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Everything posted by 814jeffw

  1. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Whatever man! Jeff
  2. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Neat and scientific?? Tells me something about you is what I think. Jeff
  3. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    You sound like a lawyer for one of those sick ******* you see on the news.If you're an adult and still find it invigorating to be cruel to other living things just for the sake of it, or for entertainment or whatever,... then you've got some serious issues. Especially if you're teaching young kids that it's ok for entertainment purposes. Jeff
  4. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    As discussed earlier in this post, if you would have read it all you'd know ,... when the kids do it then yea, kids will be kids,..but for ADULTS to SHOW kids that some lives are expendable,... well then that is a different story. Jeff
  5. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Yea, thats cool small world. I think that's like 1.5 hours away. I live right near Raystown Lake. Jeff
  6. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    What you're saying about hunting may or may not be correct cost wise. But it is not senseless either way. Jeff
  7. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    I hate cats, but see this as terrible. The kid might have burned ants when he was little and figured , what the heck it's only a cat. Jeff
  8. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Well Beth, not everyone always has money to just "go to the store". Can't compare burning ants with a magnifying glass to hunting and feeding your family. I never said not to kill anything, it's for what purpose and how you go about it that makes the difference. Jeff
  9. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    I have a friend who's son thought it was ok to douse the stray cats with gasoline and set them on fire because they were eating their cats' food. And the father (my friend) thinks that's ok, because he's getting rid of the stray cats. I guess that's a form of extermination. Jeff
  10. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Hunting is not senseless, it's food and yes it's necessary. And killing bees when they're close to home and kids is necessary. People die every year from bee stings. Either one is senseless. If you don't find hunting necessary to save money on food well then good for you. Jeff
  11. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    I hunt for food. I enjoy hunting, but it is not senseless. Shooting a deer and letting it in the woods is senseless, what would be the point then. Extermination is one thing, don't think extermination was the goal in the original posting in this thread and if that was the only method then that would be fine. But teaching kids it's all part of having a good time is just ignorance. Don't try to spin it into extermination. Jeff
  12. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    I also hunt, which is part of my life. I kill bees near my house to make for a safer environment. But you can't compare the scenarios, senseless as compared to necessary is the difference. Maybe you can't see that. Jeff
  13. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Two different scenarios all together Beth. I get rid of pests also. I used to pick potato bugs and put them into jars. I'm sure your mother didn't have malice in mind either. Just like my dad didn't have malice in mind when he showed me how to hunt. Jeff
  14. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    No it's not about being a kid, it started out with someone saying an ADULT was TEACHING their child. If they do it on their own, yea I agree, then that is about being a kid. Jeff
  15. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    So it's ok for everyone else to display their version of morality I guess?? It wasn't directed at the children, and you know that,.. they're only doing as they are taught. Don't try and read between the lines. And you're not sure about anything. Having basic respect for life is not being on a high horse. And I'm not your "bro". Jeff
  16. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Anyone who is willfully torturing any life form are simply pieces of crap. It's really not funny, and instead of teaching kids that some life forms are expendable, try and teach them something more constructive. If you have an ant problem then go about it humanely. Sad to think that parents actually teach kids these kinds of things, because then where does it it stop. And no I never did it. Jeff
  17. Don't know about the shorts, but the blue uniform pants hold up VERY well to bleach!! The khaki button up shirts hold up well also. Jeff
  18. Shelf Life of House Wash Mix

    It will be fine. The only time to worry is when you have incompatible products mixed together. Jeff
  19. Another fun day

    Nice work on that brick for sure!! Better you than me getting up onto that roof with those corners. Man,..I used to do that stuff,...but now I'm not comfortable with it. Nice work though!! Jeff
  20. Artillery Fungus Removal

    I've tried to think of a way to maybe speed it up also, but I think the problem is that it seems that it needs to have pin point pressure on the spot, so you can give the pole idea a shot but I think it may be tough. Yea, that is a bad case in the picture for sure, but at least once it's gone and the expense is out of the way, the customer can deal with the mulch. There is not always a great answer to some problems, but at least there is an answer. Jeff
  21. Artillery Fungus Removal

    Charge whatever you want, or whatever you can get. And considering the fact that this stuff is such an eyesore the oxidation is really not a big deal, And it would still be the lesser of the two evils, but with that being said it may need to be tied together with a regular cleaning after it's done, or it would even come together on it's own over time. But chances are you'd be there for a house wash,... so a complete wash is going to fall in line anyhow. And I haven't any idea how long it would take to do 100 sq.ft. I've only experimented with this and know that it does work. 100 sq.ft. will vary from house to house, one house may be plastered with it, but another may be just scattered here and there. Jeff
  22. Artillery Fungus Removal

    BINGO!! But I tell my customers it's melamine. Simply works because it's physically removing it, yet leaves the surface undamaged. And as I keep saying some will offer it and some won't, but it does work and you can at least give the customer the option now, which is the most important thing really, it will be on them if they want to spend the money or not. Jeff
  23. Artillery Fungus Removal

    I wouldn't bother either, like I said earlier, some will do it and some won't. So don't!! And why would it be such a tease if you have it all figured out already??? Jeff
  24. Artillery Fungus Removal

    As I said earlier in this discussion, if Saferestore worked and worked every time all the time the word would have been out a long time ago I feel. I and many others I'm sure have tried different acids, along with just about every other chemical type product in the past with no degree of real or consistent success. Saferestore,.. from what I know about it uses hydrochloric acid as it's base. Believe me, when I say I wish it would work for me the way you say it works for you, the fact is though, I truly have my doubts though that it would provide consistent results. Jeff Jeff
  25. Artillery Fungus Removal

    I am kinda' telling just a few people about it through PM's for the time being. I tried to send you a PM so you could try it out but it says you don't accept PM's.