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Posts posted by GaryB

  1. Aaron,

    An abasive blast in my opinion would be a great idea, the work would be done quick and easy. Media would be easily swept up and disposed of with no environmental concerns, soda is a good choice of abrasive. However don't recomend doing it your self if you have no equipment or experience. I can recomend a contactor in your area if your interested. Please no sand, its killing people.

  2. dry blast abraive equipment is capeable of producing a great finished product for grafitti removal. Your operating cost will be higher than the guy with abrasive fed pressure washers but dry blast is much faster. I would recomend targeting the larger more solid type of tags and not waste your time on the little stuff. I personaly would not even roll out my dry equipment for less than 500 bucks. Soda is a fair choice in a situation where there is no vegitation. If there is go with Kieserite its a little faster too. Other areas to look in to that are very popular right now are car restoration and mold and fire restoration, there is good money in the mold and fire if you can get in with an insurance company and you are willing to travel. Please feel free to shoot any questions you have I don't think there is anything I cant answer with confindence. good luck!

  3. Hi everyone, my name is Gary and I work for a large industrial abrasive and equipment company. We specialize in soluble abrsives and I am currently getting into blasting cars for myself. I can be of assistance please do not hesitate to shoot me a pm..
