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Everything posted by jetstream1

  1. the new truck

    The truck is green in color I did not get the 5.7 I have the 4.7 with just about 200 miles on it.The 4.7 is fast.So far I love the truck How do you like yours? Good to see another Tundra Maybe we can start a Toyota club L.O.L
  2. What can 25,000 buy

    I have 25,000 to buy a new truck for work.I am working all the dealers in town In 07 all the trucks start off in the 30,000 and up.I can get the a-z ford rate nice cut in price will get me xlt f-150 crew cab with 5.4 for 27,100, otd. Found a gmc 2500 4x4 for 26,000. Or the new toyota for 35,000 25,000 just seems to be a low budget
  3. What can 25,000 buy

    Thats the way to go I am still looking I saw a 07 toyota with a good deal
  4. What can 25,000 buy

    I do know it will depreciate I not once said it was good business and 25 is hard to save up just look at all the o7 and how much they start off at I need a crew cab.If it was just me working I could get a-way with 5-10 k Oh wife/3 kids I just can not get off cheap look at used trucks and how much they go for
  5. Our new baby......

    Happy no 7
  6. What can 25,000 buy

    When it rains in Florida the roads become like black ice My F-150 just can not stop well with the trailer. Last week came up to a lite going to make a right hand turn and guess what the road was wet and I slid past my turn into the middle of 17-92 witch is a 4 lane.So after that one time seeing a flash wake up call.It not about money or looking cool all about staying safe and not getting the pants sued off me. Ill buy new and enjoy it and will not trade out in 5 years The F-150 is a great work truck. Just can not hang with the 6x12 and stop good when needed to On week days I work from 8pm till 10 am and weekends around 8 -6 7 days a week so safety is going to be a newer truck/ Oh and I need to fit 5
  7. What can 25,000 buy

    I think I will go for the 07 GMC 4x4 2500
  8. What can 25,000 buy

    Just your luck a 1990 F150 with a 120 k 5.0
  9. What can 25,000 buy

    I would love to save this money but the time has come to buy a new truck to make more money.If you had to drive what i drive you would be looking to as of now I run a 1990 f-150 with 120k on it .dont get me wrong the truck runs great and looks well too.I really do not want to sell it the truck has been good to me just my trailer is too much on the tow end it tops out about 55 mph when loaded.It has made me good money in the past 7 years its just time to upgrade
  10. What can 25,000 buy

    I have looked at ebay and used. I saw a sweet f-250 power stroke with 45 k for a 2003 not to bad and the selling price was like 32,000 Still on the hunt just dont want to buy the first thing I see let me know if you know of any other good deals going on.
  11. What can 25,000 buy

    A 6x12 trailer is just under 2000 lbs 300 gal water tank and 2 65 gal chem tanks plus all other mis things some 55 gal drums I do like the gmc for the money I need to start going all over from gainesville to merritt island, orlando all over
  12. What are you going to put in sprayer.I use a lot of acid and I buy about 4 a year.If it is for stain I can not say what will last.
  13. Year round work I say make the trip we have warm,hot and hotter take your pick no snow or cold well it can go in the 30s but by noon time it warm again
  14. NFL Playoffs poll

  15. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    you live in sunny florida look how hot it has been getting every summer and the water temp is way hot to
  16. ccr.gov site

    Who has gotten any work from this site and if so what work did you do
  17. The New Halloween Movie - WOW!

    Rob shows on the road kick a@@ I seen him about 4 times
  18. bomb shuts down plaza

    Today I was at a job feet from a bomb scare I guess it was a third world call asking to wire money and to sit in a circle or the place will be blown up so they had like a mile around shut down I guess the e-mail thing was not working so i guess the bomb will get you to send money faster what a waste of our tax money cause FBI was out bomb squad cops you name it they were there. what is this world coming to
  19. Leave Iraq - Or Finish The Job ?

    I think we don't pull out but we need to drop the hammer down and show em who is to be feared.We have lots of are own and bush needs to get out of office.I think we are fighting a never ending war with people who are raised to hate and fight.We need to bring the force and crush them.
  20. bomb shuts down plaza

    amen to that
  21. The New Halloween Movie - WOW!

    Sweet very glade to here the movie was that good rob is the man Ill be next to see it thanks for the heads up
  22. Got Pets?

    They are the best dogs.I had one long time a-go the ex got to keep it now I have 2 mini dachshund boy and girl..small dogs
  23. Cat Pumps

    I had to find a tube for a 10 inch tire well I stop by a tire shop and no good so I went down the road to a lawn repair shop I pass by this place all the time so I found the tube for the tire. And they had some pressure washing things so I went to the pumps I got to talking with the guy and ask about the cat pumps he had sitting he tells me the cost of them installed and out the door is around $280.00
  24. Putting together my new trailer

    Nice v trailer looks new.I had one made about 4 months ago 6x12 elc brake tandem all the good stuff. 4 coats of that will be fine.Me I did one coat well my wife did.lol
  25. TGS Football pool!

    poll will work good