong turns, etc., and you've got problems. Me and You are probably great backing/driving trailers, but others aren't, especially if they don't own it. For me, it works great, but I pull it to a job, and leave it for a month. You are moving every few hours.

    Have you checked out the Fuso's and NPR (Izuzu) box trucks?? They make four door models, which is what I was considering for a future endeavor. Or one of those Chevy 4500's (4door)?

    JohnT, in my opinion, for what you do, I'd get a big 4door truck (4500, 550, etc) and mount everything to a big flatbed. I know, the weather, but get covers, and consider it a cost. It's a lot of work to service things that are enclosed. ...and maybe get a van to follow to the jobs, to drop of items you don't want left in the back.

  6. Chillin' in the A/C here. It has been so hot this week I wanted to mutilate myself. Like 102 everyday until yesterday, we got a break (98). It wasn't a tornado just high winds, supposedly highest winds in 50 years or so. Really nasty situation. I don't say this to be macabre, but it will be unfortunate how many bodies are discovered once things get back to normal. This might not be considered that hot for some areas of the country, but around here that kind of heat leaves a lot of people really dead. Very sad, hope it gets better soon.

  7. ....Good to see you and Mr. Ed have buried the hatchet, so to speak, and you are know using him as your number one advisor:)

    Having not done much Ipe, is the problem that a film wont adhere to thewood? Thus, something like DEK loses it's adhesion? Or the film just breaks down?? Have you tried RS, or something non-drying? Do the customers want to keep that red look, or are they okay with greying?

  8. ...so the definition of "diabetic" is having blood sugar level over 200?? ...And is it being said that once you are classified as a diabetic, it cannot be reversed?? Just great, I've gotta go to the doctor today. So what are the common symptoms of diabetes??

  9. Lance,

    ...I'd say it depends on the size of the Co. you are working for. A smaller Co. would probably get you a deposit. I had 50K laying out on the table once, and it does nothing good for the ulcers. Honestly, my guess is that you're gonna have to eat the expense upfront. I asked the Contractor if they'd be willing to pay me upfront, the said "no", and it would be two months until I got a check. I told them the bid would be significantly higher due to this, since I'd be accruing debt interest, etc. and they were fine. I think on something 50K i probably bumped it 5K, and I'm glad I did.
