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Posts posted by 814jeffw

  1. I remember a while back I posted doing something to set yourself apart from the others, in my case it was brush washing houses to raise the bar in my zone,...and it works. I don't have to lower my price to get the phone calls, I get phone calls because my service is far superior to anyone else around here,(which there aren't many, and the ones that are here are only part time). BBS or not, there are always gonna be the guys who are happy to get a customer once, and thats all they care about,...you just have to wade through those clowns. I chose a long time ago to set myself apart from the others,.. not by cost but by quality. I am in no way telling anyone to brush wash, so don't anyone start that up. Only was using it as a point for this discussion and setting yourself apart, no matter how you choose. But sometimes these BBS do spoon feed start-ups.


  2. I don't know, I'm torn both ways sort of.... I do agree that it's a fine thing to help the legitimate guys who are looking for advice to improve an existing business and not just looking for handouts. Handouts meaning basic knowledge of our work. But really,...I sometimes think there should be some sort of credentials,..I mean anyone can come here and put up a signature and learn enough to be dangerous. Some people come to these sites without any idea as to what's involved with this type of work,..alot are looking for the fast buck. How do we differentiate between legitimate and knuckleheads seems to be the issue here.

    Maybe there should be a basic knowledge test before they are allowed to start posting and asking questions. They should be able to show enough interest to learn at least the basics before they can come here and ask for the answers. I mean, they already have the search feature, and alot can't even put that much effort into it.


  3. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with plumbing in a shuttle valve on an air diaphragm pump. A shuttle valve keeps the pump from stalling between starting and stopping the flow of fluid. I understand the way it works,( I think)

    But the third port has me a little confused. Tried to find a schematic online, but no luck. Thanks!

    Shuttle Valve


  4. First off, that sucks having to deal with that,...and in the end it really is about the money, otherwise it would be a non-issue. But with that being said, handle it professionally, (tough I know), especially if he's not communicating at all. Ask what the reason behind his refusal to pay,..give the option to break it into 3 payments over three months. Not sure what was paid up front but, ask at least be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses and you'll move on. Talk to his wife if possible, she may not realize you haven't been paid. But once you exhaust all of the free options, I would just move on and not spend more money for the principal of it. It could possibly consume a lot of time and still not get anywhere. Just my opinion. Like you said, doesn't happen much, so don't let one knothead consume any more your life.


  5. I've run into this, I will do the job without creating any problems for the homeowner. Just be extra careful around the open window and move on. You can't really just leave the job. If there is a screen in the window,(which most have), you'll be fine, just don't shoot direct. Just deal with it and explain to the customer the next time it would be nice to have the home closed up.


  6. Jeff, what do you think it is then?

    It's still really hard to tell, but there is definately something going on.

    Not well defined. Camera may have just caught the image in such a way that it only shows the outline. I'd stay out of those woods at any rate.

    definately not a badger. hahaha badger, what a dumba$$. badger....lol.... idiot.

    IT'S THE GOATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not sure what is making the image, but it is a little weird I think. Camera owner is going to walk by the camera,at the same time with hopefully the same moon lighting,and see what it looks like. Also if you ,look on the tree most visible, you see a snake looking thing moving around the left side of the trunk,...I will add the last picture that I think defines this part more.


  7. Nope sir.. I do believe you've got yerself a bonafide negative pic thar of big foot!!

    Enlarge and add a tad of gamma and I see the big foot turn away pose from the old Patterson Big foot video!!

    Turn pic over to Coast to Coast before the big foot police show up at yer door..:lol: bigfoot-cam.jpg

    Man Kevin, that is awesome, and funny because we said the same exact thing about the pose it shows, except it would be the reverse,...I think. Thanks for the editing job!!


  8. We just see it from different views Muduck, It doesn't take me all day to brush wash a house, it takes approximately 3-4 hours on a two story house, as I said the chemicals is still doing the real work, so it's not like back breaking scrubbing. I'm not cutting my profits in half when I get most of the work in my area, due to method. It gains me in profit by shear volume alone. And guys who are having difficulty getting work can do as they please, I offered up real World information from actual feedback. But it's not comparable to a lowballer, lowballers have a reputation for doing poor work, not just beating price. My quality doesn't suffer from my "tactics". Lowballers cut corners and usually give the customer what they paid for. I guess we will agree to disagree. Cause we could go round and round.


  9. Here is an image that a wildlife camera captured the other day. It's a friend of mine who set the camera out. I don't believe in ghosts and the like but I still think this is a little weird. Look to the right of the tree, there is an image and 7 seconds later the image is gone. By the way the time on this thing isn't correct. Just a little weird I guess.




