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Posts posted by JFife

  1. How do you find a spineless coward that hides in caves, tunnels & bunkers amidst thousands of miles of desert?

    Honestly, the only good thing that ever came out of Iran & Iraq is oil.

    ....And Adam&Eve, even though Eve ruined life for all mankind, LOL:)

  2. .....Thought I'd start a thread to pass along well-wishes to Phillip Doolittle, who is retiring from Pressure Washing to move into a different career. Hopefully Doolittle, you'll still come around to thrust the sword of Conservatism into the bleeding hearts of Jeff, Keth, Rod, and all the other libs that post:)

    As well, hopefully RyanH will be able to step into the full-time role of being the chemistry and Physics brain of the Pwashing world......and answer all the rediculous questions that you used to field about such matters. Personally, I've always appreciated you logic in applicable matters as well as philosophical/socialogical/gov'tmental subjects.

    Best wishes to you and yours in the future!!!!:)

    Jon Fife

  3. Temperature here was 2 with windchill -10, it has now warmed up to 12 and windchill is 0.

    ....I woke up at 11:15am today Wesley, if that helps you at all:) Too cold to do anything....and then my water was frozen up (I left my garage doors open like a moron).

  4. FOXNews.com - Venezuela's Congress Grants Chavez Special Powers to Remake Country - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

    :) Hey Jeff---this is a PERFECT society for Democrats!!!!! Read everything Chavez wants to do......it would be a Left-wing Paradise!!!:) You and DeckGuy and Keth should consider starting a PW business down there---it would be perfect! You guys could be the biggest and best.....but at the end of the day, you'd be able to give all the money to the govt to re-distribute among those who don't want to work!! Long live Socialism!:)

  5. Jeff's idea is the best. If I didn't dislike committing to things so much, I'd probably go after the same thing---build a 3-5bay warehouse and rent out what you don't use. Shane's doing the same thing--I'd find this to be faaar preferable to building on your own property, especially in a subdivision. Would make selling the house difficult, and probably wouldn't add much value (imo).

  6. I have a 2000 square foot office, attached to a 1850 square foot warehouse and a seperate 2040 square foot warehouse.

    All of it within 30-45 minutes of my house.

    and yes I enjoy the drive between the two. I get lots of thinking done while I commute.

    WOW!! I guess Cali time may be a little different....suppose things are spread out more and tough driving conditions. I hate traffic--don't think I could make myself enjoy a drive like that!!

  7. Wes,

    I've had a shop in the past, but have moved to a point where it isn't *as* necessary for me as it used to be. My garage is ample, and I keep my inventory down. My jobs tend to be around 2-4weeks per job, and it's nice to be able to use that property to keep trailers, bucket truck, etc. If I weren't able to do that, I'd have to have an office/shop. I'd probably go ahead and get one now, but I really hate any kind of commitments like that. One thing that sneaks up on you---you'll have another electric, phone, cable (internet) bill that you have to pay. You also may have to make adjustments to your insurances, so run it by your insurer. It's definitely nice and preferable......but it'll also be $500-$1000 off the bottom line.

  8. Wesley--

    Yeah, Shane's is pretty sweet. Stick with you gut--don't get too far from your home, even if it does save $$. Not only will the gas eat you, but you'll find reasons to talk yourself out of driving 15 minutes.....and you'll end up not taking full advantage of your office/shop. This theory comes from my personal experience with such---it's hard to talk yourself into driving 10 miles on a Sat. afternoon to do some paperwork, whereas if it was around the corner, you'd be more apt to utilize it.

  9. Depending on the miles, sounds like a good enough deal.....especially if it looks really good. There is a deck resto. franchise near me, and all their vehicles are Astro Cargo vans. Re: the weight---my only concern would be that for a machine that size, you'll obviously have to pull from a tank. How big?? That's what could eat up your weight. Besides that, you should stay well below the weight capacity (35-40lbs for a bucket of stain (x5)=200#), hose reels, shurflos, etc.....I'd say you'll be way low of the 1700#.

  10. Scott Millen:

    Re: Where in the Bible is drugs specified as being "wrong".

    *Treat your body as a holy temple

    *Respect/follow man's laws (somewhere in Romans, don't have a bible w/ me)

    *Flee from the appearance of Evil

    *If it offends your brother to eat meat, don't eat meat.

    Just a few things off the top of my head that would lead me to believe Jesus, his Apostles, and the 1st Century church wouldn't do drugs/want us to do drugs.

  11. Here is what you just said. There may or may not be negative consequences that nobody can predict. There may or may not be unintended consequences that nobody can predict. These consequences could be severe, therefore we should do nothing.

    I'm sorry, but I dont follow that logc.

    And please explain to me how the legazliation of drugs would have a negative impact on property values and zoning?


    I always appreciate RyanH's well thought-out responses, and I was truly interested in his input on this. It was not a "set up" question.....I'd just like an opinion with reasoning. Here's my first thought:

    You own a Subway in a stripcenter with three other stores: Liquor Store, Payday Pawn, and Check in to Cash. All three are adult places I could see wanting to get their hands on drug sales. So you, as the Subway owner---how do you feel about this, and its affect on your biz, property value?? I think the result would be negative, in many ways. That is why I'm asking the question--to get RyanH's input (or yours) on how this would affect RE, etc.

  12. Unless I'm moved and want to help them, generally just a "no" works well. Their success ratio is about the same as that of telemarketers that call my house, and I respond the exact same way, "no thanks" or "no" or "leave me alone".

  13. RyanH,

    Re: drugs and prostitution. Let's say your "decriminalization" idea came to fruition. I can see the benefits you are mentioning, and I'm sure they be positive/negatives that come about that nobody would dream of. I'm curious to know what affects, in your opinion, these changes would have to cities in relation to RE values, zoning, etc. I could see these things being disasterous in that regard.

  14. See, I actually agree with Jeff when he said that a Billion dollars is outrageous. I agree with that..that's ludacris. All of you guys seem to base your opinions on monetary things though. That's where I part ways. I believe that the moral issues are FAR MORE IMPORTANT!!!! Ryan wants to make drugs legal so we can tax them and get the money from it....what kind of statement is that? Ryan, I respect your opinions dude, but you are way off-----WAY OFF. Make prostitution legal? WTH? Are you crazy? :D

    Jeff...you said that you prefer somebody in the middle of the road...can you please tell me of one "middle of the road" kinda person that has ever made a huge difference in history? Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan...those aren't middle of the road kinda guys..they are leaders, they are MEN...it's rare to see that leadership and fortitude anymore, I miss that. If a conservative gives way to a liberal, he is no longer a conservative. You can't be for abortion and also be against it, (Even though Al Gore tried to be), you can't be for the war before you were against it (like John Kerry)....you gotta draw a line in the sand. I've said it before and I'll say it again: President Bush had it right in his speech after 9/11 "You are either for us, or against us"....and "Bring it on" Those were my 2 favorite comments ever uttered from his mouth. It showed Leadership and it showed him being a Man.

    We are so feminized now it's sickening. Whatever happend to guys like "the Marlboro Man" and John Wayne types. Guys, don't you still stand up and cheer when you watch movies like Death Wish and Walkin Tall and Rambo? No, now we sit on the couch and cry with our wifes when we watch "The Notebook" or whatever other sissy movies are out there...gag me with a freakin spoon!!!

    point is....Conservatism works everytime it is tried. We can be the riches nation in the world all we want, but if we are morally corrupt, we will fall period. I vote for morals first and then everything else second.

    ....Ant's just compensating for the fact that he is sitting home right now with a box of Kleenex watching "The English Patient" for the tenth time, :) I think where we part is where I (and I believe RyanH) feel like a lot of the moral stuff should be dealt with on a 'localer' level (if that's a word). Wanna outlaw abortion?? Start at the local or state level. Why?? Because in my state, it might actually get outlawed if it were put to vote. Your state of Cali?? Not a chance. But......we all abide by a Federal law, and groups all of us together. Idaho gets made more liberal because of Washington, Washington is more liberal that its constituents would have it because of Idaho, and so forth.

    That's why I choose on safety and fiscal issues first. Thing is, the two (fiscal and moral) usually run hand-in-hand (present company of RyanH excluded:)). I think our moral decay (if you think it exists, I don't really) is the responsibility of locals, and not govt agencies. So if you've got a local Red Light District, TrimTown, or whatever---and you DON'T like it, this is something you need to work with at a local level.

  15. Hey Ant,

    Right now my vote will be with NewtG should he run. I think he'd make a great President, but may be lacking that "it" factor, or "Clinton" factor to actually get a nom. Romney has the "it" factor, but is a Mormon--I don't see the Repubs nominating a Mormon. He is impressive as a guy that has been able to get stuff done, however, in public and private service.

  16. Hey Jon---I like your title there "The Fife Plan" and actually got a kick out of reading it but..it would never work and if you tried to debate it somewhere you'd be laughed off the stage. That would be an easy debate for anyone to crush you and its because of your views about ladies voting and also the other problems that will arise from this strange view point.

    Since you are stating that people must make a certain amount of money to vote and if a lady is home raising children where really that is one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs to do but doesn't pay in monetary value she has no right to vote...boy that would get you chased off of a debate team an ran right out of the building..and not just for that. What you are also eliminating here is many other people's right to vote...such as the disabled who may not have the ability to make a decent earning. Here's a morbid example for you that should put this to bed. What about some hero serving in the military who might have got his leg shot off there and is now home..and let's say because of this he is having a hard time making money besides his disability check he is recieving and to compound all of this he now is suffering from depression. You have to really root for this guy/gal to pull thru...but according to your plan since they are not earning enough they will now lose there right to vote.

    The "Fife Plan" needs to be alot more thought out because where it is now anybody would love to be debating the "Fife Plan" because of all the potential problems with it. That would be an easy debate...It was funny reading it though.

    Sup JohnT!! Yeah, I know, The Fife Plan isn't fully thought out, nor do I have the time to mess with it. But the main premise is that I think we should have the voting done by the people that are actually going to PAY for where the money is going. Would you let your children vote in your household on whether or not they get an allowance, and how much?? No, I'd say Mr. and Mrs. T, the people actually paying the money are the ones that give the "yes or no".

    The point about women is that this would be a way to get them out of the booths all together, without The Fife Plan being labeled 'sexist', etc. It's fair to everyone-----who pays taxes. Women vote bad, so this would be a way to get them out. This is "kind of" in jest, but I really would like to see restrictions put on voting.

    How about ammending The Fife Plan with this JohnT: Based on what you pay in, you get additional votes. Say, for every 5K in taxes you pay in, you get a vote. I just think it's crappy for some loser's vote to weigh as much as a guy paying a fortune in taxes.
