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Posts posted by geezer

  1. O.K. I got a Liberty gas series hot water pressure washer (skid). Unfortunately the place I purchased and where it was made are no longer in business. I was wondering where to purchase a new gas fuel tank for it. The one I have now shows some rust on the inside of the tank. I would really rather replace it before it gets any worse and starts to create problems in the future. Obviously the fuel oil tank for the burner is o.k. I am not sure of the measurements but I will check tomorrow.

  2. Intresting thread. I started to use WTW this year and found no seperation in the two 5's I received. I did notice that there was a color difference between the verticals and horizontals. I only did three decks so far and brushed every inch of them, recently bought a sprayer thank god. All three had color differences. I just touched up the horizontals and they look real good. Customers were very happy. WTWWWW- WTW Will Work Wonders, I really like this stuff. I still pull out my moisture meter from time to time to give the costomers a show, they seem to be impressed.

  3. I don't want to get into the sq. ft. price debate but was wondering if people included material in the the sq. ft. price, i.e stain, stripper, neutralizer, plastic, and so on to the quote. Or do they charge by the sq. ft. and then list the materials used or going to be used on the job to the quote. I was just wondering which would be better for a more attractive quote. I sense some people I give quotes to are some what weary of why I am so high, in their eyes, on my sq. ft price. When I quote I just price it out into sq. ft. , poles ,steps and a few other obvious things. It seems simple to me but customers might want to know more detail of material being used. I suppose I could break it down and come up with the same sq. ft. price that I charge. Which would be better?
