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Posts posted by killianrussell

  1. thanks i think i understand...the nozzles are set up in a manner which i must work from the eave up to the ridge..the poles are costly but work great ..i may buy one anyway figure out how i can make it work for me ..to buy a walking stick ,pitch witch,etc with out poles will cost me five hundred ?

  2. Exactly ...can i justify the price when i have a fortune already in fall protection equipment It seems everything always works in theroy but i see few if any ranch homes on level lots.What would be the difference between the walking stick and extent a wand with this machine ?

  3. Thanks for your reply ...I am still confused ? I need to lug a 40 wand around to wash a roof from the ground? I didn't shingle it from a lawn chair ! Can't I just throw it in the back of my wifes mint condition OJ Simpson Edition Bronco, knock off the localized black spots while on an estimate to build a deck or side a house. Almost all two and three story houses only interested in the localized areas where upper roof drains on to lower roof that is visible from the curb.I was hoping 30 minutes of goodwill would leave me to 30 thousand dollars worth of replacement windows ,siding,doors,etc. Sounds like a can't do it with a little 2.5 gpm machine


  4. Please allow me to introduce myself ..i'm a man of wealth & taste..well truth be known I am an aging roofer with a young wife who is really curious about this pitch witch...i am looking for some additional information other than "Glen sells it" ...curious about how it works and what i need to get set up and why do i need to do it from the ground ...do i need a large gpm machine ? will using it make me look younger ?

  5. just an aging roofer with a young wife ...love all the information here...seeing an increasing amount of discoloration and black streaks on shingles that i had install ...does anyone know anything about the pitch witch other than GLEN SELLS THEM ?
