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Don Phelps

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Everything posted by Don Phelps

  1. Big oops! What should I do?

    I think most of us have lost one at one time or another. The collar on the q/c isn't out and locked around the tip. Always check it when changing tips. If you can see the spring or ball bearings on the q/c, you aren't locked and ready to pull the trigger.
  2. Workers Comp rates

    It does follow under construction in FL.
  3. Battling through it

    Sorry to hear about your misfortune Jeff. I've had the same problem with notices not being delivered before and it shut us down for the day. The only saving grace was the fact that it rained a few hours later anyway. I'm considering putting something in the contracts from now on that will cover us financially on days like that. Keep your head up and Good Luck!
  4. Who has Worker's Comp?

    Hi Barry, You can meet the state-required exemption and still need to have the WC if the PM requires it and it will need to be for you and any other employees on the site.
  5. What IS this?

    It's a Russian air hockey puck!
  6. Which is better

    If you like to read, here it is. Poly baby! :) http://gates.com/facts/index.cfm?show=Engineering&location_id=3258
  7. Happy Birthday, Wayne!!!

    Sorry Wayne.......Happy Belated Birthday! We're gettin' old and forgetful too............:lgbonk:
  8. 5.5 gpm 3500 psi w/18 hp Honda/General pump $2499+shipping 8.0 gpm 3500 psi w/24 hp Honda/General pump $2999+shipping Both are available on a portable cart or a stationary skid with rubber feet. Credit card payment will raise the price by 2.5% less shipping cost.
  9. Water & More Water

    Most of the properties here won't allow lifts on the grass for that reason. Sheets of plywood work really well to protect the grass/underground plumbing, but it can be a pain to constantly move them as the lift travels. Bigger lifts from the parking lot (when possible) is a good way around such obstacles.
  10. American Idol

    LOL! Spell check please! :)
  11. Motivational Speech

    That's big $$$ left on the table! Get an apartment complex with tile roofs and sub the roofs to me the first time and I'll show you how and you'll probably have your single biggest check on the next one. If you get a complex with building washing, roof cleaning and concrete, you'll be able to do the whole thing in about 4-5 weeks or so and the total gross pay should be over $50K easily if it's an average sized community. :lgmoneyey
  12. Yes, I made it. It was probably somewhere around $350. The use of stainless fittings drove the price up a bit.
  13. A pic of one that's been set up as a ShurFlo/X-Jet cart with battery. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=2718&d=1127914957
  14. Which would you buy

    I'm sure it probably varies from area to area, but it's about 7 gpm here.
  15. Which would you buy

    The 8@35 makes more sense in my opinion. With the 5.5@5 you're getting less flow (slower) and the psi is overkill which can/will lead to unnecessary wear on the concrete. :)
  16. Motivational Speech

    Is this it? http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5852
  17. dumb question

    No, there's a burner switch to turn on/off as needed.
  18. Here's my truck of choice, but the wife is putting up some resistance......We'll see how it all plays out. My $$$ is on her....lol! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4616236996&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
  19. Hose pulsating.

    Could be the pump, but more than likely it's air somewhere. How long did you let it run while this was happening?
  20. Fan fell off

    In short, there used to be machines that didn't have pressure unloaders, so an open gun was the way it was done. All or nothing!
  21. Fan fell off

    Dennis is the man! I met him back when he was with APW. He's an ol' schooler that can troubleshoot just about anything. He's told me stories from back in the day, when there was nothing but open-gun machines.
  22. Low ballers making an impact.

    The fact of the matter is his company name/number shouldn't be openly posted like this one way or the other. It should be considered 'unprofessional' around here to do so and lacks good judgement. It's always interesting how the ball bounces, isn't it?
  23. HD, Lowe's and most paint stores.
  24. Fan fell off

    In a perfect world nothing bad should happen, but we all know it does. The bottom line usually comes down to who's going to cover it though. Personally, I think it's an erroneous incident, but there is a case to be made one way or the other.
  25. Fan fell off

    If I recall, you bought it from Steve Rowlett. If so, give him a call and see what he can do for you. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll hook you up with someone at Pressure Pros.