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Posts posted by Tmrrptr

  1. another try at pics

    ...there's gotta be some way to trigger this machine to grab pics!

    I guess I'm off again for the book of instruction.

    MMI ... Thanks! I got the numbers wrote down around here somewhere

    BTW, LOOK OUT! My kid just called from Sac on his way thru from Reno..

    Busy kid. I hope he doesn't decide to get into the whaling industry while he's up that way..

    Tuff...Thank you. I'd really like to figure out how to post pics here!

    It shouldn't be too hard... There's gotta be a how to somewhere.


    the paperclip won't work.. click, double click & right click won't work below on manage attachments... Hmmmm.

  2. yeah, I do aerial photography (used to be Earthcrawl Do you think changing the name would make a difference ? I'm open to ideas ..... I put out flyers today with my helper ... we landed a job (call from the newspaper)

    John, I'm crushed... Up there in the beautiful blue sky, lookin down on God's green earth, free as a bird, and you wanna what? Blast foam up in a hood? Stream bleach on comp? Swirly square dance down a driveway? OK, I suppose you have your reasons ! Gosh I'd love to be a flyboy!!! Name is everything. Name is first contact of John Q Public with your biz. Look at all the NICE, descriptive names on this BB... If you wish to keep all your official stuff going, maybe you could talk to someone about a wholly owned subsidiary or something like that. In my opinion, advertising and salesmanship will make or break a biz. You can almost always hire help to get a job done, once you GET it! That's experience speaking... I've accomplished significant projects using student labor during the summertime. And I also enjoy using female helpers. Good luck, r

  3. I just stumbled across this surface cleaner while wishing and hoping I could afford a spiffy brand new steel eagle or such. Price was rite!

    Not a clue what it is... will try to u/l pics... Pls help!

    Bar is 16", 18" to outside of shield, Giant pistol, spinner says deublin?

    Red steel flat top, black handles...

    Now I can see why the workin folk reluctant to buy a used machine...

    Abt 2-3hrs to get this cleaner operational... Lube wheelies, (axle & swivels), clean dirt from QC, penetrating oil to spinner, clean zerk, grease the zerk, apply H2o and ZIP... undo connections, flush gun, feed line, pull mismatched nozzles, (one 1503, one ?... each is a different configuration, a meg?, and a bigger one...), clear out nozzles while pierceing fingers w/ pin... hooked up to my baby 2500psi and now I got clean asphalt in the street!

    What IS this thing ???? Is worth keeping?


    ...can't figure how to send the pics...hmmmm

  4. Hey Mat,

    I'm a construction worker, many years...

    Somehow fell into painting for maybe last 5...

    But they found out I had other skills so we kinda slimmed down on the paint only. Now we're on our own...

    Got a baby HD washer that made fine improvement to clients projects.

    So I decided, "This is GREAT! Let's get a REAL PWer..."

    I Read the PW bb's for a couple weeks and got a BEcold 5.5@2500 which is great... but then I learned it's all about the chems.

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing !

    Then I learned more.

    Especially here in CA... u gotta recover ur waste !

    And I have been tagged by dirty water police before. well, the co was...

    (I helped do the fix.)

    Now, with a decent entry level machine, and some more knowledge, I'm nearly afraid to solicit, especially downtown commercial, for fear of violating water law!

    Sure, a net surfer could pull quite a bit of info, but I think it might just make him/her more knowledgeable. My clients are making megabucks and don't have time for the down and dirty stuff... and sure don't want to deal with chems!

    Lowball? Ha!

    Here in CA we got some SERIOUS overhead!

    I just want to provide full, comprehensive service at a good value to my clients...


  5. Hello Don,

    Very nice of you to be out there in the front row helping people.

    Seriously, $5,000 US dollars ?

    I can't waste the amount of time you have mentioned for a possibility of a $5k LOAN...

    $5K is very nearly pocket change here in CA.

    A $50k zero interest biz loan would be something I would be interested in.

    That would be a good start on suitable water reclamation equipment that shall soon be required AND strictly enforced. Heck, it's required now!

    But it's all good. I like classes. Same as roundtables. Good input.

    CA does have a program called SOAR .

    Bunch of old guys been in biz many years. Help out new biz startups.

    Get your biz plan all down on paper, and they will offer guidance. gratis.


  6. Hello Nat,

    This is a pressure wash bb, I know, but what a tough story!

    That's terrible!

    19yrs invested and insult added to injury... Wow!

    Best of luck to you.

    I guess you are well on the way to learning how strong you can be!

    One of the hardest things to do is get along with another person, especially if that other person is a female!

    20yrs experience.

    I have an excellent wife!


  7. Yah, it was exciting when the wheel fell off!

    Seems the stainless hubcap thingy was actually a push-on dealy to hold the wheel on... but didn't! When it dropped off on my wifes foot she immediately took advantage of the opportunity to tell me what she had been saving up to tell me... But as that began, the axle, now sliding because the wheel was no longer holding it in, kinda flipped out of it's bracket and we were real lucky to keep the whole mess up on the tailgate!

    But this is just what we do for fun out here in CA !

    Life IS good!

    The whole deal is abt the economy...

    Online news this morn just listed two CA counties down nearly 1/2 in RE prices or sales from last year... other counties down a third and a 1/4th.

    I see it as an excellent opportunity to provide a valuable service PWing properties so they look their best.

    ...Best thing to do w a car for sale is drive it through the car wash!

    A home listed for sale is much more important.


  8. Hello Rick,

    Well I guess you understand what's going on w the stock market and such...

    From what I've tried to learn about it, I don't know nuthin!

    I know a fellow who earns a living from an advance decline system of forecasting trends, but so far, it's way too complicated for me!

    I know another who just made 25k because he thought a stock looked good, bought it, and sold a few weeks later.

    I just hope to provide a better, and more complete service for my clients.

    Hopefully, we can earn a living along the way.


  9. Hello , again Jeff,

    Struggling here in CA.

    Of course some folks are doing fine, but a lot of building is just shutting down.

    I have been doing a few small PW jobs, and taking careful heed of the best advice out there... I am being VERY conservative with application of chems both to protect myself, and my clients property !

    Whew! There's a LOT I need to learn !

    Brand spankin' new PW'er... bypass hose poppin off shootin water in the air in front of client...

    Next thing that happened was big wind when trying to downstream using a 1/4" barb fitting at the tip...

    Then I found out a 24' extension pole is a real handul...

    Most recent was the wheel and axle falling off as we loaded back in the truck after doing a pretty good job... of course, in front of the client.

    Kind of a bummer cuz my wife got hurt a bit when the machine fell apart.

    Need to get a ramp, or better yet, a trailer w/tank and stuff.

    But it's all good.

    Really makes a nice improvement to the clients property for a minimal cash outlay compared to other methods of improvement.


    Well, not just yet!


  10. GREAT thread guys!

    I guess everyone's figured out how to KEEP most of the money...

    It's not how much you gross that counts.

    Daniel says, sometimes he might be better off with a mower doing 6 yards a day. And he could be right. There's a lot to be said for a simple life.

    Painting is a tough job. All too few clients realize what prep really is.

    But its the satisfaction of walking away from a beautiful building that will be saved from the elements for another 5 - 10 yrs that makes it worth it.

    I just don't think Daniel would get that level of satisfaction from mowing.

    ...and the pressure washer won't make his biz necessarily worth much more, but it will keep him working when other things might fade a bit... so there it is, yes, it IS worth more!

    And Ken can see where he excels in setup, training and management.

    Ha! But he still wants to get his hands dirty and get out there and do a few!

    Greg is leaving the glory of travel to beautify log homes, stay local and make reasonable bucks on decking.

    A composite of the thread would show you are all right on top of things and flexible enough to see that your businesses will succeed !

    GREAT thread!


  11. Ha!

    Try selecting an employee in CA !

    A dozen or so prospects, pick the best one, and shows up on time...

    says, "maybe I could drug test in 3 weeks or so?"

    Liability is such a BIG word here in CA !

    I am AFRAID to hire someone off the street and take him, or HER, to a clients home. I would love to "grow" a business, as they say, but I'd rather stay small and have the greatest respect for my clients security.


  12. Dave,

    I like Al Pacino a lot... think he is a quality actor ...

    example... the difference in his role in the Godfather stuff compared to his role in Dog Day Afternoon . I didn't see scent, but saw Devils advocate.

    But these are ALL old... B wants NEW!

    Heck, I still watch Leningrad Cowboys Do America from time to time!


  13. MMI,

    Ricky Bobby was just too stoopid.. I like nascar!

    it was a great pair, though.

    I liked talented ripley for some of the scenery shots of riviera and stuff.

    watched The Breakup last night Vince Vaughan & Jennifer Anniston.

    Not much more than a diversion.

    Kept waiting for something to happen

    she's cute for a girl next door but I just can't imagine someone thinks of her as among tops worldwide...

