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Posts posted by JFife

  1. Hell, I cant even name 3 things Bush has done right.

    I am educated by left & right. I watch Fox, listen to Rush L, & Savage etc etc, I like to know what the other side thinks. Believe me Im not 100% liberal as you all say, Im about 75% thou

    Nancy Pelosi, Min Wage, Middle class tax cuts, Stem cell research, sounds good to me. She is also for letting illegals in and Im totally against what her & Bush want to do on that.

    Jarrod Im just having fun with you righties. I totally think that right wingers, not you guys, not the average guys, but the right wingers in our goverment really dont care about me or you, even if you are a right winger. I think they only care about taking care of the top few % and screw the rest. But thats just my opinion. I also know & believe that most rightwingers arent for much of what Bush has done, with the deficit, immigration and nation building

    Here is what you libs don't get. AND YOU!! ABOVE ALL ELSE!! SHOULD GET IT AS A SUCCESSFUL BIZ OWNER!!!!! Take care of the top and let it trickle down. Think about it: let's say the conservative gov't did something at the end of this year that helped you financially. A tax reduction, that was going to put a percentage (let's say 20K) back in your pocket. Hooray!! Would you keep it or give it to the emps?? Gee, that 20K tastes nice, so you put it in your savings, nobody hurt. But a wise Pwasher down the street contacts your workers and says, "anyone that has one year of solid experience....I am offering a 3K sign-on bonus". They either bail on you, and you lose worse, or give you an offer to match......thus the trickle down has begun. By helping you at the top, you've just helped your workers make more $$. .....And the better off things are "at the top", the more they have to offer things down below. Record profits, etc......let's motivate the workforce with a better payscale and better bennies!! Dang it!! Our competitors just out-did us!! We've got to go even higher!! And thus improves things for the "little man". You make is sound like the top 1% gets some breaks....and they just roll phat. Doesn't a "bidding war" sound better than "forced wages", with constant angst between the top and the bottom????

    Have a good one all you right wingers, see you in 2008, Dont worry Hillary wont be president in 2008, it will be a different democrat. I hope they are worthy

    Jarrod, your a great guy too , we all are, at least we all take interest in our country . I know a lot of people who just dont care or know anything about whats going on in the world

    have a great one!!!1

    I bet she is the canditate. Seacrest Out.

  2. ...Take your time Jarrod, we've got 2-6 more years to hash this stuff out and convert Jeff to the Dark Side:) You'll love this Jeff---here is my prediction for coming years (say, next 2-6): You are getting ready to see the Republicans start swooning and beefing up the base in a serious way. The Hardcore 30% is getting ready to activate, and will be calling the shots from here on out. If McCain plans on running for President, or Guliani/Swarzt (I already have issues when I cannot spell their names:)), it will be as Independants. NewtG will be our next Prez. I'd encourage you guys to start getting involved at a grassroots level, as i am doing.

    This will sound stupidly-obvious, but what the Dems have beat us on recently (even going back to close Repub. win elections) is GETTING MORE VOTES than us. I know, obviously. But they bus people in to vote, etc.....ON ELECTION DAY, THEY HAVE PEOPLE PULLING LEVERS. Think about this--if you had a candidate whose only platform as President was that he wanted to do everything in his power to overthrow Roevs.wade.....his popularity at polling would probably be in the low 40's. BUT HE COULD COUNT ON 30% OF THOSE PEOPLE TO BE AT THE POLLS, BECAUSE THAT IS THEIR HOTBUTTON! Add that to a decent conservative agenda, and he's a blowout winner. And the "anti's" cannot get out the vote like the Repubs can.....ask any Pollster (or at least that is what I've always heard....Liberals still aren't as likely to actually show up to vote. My guess is due to the fact they are younger in general, single)

  3. LOL, nice one Jeff:) Your liberalism knows no bounds:) His name is "RyanH".....I've always wondered what the "H" stood for, LOL:) I don't think he was implying people should be perfect, just that ignorant morons shouldn't be setting policy for our country. Oh yeah, but we voted on Tuesday and that's going to be happening anyways, so who really cares:)

  4. Jon, what rock did you come from?????? You really do get it do you.

    You need to do better than insults---that will weaken empathy to your position. I don't know if I "get it" or not. I asked you to try and help me get it, but you just seem offended that I don't "get it" without being told.

    You seem as though you were on of those kids who got bullied in school when you were little or you live in some rural outback woods.

    ...Man, us crackers and our stereotypes;) I may not live in a mecca of diversity like Elkhart, Indiana, but your ideas of me are probably far from true, though I don't need to justify them.

    Maybe you need to take a diversity training course!

    LOL, to teach me how different blacks are and how I should act around them??? Screw that. I'll treat a black person the same as I treat anyone else....equally. That used to be THE GOAL. And as long as your want/require "diversity".....you may as well forget the idea of "equal". Affirmative Action, etc. is such an albatross on the AA community it is disgusting.

    I will not respond to anymore of this nonsense after this post because it seems as though some of you cannot understand where I am coming from when I responded to the initial post.

    ....And I asked you to clarify your position. I'm truly interested. How can you be offended that we as whites have an opinion on whether or not there is a "black Bond?"

    No, I am not this angry black militant man, as describe above. I felt,IMHO, that this post was not appropriate and voiced my opinion on it. This is my opinion and my opinion only. I fought in Desert Storm, and the Mogodishu conflict and I believe when you fight for this country for the freedom of others to be able to enjoy the American Way, you should be able to stand for something with out being labeled a Angry Militant. "If you do not stand for something you will fall for anything".

    ...Thankfully (and appreciatively) you fought for that right.....but it also allows me the right to wholeheartedly disagree with you. I should not have labeled you, and I'm sorry that it offended you, but I felt your responses dictated that definition.

    I was raised to respect others even if you have an opinion that could be view negatively by others. As my Lt. says " Once it leaves your mouth, you can not get it Back", so I called it out. That my right. Those who I have come into contact with in this business, knows my character and I see no need to justify it here on this board anymore.

    Touche. I respect your opinions and views 100%, though at this point in the way you've described them, I don't agree with them at all. I wish I understood them better. And you have reason to attempt to justify your character to me or anyone else.....you've been around I have no questions of it.

    I understand that as long as we are all different, we will be divisive. No question about it.


    Thanks for the enlightening discussion Jay,

  5. Certainly this thread is picking up speed! It is obvious that this topic has touched off a debate that could go on for a very long time which I would venture to say would do more harm than good.

    Should this thread continue in the direction that it is going it will be removed from public view.

    ...I must just have an altered sense of appropriateness or sensitivity, because as far as I was concerned except for post #42 about Puffdaddy which was just a goofy post, I felt it was professional and low-key, nothing flaring. I'm certainly sorry if anything I've said would be considered inappropriate. Thought the initial post was interesting, and the turn it made with Jay's POV took it to a new level of stimulation. But hey, whatever, this ain't my barbeque. We can just return to the enlightening threads like "should I xjet or downstream" or something else fresh. I'm not upset, it's just aggravating that any time a thread starts to get interesting somebody gets offended. People are too sensitive.

  6. Jon, Let me answer your question, H**l No I would not be fine with "Whiteys" making that commet if it was 50 black and 50 whites having that conversation. For one I watch what people say and do very closely when race is the topic. I know there is a lot of "undertones" that society uses to really say what they mean.

    You sound like one of those angry, militant black men. Obviously written words can skew the way the way something "reads", but you seem very distrustful. Why not work with what people "do" instead of your interpretation of what they've "said"??? I was in Florida once at some trendy beach restraunt with a bunch of young surfer waiters.....one of the guys in my dinner party was a black friend of mine. This young waiter was calling us "dude, brah, bro, etc" and asked my black friend, "what can I get you tonight bro?" Holy crap. Talk about a ruined dinner. He snapped back and was offended, etc.......it was rediculous and embarrassing.

    This post is one of them. So who cares if Diddy, wants to be the next Bond, go for it. Why so much negativity about it? Could it be those here are envious, jelous or the fact maybe that a Black man wants a role that was traditional white actor played. It goes back to the theory, they ( blacks), have taken over the NBA, NFL, PGA, (The Venus girls) tennis and now BOND. Oh No, we can not have that. People get out of your surrounding and see the world for what it is, FREEDOM, to do what you want to do. Also Diddy has the finaicial backing if he wanted to to do his own movie, but it about economics and HOLLYWOOD see the Green$$$$$$$$$$$

    I think it would be cool for a black Bond (and voted that way) but respect nobody else wanting one. How about a midget? You just expect certain things, a la Shaft. You didn't answer than analogy. Regarding blacks "taking over"....well honkey Steve Nash was NBA MVP, nobody would consider the NFL dominated by blacks, I say Tiger Woods is a Chinaman (why is he considered black? He's a self-described cocktail.....but man the blacks snatched him up quick!)

    This 1950 way of thinking is as old as the dinosaurs!!!!!!!!!

    I'm nowhere close to that. I'd marry a black woman, vote for one......I shouldn't even need to substantiate these positions, I'd treat any black person the same as I'd treat any other human. As a race, I have major problems with blacks and the way their community aligns itself politically and as a sub-group of America. I think they are the most dis-serviced group of Americans, all because of their leadership and the role they play in keeping that community in a Socialist state of mind.

    One more thing, If you feel this strongly about a useless topic, I wonder what the majority of those who made the comments feel about the immigration topic, Asians, Koreans and Lations. I wish I could be invisible and be a "Fly on the Wall " at some of your homes to justify what I Know people do and act, when no one is watching!!!!!!! Make you think why society has so much fear of the other races.

    LEGAL immigrants are okay, key word being LEGAL. My understanding is that most asians,etc. are legal, obviously we know most Mexicans aren't. Accepting and being tolerant of other races is different than welcoming them as your next-door neighbor. It's not fear, it's called a comfort zone that you may not want broken. I despise the idea that we are considered a nation of racism because "Sunday is the most racially diverse day of the week." Who cares?? Black churches dance, have fun and yell (stereotype), most white churches are calm, dour and dull (stereotype). Does this need "fixed"?? LOL, black people (stereotype) have different move-watching habits than I do. They tend to carry an open dialogue and discussion of the movie while it is going on. Crackers yell at each other to "shut up and turn off your phone". Do we have to fix that too??

    We are all in this melting pot called America together. As Rodney King said after getting all the " Club Whoppings", Can we all get along. Jeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Stop throwing rocks and hiding your Hand Folks.

    I don't think anyone is doing this.

    Good to see you back Jay, hadn't heard from you since your move. Still in biz?

  7. They must do the mailings by zip code. I never even recieved one, and you got one every day?

    ....Perhaps an exaggeration.....but at least every other day?? I am 30 and single, they could have done mailings on limiting factors like that.....singles are more likely to vote Dem. Can't believe you never got those!! LOL, actually in the eye of a service biz owner, quite an impressive campaign. Nice, consistant campaign of pictures of Bush with goofy faces.....headline, "Are you ready for a change??" Didn't even mention Jim Talent!!LOL

  8. I hope the whole world doesnt fall apart now that the dems are in. LOL

    A lot of people are sounding like Chicken Little .....The sky is falling

    If the Republicans did their job they'd still have the majority

    VOTE DEM IN 2008

    ...If they'd have done their jobs well in the mind of a sound Republican, all they'd be able to carry is the true 25-30% base. Iraq would be a wasteland, but we'd have saved troops. Snipers would patrol the border. The economy would be scary it would be so powerful because we wouldn't have Special Interest Liberals to hold us back, and there'd be bounties on the heads of abortion doctors.

    But instead, they have to walk this pandering line because of spineless moderates and socialist dems.

  9. Jaycam,

    I am truly interested to know what has offended you. Man, I really hope none of this gets deleted because this is of unbelievable genuine interest to me. I went back a re-read everything twice, through my eyes, and then tried to imagine what it would be like to be one of a few black guys on here and reading these comments.

    I guess I kind of understand where you are coming from, since it is kind of like 1 against 100. If there were 100 members, 50 black and 50 white, would you have been okay with us whiteys making this post?? My guess is "yes" and it would have turned into a fun black vs. white thing....no hurt feelings.

    I gather that intel from this: in college my frat had one black guy. We'd joke with him and tell him the only reason we let him in was to keep the ACLU off our backs, etc.....and it was all in fun, we loved the guy. What was interesting though, was that if it was just him around, he'd get bothered by it. But if he had a bunch of his black friends around, we could joke with him about such matters and all was in good fun, no feelings hurt.

    Reading back I see some stereotypes, nothing mean-spirited, just general black stereotypes: escalade, velour interior, etc. While I could never ask you to not be offended as I am not you and don't know what affects you, I would ask that you give us crackers a second chance and don't write us off as racists, etc. What would have been funny is if you'd have listed all the reasons you think it is time for a black Bond, and the improvements it would make (I, for one, voted that way:)) Really, you've been around for awhile, hate to see you offended.

  10. ...So true about Repubs losing....I'm in MO which was a hotly contested state.....every day would get these huge fold-out mailers in the mail from the Democratic Party. EVERY ONE would have a huge picture of Bush on it and say something like, "had enough?" or "ready for a change?". That's sad when a Party's entire platform is basically, "hey, you've heard everyone gripe about Bush.....No, we don't necessarily have anything to offer, but at least it will be a change."

    But alas, America--and my State of Missouri--have said their word. I wonder how any moron could support these Democrat candidates like Claire McCaskill (MO).....here ads said things like, "I'll work to improve the illegal immigration problem." Huh?? Who'd be ignorant enough to vote for someone like that?? Oh yeah, all the folks in the ghettos and homeless shelters, etc. The uneducated. Had people calling my house all day yesterday leaving messages, "this is Dem party....wanted to make sure you had a ride to get out and vote Dem today." And now a MAJORITY of our country are cool with all of this. Wow. ...So let's give Socialism a shot!!:)

  11. I've been using Stihl's largest handheld since 96'......BG85 I believe they call it. First got stolen and got another. Spent many a night in back of truck in rain, snow, etc. I'd equate Stihl with Honda......it'll get stolen or you'll get tired of looking at it and sell it, otherwise get used to it because it isn't going anywhere. My #1 chainsaw we still use for most of our heavy-duty apps (not terribly often, only on rot jobs) is only a couple of years younger than I am. A Stihl O28V.......my grandpa bought three in 1980 for my dad and two uncles. My dad's got stolen, my one uncle still uses his, I bought my other uncle's saw in about 98'. It's a beast. Blowers, saws, weedeaters, etc. I don't even shop around.

  12. It kinda looks like CWF-UV Clear to me, probably over-applied and obviously never cured, as it couldn't penetrate. Stayed at the surface and turned cloudy. Just a wild guess, but that ugly whitish opaque color reminds me of what clear CWF looks like.

    IMO you guys are way to leary of these expensive strippers and should put them in the arsenal rather than pass on this type of thing. Tom, do a search on my name or Rick Petry in relation to stripping acrylics......lots of info on these expensive strippers. The last time we used it this summer, we removed about 10 stacked coats of shellac off of a T&G exterior porch roof. My guys had never used it before, and I wasn't there to show them how, and achieved 100% results in two passes. Done right, it would have been one pass. All I know is that if I were restoring decks, I'd want one crew tasked for nothing but "nightmare" work, i.e. heavy duty stripping, etc. at a premium price. With the finishes that have become popular the last 3-4 yrs, this work is going to soar and you may as well be ready for the boom.

  13. Man, I'm just thankful this information got exposed a few days before the election......I mean, I was still reeling from John Kerry's "dumb troop" remark.....Thank God (no pun intended) the Dems were able to pull this rabbit out of the hat and take the heat off of Kerry. Too bad Kerry's character flaw is one that has reared it's head multiple times now....and is at the EXPENSE of others. Haggard, though his actions immoral, sinned against himself.

    Foley---he's a guy with a dark side that wrote dirty emails to boys in their late teens. Again, hardly comparable to a guy disparaging the military. Jeff--your rhetoric is getting to the point of disgust. You can blab all day long about "ask my wife I'm nice to everyone and love people blah blah" but your written actions are speaking otherwise. Argue policy--fine. You can HATE conservative policy, etc. but you are at the point of smearing and denegrating peoples names because they have made mistakes, mostly moral and against themselves. I doubt any of us want to pull out the magnifying glass when it comes to that sort of thing...do you?? How'd you like if every moral mistake you'd ever made dating back to when you were 18 became known?? BTW, I am not a follower of Eves, never heard of this guy until this event, but hopefully like any normal American can see that this was meant to be a diversion to the John Kerry incident.

  14. DMX and 50 were both surprisingly "decent" actors IMO. All pale in comparison to the honkey the all wanna be like, Eminem. I'd go so far to say he's a "pretty dang good" actor for someone that obviously hasn't ever trained or been schooled, etc. What's more impressive to me about Eminem, is how he doesn't "wear out" his popularity...you always want more. He doesn't do any more acting after rave reviews. Rediculous record sales....now he just produces, etc. Most probably think this is crazy, but I think he is one, if not the most talented artist, for all of those reasons, of my generation of music. Obviously don't always agree with things he may say on a moral/political level, but on a talent level, he's at the top.

  15. I hear you Ken,but I would rather collect the $600 and hire someone else to do the lettering. I have found from past practice, if you are not completely satisfied with the work performed, and you voice your concern on the quatlity of the work you recieved, they will find something wrong with the work you performed for them and you can get into a P****** match with the company you barterd with. This could become a Lose Lose for both companys.

    I agree with you Ken, that bartering can be a win win for both parties, but its just not for me, same as giving gift more than a ink pen or a magnet as you spoke of.

    BINGO!! That's EXACTLY how I feel (though after hearing KenF's estimate on the value of DVD, I'm not feeling as bad:))

  16. ....It makes me cringe. I don't like it. But I've got one coming up in January...only reason I did it was because the house was 3 miles from mine and new the weather could be questionable at times. It is a professional videographer that is going to do a video for us----haven't decided yet if it is going to be a customer DVD or a training DVD. But the camarapeople will have to follow us to about 4 different jobs over a few months to accumulate all the footage, etc.

    I just don't like it. It will account for about 30% of the job total (the barter) so there is still profit, just not a lot. Oh well, it's a small job and close so can use it to fill in time I suppose.

  17. I doubt there were any true purist sports fans out there that enjoyed seeing Detroit "lose" the World Series. Rags to Riches, etc. Playing any team other than STL, I'd have been pulling for them as well. But STL earned it. We were a better team in 68' when we got beat by Detroit. I think we had better teams than both KC and Minnesota in 85' and 87' when we lost, and I definitely think we were a better all-around team than the Bosox in 04'......but none of those went our way. We had some good Karma coming as well. And we've been the underdogs......49 out of 50 states picked Detroit to win the WS (guess which one state didn't:)), and gee, think anyone actually wanted the Cardinals to beat Boston?????? ...And people have made a lot of excuses that Detroit "lost" a lot of the games as opposed to STL winning them.....the way I see it, that may have sent some games to extra innings, but Detroit sure wasn't scoring any runs off of our pitching.

    ....So we are #2 on the list with 10 WS rings!! That puts us, what, 20 rings behind NY???:) If we catch them in my lifetime, I'll die a happy man:) I'm just so happy that the Cards could win another series in my Grandfather's lifetime....I was starting to worry. I'm sure today there are a lot of elderly cardinal fans smiling smiles of contentment and happiness......one more for the road:)
