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Posts posted by JFife

  1. As far a growth of my company, that would not be a smart choice in this situation. We grossed 250,000.00 in sales last year according to my taxes, with myself and one worker. 250k, which is MUCH more then i expected for a 2nd year business. (quote by sealcoater)

    ...I am curious why you say this?? Seems to me it would be a far cheaper, smarter, and definitely SAFER move. You are an expert, you can sell, know the equipment, have network/contacts, etc..........seems much smarter to me than opening something you are not an expert in (retail/repairs(assume)). I am in a city of about 250K and there is a sealing/striping Co. here that probably has close to 100 trucks on the road, so there is obviously a market for what you are doing.

    As to my response as to why people aren't responding, like I said, they aren't trying to help create competition for their suppliers (whether it be chems OR product/machine sales---there are plenty of both here) so they are mum. .....Or people may just not be interested in the topic. I for one am, but I'd say most don't have interest in going to this side of the biz, so they'd rather just argue about Xjets or something:)

    The thing I'd add to your list of "needs", would be a real hefty pocket book. I'd think if you want to be a successful LOCAL guy, you'd need massive inventory. Why buy hose from your for $100 and have to wait a week for shipping if I can have it at my door from an online vendor in a week for $70?? You can't challenge the online guys on price, so you have to beat them on convenience, satisfaction, and efficiency. .....And my guess is that in order to be a showroom distributor for say, Hydrotek, you have to purchase a small amount of their equipment to have on the floor (if you want any clout with them). All the "big" items would be easy to find---call Landa, Hydrotek, Xjet, Goodyear hose, Suttner, but I wouldn't know where to go to get supplied with, say, fittings. Chems would be another easy one. People be beating your door down wanting you to carry their stuff. And if you can get your name out, salespeople have a way of finding you, the kind of people that sell fittings, etc.

    I'd think advertising would be cheap for this mock-biz, basically Yellow Pages, book, etc. and that's it. The rest would be word of mouth and cold calling by you. I've never been cold-called by a supplier, so that would probably kick butt if you called the millions of Florida washers:)

  2. sealcoat:

    Regarding why such few responses: Keep in mind, there are distributors that visit this board regularly, many whom supply contractors on this board. So people don't advise you, because they don't want to step on their suppliers' toes.

    Would this be complementary to your existing biz, or a transition?? My INITIAL thought is that the two biz' wouldn't necessarily complement each other that well, but don't have anything but gut instinct to go with. To me, especially since you've only been in biz two years, the way to make more $$ would be growth, not a new biz venture.

    I would say, if this IS the direction you want to go in, I think you'd create a more "valuable" biz doing retail than a service biz. I think it would be an easier sell, should you choose to vacate.

    What are your brainstorms??? Like you, anytime I see a need I want a piece of the $$. You obviously have sniffed out that your area is screaming for distributors, but do you have other reasons for wanting to do it, other than it is needed??

  3. One word Jeff-----XANAX!!!!!

    Scott S. couldn't have described me any better. I am that exact same way--the mid-sized group phenomenon.

    Jeff--I can tell you from firsthand experience those "feelings" you are experiencing are the onset of a panic attack. I take meds for panic attacks, and have for quite a few years now, though I hate the idea of having to take meds for that type of a problem. The difference between what you are feeling now and a panic attack, is with a panic attack you'll DWELL on those feelings, and before long, you might feel like that when playing with your kid, going to McDonalds, washing a driveway, etc. And it is unpleasant enough that you'll begin to FEAR the idea of a panic attack, which just makes it worse. Confronting the issue at the start (which you are diong) is the best med there is.

    Being said, I have absolutely no trouble speaking to a large group. I've had experiences of speaking to over 1K people on a handful of occasions, and it bothers me about as much as typing this post. I believe the fear you have is just something that is pre-wired into YOUR brain----and isn't rational. Just like me---I won't climb ladders beyond about 12'. Totally scared of heights. Hate planes. Is that rational??? A steelworker like you says "no", but I can't shake it for the life of me. I know some people that are deathly afraid of needles. I cannot imagine that. My friends wife will faint at the sight of a midget. My old roommate had a sister that was terrified of clowns. We all have fears---good luck challenging yours!!!

  4. Why join (and pay money) to a group that is essentially a resource for people to tattle on you?? If you aren't a member, I don't believe they register complaints against you, but if you are a member, they do?? ....And they'll mediate for you, to what they think is fair. What if I stained a deck for someone, the client calls the bbb after 1 1/2 yrs and says, "the deck floor has faded, it should have lasted two years, that is what my new contractor is telling me", then you've got some mediator holding you accountable to make a reasonable resolution.

    ...I just don't have that 'please the customer at any cost mentality', that is probably while I'll never get rich.

    .....but I have thought of creating the essential "complete opposite" of the BBB, a place where guys like us can report crap customers. Sounds fair, eh?

  5. JohnT,

    You Italians sure know how to CHILL!!! ....and is that a hot tub gazebo up there on the deck????? Sounds like you partner is doing it right......and I am assuming that is all done in about a six month span??? Not too shabby!

    Newlook: I think you and I crossed wires. Here is my specific question to you: All things being equal (they aren't), how many servicemen working does it take to gross 1mil??

  6. I too think 1mil is high for one crew, unless it is a biz that has high material cost (four guys could easily build 1mil. in houses in a year). I think if you had two real ballbreakers, you could hit 500k, working all year and nothing really bad happening (ie. lawsuits, etc).

    John T, what does you partner do in biz a year?? Is he just a labor company or is he doing retail as well??

    Here is a fun Question: How much money would you anticipate "bringing home" on these gross numbers??




    My numbers: You'd bring home 100K grossing 250K, 150K grossing 500K, and 200K-250K grossing 1M. (not mentioning the obvious variables)

    I figure an owner op. can do about 200K in work a year, with a helper, maxed out. Of that, he can profit 100K. What do you think of my numbers, JohnT??

  7. Carlos,

    ...so using your example (1mil), do you feel that this # is possible for a single crew of workers, while the owner is running the biz? Like you said, doing the marketing, sales, keeping the guys supplied, books, etc. I am just trying to see what you guys think an efficient "crew" should be able to do. I know there are variables---some jobs, like flatwork, don't have high 'per job' expenses, so theoretically, a $1000 flatwork job generates more profit than a $1000 deck job.

  8. First, I'd base a decision on what you like, case closed.

    Second, I'd tend to think you biz value would be greatly increased if the portfolio was made up of commercial work. May be wrong.

    Third, I definitely think everyone is way too tied up on price. For commercial, I think it comes down to speed, and getting things done when you say you will. That is why I believe in the direction John T. has gone with his biz, I have no doubt it will pay off big. I'd say by '08 he'll consistantly be in the 2k-3k (daily) ballpark, if not more, simply because of his capability.

    Fourth, what I do (log homes) is far less threatened by lowballer syndrome, and the reason is because it is an impossible job for a part-timer or beginner to do. As well, huge commercial will always pay better for the same reason, there won't be an influx of beginners starting up overnight and competing such as it is with decks, resi. drives, houses, gutters, etc.

    The work we do is chump change to most big biz. If it costs 30K to do a bunch of washing on a massive hotel, they'll be FAR more concerned with the speed in which is it done, than saving 8K and going cheap. If you went in and bid a big hotel at 30K, they aren't looking at it like, "how much is this guy putting in his pocket?", the way a homeowner does. If you went into the hotel bid and said you guaranteed you'd have it done within 24 hrs. of when you start, that is what would sell the job.

    I'm bidding on a little log repair at a timeshare resort, and it could lead to some bigger things. The bid process is really screwed up, but at this point I am the highest bid, more than twice the next person. ...To make things worse, I'm trying to sell to a person in FL who has no idea what to expect/look for/etc., and will be going with the person that is the middle price, I'm sure of it. The middle price is around $7500, and my price was 16,500 (again, screwed up bid, we probably aren't even bidding the same thing), and she essentially told me mine was far higher and implied wouldn't have a chance. I want to get in with this resort, so I am going to email them with a harder sell, what is needed, blah, blah, blah, BUT the kicker is that I'm going to guarantee we'll have it done within three days (easily doable). We can probably do it in two days. The thing is, the area we are working in is about 10' from the main entrance door, where all the prospective clients come in, so they'll want whoever does it out ASAP. I'll gonna push this----I'll let you know how it goes:)

  9. Ken/carlos, etc., Is about 500k what you expect an efficient crew of (2) men to make in an entire working season?? (gross) Do you consider that the ultimate top-end, or just above average??

    Carlos, when you speak of a crew making 1mil, are you meaning a crew of 2/3 guys, and the owner of the biz running the biz--marketing, paper, bids, etc.?? Or are you speaking of owner/op'd biz'?

    Great words Ken! That was a good line--people shop on price because they don't know what else to base a decision on. Well put.

  10. Yeah Jeff,

    ....Don't apologize for your posts. LOL, I think you are one of those that wears your heart on your sleave for all to see......and that is a gift. My dad is like that....he can be best friends with a stranger in five minutes, along with discussing his deepest, darkest fears, etc., without even thinking twice. I'm not like that, far more stand-offish. I imagine your "laying it all out there" personality makes you a very good husband and father, and probably keeps your stress levels down. What a gift!

  11. Lance....from the pic.....31??

    I"ve been using Bullfrog because it eliminates the 'oily' feel. Luckily, I only work on houses and we always work out of the sun, if at all possible. My goal is that by 08', my laboring days will be 'ore. I have melanoma in my family history.......and I am a true honkey that goes from light pink to dark pink when I get sun. I always thought of skin cancer as something you detect, and burn/freeze off, but my elementry school principal is on his deathbed from skin cancer........went untreated, but then spread to lymph nodes, lungs,etc. Also know a guy that had a skin cancer on his head, and by the time they found it, it had gone to his brain. He lasted about six more months after that. Scary stuff.

  12. Great question Jeff--

    Business goals: attain my gross projection, land commercial client i've been speaking with, fill my summer schedule with jobs in a different locale

    Equipment: I have a trailer set up I'm working on, need about 10K to finish, that is the only equipment change

    Personal: achieve contentment, inner peace, and a closer personal relationship with my maker (Ken nailed it for me). Might start thinking about getting married as well, so if any of you have any really hot sisters let me know:) Otherwise it is, "look out, Russian Brides!!":)
