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Posts posted by JFife

  1. :lgjump:

    Keep your eyes open....I'm going to start working on something in the next 5 years. I'd be doing something now if I didn't have so much fun in my current job. I'm going to have to bite my tongue though and most likely enter under one of the two super-parties. Hmmm....I'm just liberal enough when it comes to certain issues that I will most likely run on the democratic ticket.

    Glad to hear that Ryan!! Definitely think it is in your calling.

    Drugs? Regulate them like alcohol. Heck, tax them even. Take the money we currently spend on the drug war and put it into rehabilitation. Then what are you going to do with all those poor Drug Cops jobs?? How about stopping rehabilitation funding and putting that money into more cops!! Or maybe just do what they did in Season3 of 'The Wire'. The thing that I don't like about legalization is I'd be very concerned what it would do to RealEstate values, etc. Stop the use by education, not with more guns on the street to stop dealers. Prostitution? Personally not for me, but who am I to judge if someone else wants to pay for a little strange every now and then? Gay marriage? Only a fool would think that a "marriage" can be anything other that something sanctioned by a church, but I'm all for legal unions. Gay adoption...I have many reservations about that. All of these things.....to me, you're simply not taking the correct moral stand. Better stated, you're not taking a stand in-line with Christianity, IMO. While I might agree, they all seem like you're just fighting one big uphill battle, that doesn't/shouldn't mean you just concede all ground. Re: gay adoption--while it might sound detestable, is it worse than a kid growing up in foster care?? I'd be completely against it if there were more hetero couples looking to adopt vs. potential children, but that isn't the case. I'd have to draw the line there Alcohol? Jesus partied with the best of them, and when the house wine ran out he turned water into even better wine. So I have no problem with drinking, although the idea of getting drunk and losing capacity of one's own self is rather pathetic and I do look down upon that.

    Yeah, Republicans won't like me too much for those issues, but they WILL like my capitalist approach and fiscal conservatism. And most "hard working Americans" should appreciate my fresh approach of not taking any crap. If what you say isn't true, I won't gloss over it during a debate and let you get away with it, I"ll make you defend yourself to the very end and, if I disagree with it, I'll say with certainty and clarification why I disagree. Americans deserve representatives who represent them, not someone who just wants a government paycheck and only needs to say some words and dress nicely to get it. My main detraction is I haven't served in the military, but I HAVE personally thanked a few hundred when I come across them in the airports and sit next to them on planes. I may not have served, but I do appreciate and applaud their committment.

    Fiscally you'd make a great candidate that I'd support---and that means as much to me as the moral stuff. Personally, I think the moral questions should be dealt with on a more personal level--like in the home, church, etc. Not really politics, or it shouldn't so much be.

    Re: your military service---you could go down and try to get in, and have them decline you based on your weight, eyesight, or something like that. Then you can go into your debates and answer with all the sincerity you can muster: "I did everything I could to be a United States Marine, but I had some physical limitations that prevented it." On the Scumbag Scale, that would actually probably score quite low compared to most politicians:)

  2. J-FI...

    I can see your point, but there are some problems with that. I am going out on a limb here, but I would say that most conservative women are stay-at-home moms that are actually at home raising their kids and they wouldn't be able to vote???? That's not right. $40 K in some parts of the country is A LOT of money and would not include a lot of hard working people.

    :)LOL, you are defending that side because it probably describes your wife (conservative/at home). Mrs. Ant will need to take one for the team under the Fife Plan. Sure, there are good women voters, but the majority (probably 60-65%) are too liberal. 40K too high?? Okay, let's say 30K. Here it is--if 25% of your $$ is going to taxes, and a person is making $24,000.00 a year, at 6K in per year it would take them five yrs to be able to vote. That is a LOW salary, and assuming you hadn't put in before turning 18.

    You're right--it's not a "money" thing--it's an Entitlement thing. Here is why my idea is sound: People always complain (both sides) that they are tired of "dumb, uneducated" voters. I don't like some welfare crankwhore being able to vote. Dems don't like the idea of Herschel coming in from the backwoods with a Rebelflag on his truck and just voting a party line. But you cannot eliminate the idiots without being called a racist/bigot/etc. The Fife Plan doesn't allow anyone to be called those names. Hard-working, taxpaying citizens get to vote---simple as that. If Crankwhore pays her taxes, she gets to vote. If Herschel will leave Munchkintown and has paid his dues, he can vote.

    The beauty of the Fife Plan is that it makes people realize, if they want entitlements, they'll be paying their fairshare. Otherwise, the "payers" get to determine who gets what......not some bleeding heart Donkey who is pandering to get votes.

    I'm not sure that money is the issue...I don't mind EVERYBODY having a right to vote, but I do think that if a politician is caught in a lie, they should automatically be banned from the process. How many times have you watched a debate on tv and and said to yourself...that's a lie!!! I think that if you (the politician) or your staff get caught lying..you're disqualified!!!! I think this country should raise the standard for our public servants instead of brushing off the little things like rape and lying to a federal judge and you know, little things like that :rolleyes: It makes me sick when I hear people take up for a politician that has done something wrong by saying "well, that's his/her personal life"...

    I also think that if a guest is invited on a tv program like Hannity & Colmes or Orielly or something like that and they are caught lyiing they should not be invited back on the program and they should keep a list running at the bottom of all the liars that have been kicked off the show...I don't care if they're dems or repubs...I think the truth is more important and I think that conservatives have a better arguement for ideas on how to run the country when lying is taken out of the equation.

    You see things very black and white. I'd tend to see a gray area in there every now and then. Regarding "caught lying" etc......my thought is, "Don't ask them the question in the first place." I think a big problem we have is that really high-quality people are afraid to run for office because they'll get smeared and every skeleton they've ever placed in a closet will be brought out.

  3. Ant,

    ......I am standing!! Unfortunately most would call me a radical, fanatic, hawk, fascist (though incorrect), or some other term for the people on the "right" side of the issues. Remember my Amendment I want to make to the Consti.......the one where you not only have to be 18 to vote, but also are not allowed to vote until you have paid a certain amount (40K-75K) into the tax system?? Think how many problems that would solve!! No more people voting for entitlements that will actually receive the entitlements......the people paying the money will have the say. You'd keep people that don't work out of the voting booths. You'd cut down on women voters....as many would be on "maternity leave" before they hit the 40K-75K taxation amount. This would be the solution to our current dilemma of moron lawmakers. People that would actually be functional and effective would start running for offices. Fife in 2012:)

  4. Great to see you back Diamond!! So what did the doctor do?? Open you up and brush a little WoodTux around that leaky valve to create a film and give it a nice, tight, seal??:)LOL (JUST KIDDING!!!!! Please no infractions!!) Did you try that move I was telling you about with the nurses.......the "oops, I accidently put my gown on backwards" trick??:) Sure is good news that you are well!!

  5. Wesley,

    There is a bbs: www.fordtrucks dot com. I've never seen a bbs like it in my life. Literally, must be a few thousand posts a day (well, is the only non-trade bbs I've ever played on). Anyway, there is more info on there than you'd care to read. EGR valves?? Probably 20,000 posts on the subject, all relating to early model 6.0's. Those guys on there are maniacs----you'll learn more about a 6.0 than you want to know. But the EGR problem is a common one; and you could find what the guys on there say about it. Hotshot slinks around over there a bit as well I believe, in the F150 forum.

  6. Wesley--

    I'll try and answer some of the questions presented--I'm not an expert, but occasionally speak with some guys that are, and I'll try and pass on some of the info.

    IMO, there is a lot of "luck" involved when buying a diesel. I have an '06 lariat 6.0PSD w/ 18K miles that's never done better than 15gpm, F250, 3.73 gears. Same truck, different guy will get 20gpm. At 18K miles, it is JUST starting to get broke in a little. The gpm is constantly improving, but I don't think I'll be one of the 20gpm guys.....it just goes truck-to-truck from what I've seen, no rhyme or reason.

    Also have a 7.3 PSD F250 w/ 150K, and a 7.3 F450 w/ 125K. 7.3's are great, and you can "chip" them to running really well. As far as getting a dually goes, theoretically, that and the 350/3500 shouldn't affect your gas mileage (I've been saying gpm, LOL) that much.

    Here's the deal: if you get a Ford 6.0 you MUST get an '05 or '06. They finally worked out the kinks. Since the new model/new motor is coming out, and is being anticipated, you can get pretty good deals on trucks on the lot. Thing is, who'd wanna be the guinea pig on the new 6.4???? As well, predictions are that the price tag for a diesel truck is getting ready to spike about 4K.

    Ant mentioned "why get rid of the 6.0, finally doing well". Thank your SanFrancisco tree huggers for that one. New, stricter, EPA laws come into effect in '08, and everyone is scrambling to get their motors up to snuff. A new diesel fuel is actually at the pumps as of Jan. 1, 2007. But, I actually believe it is a higher cetane fuel so it is cleaner AND better.

    Personally, I'm going to hold onto my '06 until the new trucks roll out at the higher price, and then try to sell mine used for a decent amount. Diesels are great---unless you have a problem. True story--my cousin has an '03 Duramax, at 105K miles he blew the tranny. Went with a stouter, 100K warranty aftermarket tranny: total bill: $7,000.00. Within ONE WEEK of having it out of the garage, the motor blew (it had no relation, just a fluke). Found a junkyard Duramax w/ 30K, installed, total bill: $11,000.00. Sure that is extreme, but it puts a diesel into perspective.

  7. ....but wouldn't that only be applicable if you had existing/active contracts?? In the example of "Jeff", I am assuming he doesn't have active contracts--they call when he is needed/or visaversa. In that scenario, I don't see why disclosure would be necessary?? Just like if you sold out this year, and a deck you did last year called for a recoat. There isn't a reason to disclose that Rod Rodriquez is no longer present.....or is there??? I didn't read the link, perhaps it would answer this question, but I am a lout:)

  8. Re: Jeff's work, which to me (assumption) would fall in a catagory somewhere between residental and commercial. My guess is that he doesn't have signed contracts to come back at repeated intervals, like RonM. would have for cleaning a KFC for instance.

    So the way for Jeff to start adding VALUE (per Ken's post) to his biz would be to back off of the driver's seat, and get his PM's to start getting familiar with some other faces/names. Your dream should be for a PM conversation with the HO's to go like this: "We need pressurewashing done. We are going to call JL Powerwash. The guy down there we deal with is named Herschel, I'm not sure if he's the owner or not, but he takes great care of us whenever they do work here."

    So long as people say, "oh, we need to call Jeff and get this cleaned!!" You'll never have a biz that can sell for anything but Current Assets. Certainly, that isn't everyone's goal. Some like to stay personal and on top of things. Personally, if my customers forgot that I existed tomorrow it would be the happiest day of my life!! Not just because of the "re-sale" thing---but because they are now purchasing my business, not purchasing "me".

    In Rod's last paragraph, he said that "some customers may stay on if properly introduced to new ownership, Jeff stays on to manage, etc". My point is that the customer should have no reason to EVEN KNOW that this took place!! All they know, is Herschel handles things, and it works well for them. The ownership transfer would take place mainly in the office. I'd be more concerned about having a #2 guy on the jobs that the PM's were learning to know/trust in case something happened with Herschel.

    People that can AFFORD to buy a business with some intangible assets aren't looking for something where they're going to be friends w/ the client. They want something that is running smoothly.....all they have to do is change the name on the paperwork, watch the books, etc. and make a pre-determined percent profit on their investment. Nothing else. Was talking to a guy that had a small Holdings Co. that would buy small businesses.....getting advice on how to build a biz that will sell well. Two things he cared about: 1) Can he make this certain amount of profit he seeks, and 2) How easy would it be for him to come in a run the biz without knowing anything about it, and were people in place to operate everything??

  9. What's wrong with it?? If I knew nobody involved, heard of it, that's the first thing I'd want to know......WHO ARE these people I'll be learning from?? Don't think Jarrod was implying that you'd have to show your gross/net numbers, but name, background, education, useful learning (seminars, etc), years in biz, specialties, special projects, etc. If this info isn't impressive--state THIS INFO ISN'T IMPRESSIVE!! Like Don M. for instance....first year full-time, etc....what does he have to teach me?? I dunno, maybe nothing, maybe lots, but there is no reason for him to hide from those credentials. Could say, "I'm new, but I've spent months accumulating the best info I can on product branding to do a 30min lecture". Great!! I like the credentials idea.

  10. You have gotta read "the millionaire next door". It outlines this perfectly. So often the guy that has all the toys doesn't have any money, but does have a lot of debt. Those things need to be taken into account.

    As for this thread, that has nothing to do with it. When it comes to training in this industry or any industry, you will always need to take multiple classes in order to develop your own personal technique. No two people or companies are going to have the same routine. So, in order to be most effective, you are going to need to learn from as amny different peple as you possibly can. Even a brand new guy might come up with a good idea, but I would not bank on following his routine to the letter.

    I indeed have, very good book. Definite "must read" for anyone.

  11. Michael Kriesle hit it out of the park! Well said. And NEVER worry about the glamour factor of your job. My best friend is a VP at a major bank, heads up commercial lending. He said, you can almost bank on it, the Co's he goes and visits that have nice, trendy offices, etc. will be showing a weak bottom line. Their exterior is glamourous, but the books read otherwise. He said the Co's that would blow you away are the ones that have a run-down warehouse, "Smith Bolt and Screw" etc., looks like they haven't done anything to improve their Co. in 20 years. Look like they are about to fold. He said when he looks at these Co's, he'll regularly see a net profit in the multi-million dollar range for a personally owned biz. He told me the facade of Law Firms, ad agencys, etc. don't hold a candle to this type of biz when it comes to real profit. Just found that interesting coming from a commercial lender.....I always think on that when I am bothered by being in a less-than-professional career.

  12. Jeff, at some point, a customer of theirs will point it out. You'd be amazed at how some things come back around and then you probably will get them all!


    PS - You know they'll call you in the spring when you're already booked up to your eyeballs, right? LOL

    ...Or don't wait for this...contact some folks you know that bank there and have them make the comment!! C'mon Jeff!! You're way too Guerrilla to let then sneak away without a fight! .....Or your guys "accidently" clean it one Sunday--you go in Monday and sincerely apologize, "they were just so used to it being on their route":)

  13. Quote from Scott Stone ~ "I think that the organization no longer cares about the whole industry but it only cares about wood care."


    Interesting you say that because I made pretty much the same comment to a PWNA board member last week!


    This is because the new group (IAWCC whatever) is going to absorb all of the main Pwashing industry, especially commercial. KEC has their own thing going......so the PWNA got left with the red-headed stepchild (wood). That's why they are desperately trying to attach to NADRA---to solidify their stature in the wood community. Be interested in hearing any suggestions that I am wrong about this.

  14. Berry,

    That is a great question. This is where the industry is unsettled, Who's Qualified? Instead of people trying to drag me down because I have not been on the board for a year or so lets do this.

    Time for everyone to go to work here, Instead of the drama lets ALL awnser Barry's Question and get something done here, its apperant that people are interested in this issue.

    Who is Qualified to educate the Pressure Washing Profession?

    1. Vendors of their products

    2. Proven Marketing experts by there peers or industry.

    3. Successful pressure washing companies of more than 10yrs by their peers or industry.

    How about "None of the Above"??? How about, "Anyone that can teach successfully and educate their students correctly". If that's Tony Szabo or Tony Soprano.....who cares??? As a "student", all I care about is what I learn that's applicable. A successful PW Co. does not equate to a good instructor of coursework, or even the ability to create good coursework. I'd even go so far as to say that you (you, personally) would probably have a lot to offer in the realm of business that might not be that valuable to many in other markets (I'm assuming this from the fact you appear to be located in farm country, where marketing, positioning, etc. would be different than it would be for someone in Ft. Lauderdale. Again--assumption--but the point would remain either way).

  15. [Mike, this hijack will rapidly be coming to an end.....I'm gonna see if I can pull some links of some granite wholesalers for ya]


    In this PDF, at the top of page "3of18", is a collection called 'Coal Creek' and below the entertainment center is says, "walnut with black stain", but that is the color I like. So people in your area are going with a true Ebony/black color?? Boo. Think I'd just save and paint my cabinets black. My parents, sister, are both just finishing new homes, and they had their cabinets painted white, which I couldn't comprehend. I agree, Maple is beautiful. If bored, you might scan this website I've linked to. This is the only place I've found that has furniture I like. When you look at their room (office, bedroom, theatre, etc) you have to click on the "woodley collection" to see the stuff they actually make. The rest they just distribute.

  16. Hey Scott, I'm looking at some furniture--and what I found that I like is walnut wood, with a "black stain"......but it's not really "black", right?? I wondering if what I was looking at was a typo or something. Actually, it was what I'd describe as a tobacco/walnut color stain (of course on the walnut wood, everything looks quite rich and dark). Try and post and pic, then I'll tiptoe back out of Mike's granite thread:)
