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Everything posted by tigerzak

  1. I have a new deck to stain. The deck was installed about 3 weeks ago. I have 2 questions. 1) How long should I wait before I seal the deck? 2) Do I need to strip the deck first to remove any oils or wax that may be on the wood from the factory? Thanks in advance for the help.
  2. Loooking for some help!! I am bidding on a house this week that has cedar shakes. The house was just stained a few months ago and is peeling. The contractor used Benjamin Moore Oil Based Primer on the bare spots and BM Acryllic Solid Stain on the house. The House has approx 4 coats of stain on it. The funny thing is it is peeling down to the 3rd coat. It looks like the new stain has adhered to the previous coat but it is peeling from the coat beneath that. I tried power wash a small portion on the back of the garage and I could only knock off the parts that were peeling. The stain the rest of the stain was on solid. I tried ABR stripper and it didn't touch it. Olnly ley dwell for 20 minutes. It seems to be peeling on the front of the house where they had a gutter problem and on the side of the house which does not get much sunlight. Could that be the problem? Moisture? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Tiger
  3. Pealing Stain

    I'm taking pics tomorrow. The HO just had new gutters put on the house and they are not working properly. The water is just running down the front of the house missing the gutters altogether. I am wondering if that is part of the problem. Where the front of the house (where all the peeling is) never has a chance to dry out. Any thoughts on that? Thanks Tiger
  4. first vinyl

    I have the same machine and it works great... How much 12% did you use? I generally use the x-jet 2 gal 12% 1 gal degreaser 2 gal water. Have not had any problems removing mold or dirt.
  5. My boxer

    I also have a Boxer same markings as yours. His name is Buster
  6. I can't help you on this. But you mentioned you re-skinned a lot of composite decks. I just cleaned a composite deck (not sure what the make is, HO did not know either. The deck still looks nasty. What woul;d you reccomend I use to stain/seal it? Thanks for any help you can offer Tiger
  7. Pealing Stain

    Thanks I'll give it a try.
  8. I used a Graco all last summer. It is an older model and worked great.
  9. Business plan, or not?

    It's funny that this thread comes out now. I am currently reading a book by Michael E. Gerber called E-Myth Mastery(The Seven Essential Disciplines for Building a World Class Business) This book is awesome for any in business for themselves. It is a step by step process on how to build a business with a plan. Everyone should read it and do the work. It has a website to go along with the book which allows you to download materials (forms) needed to complete your business plan. (Free) Tiger
  10. I was under the understanding that it is necessary to use and oxcilic acid after bleach to neutralize the effects of the bleach. I'm confused now!!!
  11. Thanks to everyone who responded. I am going to try the light bleach and neutralize. I'll let you know how it comes out. Thanks again Tiger
  12. What if it does bead up? Would I need to strip? Thanks
  13. Has anybody used a product from American Builders & Restoration Products called Fast Finish Remover or Stripit All? If so, have you had good result? I did a deck today using the fast finish remover mixing 4:1 as per instructions. It barely touched the finish. The deck had 2 coats of stain (I don't know what kind) it took 5 applications and I still didn't get it completely cleaned. I let the product dwell for approx 30-40 minutes the first 4 times. I tried increasing the strength. The last time I let it dwell for close to an hour and a half with no results. They also make a product called stripit all. It seems to be a lot thicker. The directions do not say anything about cutting with water or to use straight. If anyone has any info on this product I could really use the help. Thanks
  14. What is Bix Jasco method? Or don't I want to know? Any ideas on how I can reduce my pics to get them to post? Thanks
  15. I am having trouble uploading pics. It says the file is to large. Trying to figure out how to reduce the pics. Any Help!!! Thanks
  16. It seems to be cracking more than peeling. No I didn't do a test on the dec k before I took the job. This has been a good learning experience. When I use the stripit all will I be able to use a hand sprayer to apply? The directions say so but it looks a little thick.. Thanks so much for all the replies Tiger
  17. Not quite sure. The HO said it was a stain she got from a local hardware store. She cou;dn't remember the brand or what kind of stain.
  18. House Wash Mix

    I have been searching the forums for several weeks now and I have seen as many different recipes as there are people posting. So I guess it comes down to preference. What confuses me is the bleach ranges from a 1/2 gal to 2 gallons. Do you adjust according to the degree of mold on the house? Also would you use the sdame wash on cedar shingles or painted wood. Not trying to remove or prep for painting but just cleaning. Looking forward to your answers Thanks Tiger
  19. House Wash Mix

    Randy I am not using a proportioner to apply the mix. I am using a Landa 3500psi 4GPM. Thanks
  20. House Wash Mix

    Thanks for the reply. I will try it this weekend.
  21. House Wash Mix

    Hi Dave Thanks for responding. I am x-jetting the chemicals. It just seemed like I used way to much product perhaps I need to move quicker. Is there a formula to use to determine how much chlorine is hitting the house? Any info would be helpful. I have only done one house so far and have a lot to learn. The last thing I want to do is destroy someones siding. Thanks
  22. House Wash Mix

    Jeff thanks for the response. I will take your advice and play around a little. I wan't sure if I could use the bleach on paint but you answered that. What are the ratios you use? Thanks again
  23. First House

    I did my first house today. I have a couple of questions I hope to get some help on. Thw house came out great and the customer was very happy (Mom) I used an X-jet to wash with a chemical mix of 2 gal 12% 2 gal soap/degreaser a few squirts of Dawn soap. The house is a ranch 80'x25' I ended up using a total of 5 gal of bleach and 5gal of soap. That seems like a lot to me. I may have been to generous lathering up the house. Another question is the shutters seemed to have faded some. They are brown plastic. Could that be from the bleach mixture? I am not sure if they were faded before I started and they were just more noticable because the house was sparkling. Any help you coul give me I would greatly appreciate. If someone has a better recipe for house wash I would love to try it. Thanks Tiger
  24. First House

    Should I use a perportioner on the Xjet? Would that help?
  25. First House

    I hope to do another house next weekend it the weather breaks. Lots of rain here in New England this week. I will let you know.