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Everything posted by AAPaint

  1. Wow...he has better luck than me.
  2. Was the siding oxidized or chalky before you started? It's possible you cleaned some of the oxidation off and the clean spots don't match, but that would mean you used some pressure too. Ditto on the soap not rinsing part also though. Got to be one of the two.
  3. Hello from eastern Europe.

    Ahh, more proof that there are no coincidences! Hope you enjoyed Europe.
  4. Yes, I just went and did it. I'm not a winner though, so for me it's just for fun. LOL!
  5. Yup, you'll definitely save money buying some brightener from someone else. Then you can also mix your own strength as needed.
  6. Yup, have to admit, you got me. I was about to stamp out a reply on the keyboard with a hammer until I read the second post, lol. You can use the bleach, percarb, and then a better brightener. The only issue with the Ben Moore stuff is you'll pay through the nose for it compared to just buying some oxalic.
  7. Nope. It's probably just watered down oxalic acid anyway like most home improvement stores sell under a dozen different names.
  8. Oh holy smokes. When I read that I about spit out my coffee! No need to sand that, it doesn't look too badly furred from what I can see. Just needs some good stain. Don't ever use anything more than a 25 degree nozzle at about 10" away. Keep the pressure low and let the chems and flow do the cleaning and you won't have issues.
  9. Yup, we used to have mobile washers that came in for refills every once in a while. Every one was different, but some running a carbon bottle, a cation, an anion, and a mixed bed, or some just running cation and anion bottles. We're talking 1.6 cubic feet of filter media per bottle, so the difference is immense. Those things he has hold maybe a quart of filter media!
  10. A slap (or spray) in the face.

    Awww dang....major bummer. I've had my share of run ins with those suckers. Sorry to hear he got you.
  11. Standard for these prebuilt systems I'm sure, but it's still a huge premium for something that can be done way cheaper. Maybe $500 total you could have enough to wash fleets with DI water. What he has there is like a filter you hook to the kitchen sink. I'm talking about something you can fill your tanks with and make hundreds of gallons of water in very short order, for way less.
  12. I'm saying, I could build a system with 10x the capacity and flow for a fourth of the price. Then you can pay a small fee and have it recharged for you a dozen times before you ever came close to his price. It just makes me sick to see people constantly trying to fleece business owners with such insane pricing. I was a level II regen tech for one of the largest water filtration companies on the planet, and we supplied everything from filtration for mobile washers who needed DI water, to dialysis clinics that needed ultra pure water to help filter waste for people with kidney problems. We also had massive mobile units that filtered hundreds of thousands of gallons of water for things like power plants, where again the water had to be ultra pure and have very low silica because it was used to cool turbines that generate electricity. I know what's capable with water filtration, and at what cost. The price of something like this makes my stomach turn. You could buy a brand new 8gpm rig for that kind of money!
  13. Wow! $2475 for that? Holy smokes...I used to recharge the resins he has in that DI system. You could build this yourself for a few hundred dollars if you know what you're doing. Sheesh....what a premium!
  14. Oh boy, painting would have been bad news for this house.
  15. Cali is full of insanity that should be isolated before it infests the rest of the country.
  16. The more pics I see, the more I like the way Baker's looks.
  17. You have to remove the .........albeit from the end of the link for it to work. I don't know about adding generators myself, so I can't help with that portion anyway.
  18. Redwood is good stuff. Taylor guitars will make you a custom acoustic with redwood if you have the dough!
  19. Just had a boat load of Ready Seal show up at my door Friday for a job we're staining on Monday. Can't beat that. UPS guy got his dolly out and wheeled it right up to my door. All I have to do is open boxes and throw it on the trailer. To top it off, there's no question on how it's going to look once applied, so there is no stress involved for me at all.
  20. Nice deck Shane. Not so sure about the other poster though, haha.
  21. Please Like My Facebook Page

    Liked. Please like mine in return: https://www.facebook.com/WeatheredWoodRestorationLLC
  22. Yahoo...75 gallons of stain is a monumental feat in itself. Awesome.
  23. I'll say it again, that one looks nice. Btw, thanks for your advice on the green fence I am dealing with. I think it's a similar issue to what you are saying here.
  24. gutter cleaning inside and out

    I don't do gutters as an add on, we just clean the outsides along with the house. They come pretty clean with our normal practices, so we've never done that. If the customer wanted inside and out, special treatment on the gutters, then I can see where Doug is getting $750 for the whole thing.
  25. Yeah, I find fencing to be a hard sell. People don't like to put the money into it, it seems.