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Posts posted by deach

  1. Brush the gutters? Hit the gutters twice if you have to, the way I'm telling you to do it. A 3rd time I found out no cleaner.

    LOL ok. Not to start an argument or debate but the minute you mentioned x-jet you were out with me. Perhaps you're area might be bit different with gutter stuff and not the "stuff" we have here... But at any rate I'm out on the x-jet. I can see no reason to spend a hundred bucks, carry a bucket, when downstreaming will do. If you want to do that it's ok by me bud.....

  2. I would love to compete in a bid against someone thinking they need a lift for this job. With the right equipment and chems, one crew could do three (or more) of those buildings in a day including manually scrubbing the outside of the gutters. The information you need is all contained in the archives of this BBS.

    Yep I was trying to post a quick pic but I think I need to shrink it. Anyway That's an easy one. Just search a little buddy, it's here.......

  3. I guess I've been lucky. About every month or so I run some lacquer thinner thru it. If you spray acrylic thru it (commonly called latex) then clean with water. If you're going to Oil run some spirits thru it.then leave it with spirits in it till you spray acrylic again. Before spraying the acrylic use clear water then the paint. I've honestly never had a problem with any of my pumps doing it that way. As far as the XR-7 is concerned (or any airless for that matter) clean clean clean. (more important after acrylic actually). Those smaller sprayers will last a long time if properly cleaned. Although I have rebuilt it once my spray tech 1920 is still in service after probably spraying 5 times what it's rated for yearly and still going strong.

  4. Thanks, Prowled around yours a bit too, looked good. Honestly you can use almost anything for an o-ring tool, I've used just a flat head screw driver to get them out, just be careful. The name came out from years ago looking thru an old auto trader, and saw an old ambulance for sale, and me and the wife both said it at the same time LOL. I think you're right about staying away from "Window Busters" LOLOL An old dental pick works nice or just honestly what you can find to get the old one out. I've used a paper clip bent around before.

    Anyway good luck to you out there. Anything I can do to help let me know.

  5. I don't think the o-rings wear out that much quicker...I've really never kept track. Always (and I mean always) have spare 1/4 and 3/8 o_rings with you. There's nothing worse than having to run and get one in the middle of a job. I can honestly say I use the 1 footer the most for house washing. I just like to have "something" on the end of the gun. One of my guys just usually puts the tips in the gun, and my daughter almost always grabs the 3 footer so she can use both hands I guess. As you progress you'll find less and less use for long wands on the house washes. An actual paint prep (where you use pressure to get loose paint off and such) is a different matter.

    Good luck.

  6. The easy pull gun from Bob rocks. I wouldn't put a lance (wand) on the gun at all, I'd put a quick disconnect on the output of the gun. Then I'd probaby buy a 1 foot, 3 foot and then a longer lance. Put the quick disconnects on the lance and just switch as needed. You can probably do without the one foot one and only use the gun but I prefer to shoot from the one footer just seems to work out better for me. (as opposed to no lance at all)

  7. I for one think they should all be given one warning and then they are done ....... FOR GOOD!, this dead horse we are beating has had the guts beat out of it long ago.

    I totally agree with Russ on this one. We're supposed to be grown ups running our own business here. Bout time we act like it.

  8. Looks pretty good to me. I didn't see the "before one" I don't believe. Interesting report you have on here Chris. I'm surprised that doesn't check for xhtml errors and such as it's pretty thorough. I'm guessing here that's not a freebe?

  9. Well Dan, unfortunately it's getting more and more about the price. (Flame on people)... I honestly what you say to "SOME" people just doesn't matter. I just got a call the other day after spending two hours with a customer, explaining techniques, coatings, chemicals, etc etc. and she called me and told me they were going with someone else that didn't take so much of their time and was bout half the price. (NO I wasn't too high to begin with). I asked her a question or two and she said " I don't know I only know he just took a quick look and came up with a price that was cheaper." (as to infer that because I took the time to measure and bid it correctly I'm the idiot). So anyway totally understand where you're coming from.

  10. Borax is not as toxic to pets and people as you think. Look at its uses for peopel and pets at EarthClinic.com . It can actually be given dogs as a treatment in their water for fleas and parasites. Also as a pet shampoo you leave on to dry for mange and flea tick control. It does work great for repeling and killing red wasps, Put a cup borax and some dawn in a pump up and spray around where wasps enter cracks in siding etc...they won't come near it again.

    That's some interesting reading over there......
