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Posts posted by jimco

  1. Ok, here is my story, I recently bought out a little pressure/steam cleaning truck. Its a great set-up tanks, pressure equipment,steam coil and best of all its all mounted on a 35' bucket truck. I also had some equipment to enhance the package. I want to start part time and grow into the buisness. But all the best equipment in the world cannot replace experience. I have a lead for a company who does large masonary building and they want someone to do the washdown after they are done. they have a contractor who is not very reliable and would like to replace him. They currently do alot themselves but dont want to. I know them well and approached with my offer. The fisrt thing they asked was have I ever done it. Well I couldn't lie and said no. It seems a year or so ago they decided to put one of their ex emploees into this position hoping it would work. Needless to say he severly damaged a large project so now they have cold feet about putting someone with no experience in that position again. Sure it sounds easy, spray on a little acid wait a while and spray it off. Well I have been in the construction buisness long enough to know differant. Here is my question. I need expeience. I know it wont happen over night, but I am a hard worker fully insured and the apptitude to learn. Probably someone in my region, NH, wouldn't be interested in training a potential competetor but any one who can help me please contact me. I can travel. I am open to any ideas. I do want to concentrate on new masonary construction. Any offers concidered. Thanks
