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Posts posted by CCHSNC

  1. I will have to agree with rftz on the F-18 and F-13 (6136). But personally I like my down stream injector. It keeps me from having to tote a bucket around. I still do use the M5 for rinsing though. (This should get some interesting feed back on this post) I know all you guys go gaga over Steves stuff but in all my situations the F-13 will out perform citriclean. Will citriclean clean gutters and leave them like new??? No. F-13 will. Does the citriclean have multiple uses?? Not really. Some will same multi purpose cleaners aren't good. I ask why?? You spend and store less. You also need allot less detergent to wash a house therefore making it more cost effective. (just be careful when trying F-13 for the first time because it will put this stuff called foam on whatever your cleaning) I know Steves stuff works and allot of people like it along with other good cleaners on the market, heck I still have some left over. (anyone want to buy it?? I just feel if ya know there is something that may be better than what you are using I personally will at least try it to see if it's all people say it is. (my .05 worth)

  2. What stain will you be using?? If you are using RS or WT you can sell them on spending more now and saving alot on maintenace costs in the future. I would go with $.80 per sqft. so your per deck price will be $184.00. This may not seem like much but it will get you in and almost garuntee more work from them. Don't let the brushing scare you. There are tools out there like the hurricain brush that will make the job go fast. Good luck!

    P.S. Try and work the guy in charge a bit. maybe you can say look I realy want the job. It will be a great oppertunity to showw the quality of work I do. What kind of #'s do I need to give you in order for both parties to be happy.

  3. One thing to remember is without a tank you wont beable to let your machine run for more than a few seconds without water cycling through it. I would suggest getting a 15 gallon tank, plumb it and use it as a buffer. It is also good practice to get the desired psi you should use different tip sizes so you won't need to touch your unloader. It would be good to get a shur flo setup for appling chems too. Using a pump up tank is for the birds. Good luck!

  4. If you aren't getting enough draw when down streaming try another tip. I have found that if I used a zero deg. nozzle with a large orphis in order to draw soap it works well but if I use my High/Low nozzle it draws much better. I for one will only use my xjet to apply chems as a last resort. I just don't like tripping over the extra line and lugging a bucket around the house.

  5. It does not explode like fire explode its a pressure explosion from the container not being vented or getting to hot. The same thing will happen with most products used in this industry. They are all dangerous and bad for you that's why safety is so important. And for those of you who may not know the name of Bobs company is Pressure Tek not studdering bobs sales.


    I talk up the f-13 because it works well and I like to share when I find something that works. Just because it was designed mainly for fleet washing doesn't mean it can't be used for house washing. When you think about it it actually make sence to use it. Most vehicle washes foam real well, rise great and are ment to handle road grime. A house is alot less dirty than road grime on an 18 wheeler. Bob doesn't even push selling chems, his cup of tea is equipment.

  6. That's what I would like to know. Does this type of product preform? How is it to work with? How about this one...for those of us who mask a job off how will the tape stick to a wet wall? What happens when you strip a deck and in most cases it will fuzz. How do you knock wet fuzz off? So what I'm getting at is you would have to come back anyway to detail. I guess the same day stuff can be used on deck that only need a cleaning before staining.

  7. One problem with using the x-jet to apply some chems. is you have to mix the chems. stronger than normal because it will get diluted when applying with the x-jet. Some chems. will only dilute so far so make sure you can mix them as strong as you need them before buying them to use with the x-jet. It is also good practice to mix your powdered chems. with warm water so you get proper desolving.

  8. I am a big fan of the F-13 (6136). It foams, cleans and sheets great! When I used the x-jet I would mix a 5 gallon brew of house wash at a time. My mix was 1 1/2-2 gallons of 12.5% (This depends on how moldy the house is), 8-12oz. of F-13 then fill the rest of the bucket with water. This should give you a starting point. If the house has really black gutters just mix some F-13 in a bucket with a bit of water and spray it on, brush and rinse. After you figure your mix out you shouldn't have to do much brushing. As fare as the other house wash mix that squirtgun mentioned...it works pretty good but it requires a foamer since the wax cuts down on the foaming. Stick with the F-13 you won't be disappointed once you find the ratio you like to work with.
