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Mike Cappa

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Everything posted by Mike Cappa

  1. Which direction do I go???

    Thanks Alan, everything isn't for sale. I need to hold on to some stuff. Don't get me wrong, everything is for sale at a price. But the price has to be good enough for me to replace it, ah haaa
  2. A few Questions - Power Wash Equipment

    I don't dislike Scott at all. I think we are actually having fun "ribbing" each other. I actually have fun, it breaks it up a little. I hope to meet Scott one day soon and buy him some drinks. Maybe even dinner, unless he looks that mean all the time, I won't be able to afford how much he would eat, lol. I have to find a way to get my picture up here so you guys can make fun of me too. Look, I know I can be an ass sometimes, when I am I apologize. As a hole, I am a nice guy, those who have talked to me in person or on the phone, I hope, would say I am nice and helpful. I don't dislike anyone here. I hope everyone knows that.
  3. Which direction do I go???

    It's not for sale
  4. fence

    But...I personally would still use an airless/weather dependant.
  5. fence

    Beth, good point. I didn't use tons of different stains. I was happy with one and never varied from it. You are probably correct in reference to different types of stains. I can't say either way though, I haven't used a bunch of different companies stains. Everett, I have never seen or done better work than when an airless was used. A friend made a good comment once, he said...when the best automobile, a rolls royce is built, it is done by hand, but when the finish is put on, it is sprayed, not put on by hand. Maybe they are on to something. And before anyone goes crazy, I know wood and metal are different, it was just a comment he made.
  6. A few Questions - Power Wash Equipment

    I don't have that much exp. I will be 32 in a few weeks. Like I said, started with my uncle when I was 14, you do the math. I never said how many years I was doing it, I just stated when I started. Do you feel threatened by me or something? It seems you always have something to say after my posts. Maybe you are the one with less exp. than you say and you are trying to take the emphasis off of you and put it on me. Or... you are jealous that you never ran an adult club? I can help you out if you want a job in Phoenix, lol
  7. Which direction do I go???

    Beth, I was merely telling the gentlemen that I used the same set up that he wants and made a joke in reference to him buying it. Sorry, I won't make anymore jokes. I didn't realize it was wrong to have used equipmnet for sale. I guess you build up alot of equipment over the years and didn't realize there was anything wrong in selling it.
  8. fence

    I have to disagree with applying stain with a pump up. That is how a homeowner can do it. Don't get me wrong, you can do it that way, but an airless sprayer works much better, much faster and atomizes the stain to penetrate deeper into the wood. In my opinion, you never want to do a job the same way a homeowner can do it or they will (sometimes) question why they hired you. I doubt you will get questioned, but they will ask themselves and if they watch you do it, they will think they know how and try it themselves the next time.
  9. A few Questions - Power Wash Equipment

    Ron, I hope you feel better. Scott, good memory. But...There is a certain reason it "seems" like I just started cleaing last year. I am not going to post why, if you would like to know, give me a call. I actually started pressure cleaning when I worked for my uncle's concrete company when I was 14. All I really did was rinse mud, but that is where it all started. Ever hear the saying "stupid like a fox"?
  10. Truck washing chemical

    I agree with OTP, they are probably two stepping. I know a guy named Andy that makes his own two stepping chems. If you are interested I will get you his number.
  11. Which direction do I go???

    Classic, did you see the post I put here about my van? Someone must have removed it for some reason. I don't know why?
  12. A few Questions - Power Wash Equipment

    In my opinion...I don't like flow type unloaders. If you are not versed in their adjustments, you may have problems. That can get out of adjustment very easily. As for machines, for the two that you speak of, I would go with Landa, their service is great. I have been offered a job recently with my local Landa dealer. They showed me their pump and I was impressed. one thing I was impressed with was the size of their plungers. All the bolts are thicker as well. I don't like CAT pumps. Not because they are bad, they are the opposite, they are great pumps, but, the rebuild kits are almost the same price as a new General pump. I have used Generals for years and have no complaints.
  13. Business plan

    Aaron, there is a market. You just have to know where to look.
  14. Fort Lauderdale in February

    I used to work in that area.
  15. Higher GPM PW's

    ooops, phone 440-653-3570 mcappa@adelphia.net
  16. Higher GPM PW's

    Ausitn email me or call me. I will help you out. that website address doesn't seem to work.
  17. Higher GPM PW's

    what site are you looking for?
  18. Brian, I agree 100%!! I have switched to an extended van a short while ago, I wish I never would have. This thing is starting to be a real pain in the you know what. I am going to get a box truck soon. The van is just too small for me. The biggest problem is my surface cleaner is such a pain to dis assemble then re assemble at each job. Doing that all the time is really wearing out the threads so I don't want to keep doing it. I got the van for speed, but it has actually slowed me down.
  19. actually it wont. even on box trucks where the cab is divided by the box, you will still smell the fumes. Proper ventilation is the only sure fire way to be safe, actually, a seperate cab or trailer is really the only sure fire way, lol.
  20. forgot, I have a question for you. I don't want to post it here. give me a call. 440-653-3570 or email me your number and I will call you. Mike
  21. I won't make any comments on the set up, but... Rob, I think you know I have a van as well. I WILL NOT let any chems sit in my van overnight or will not bring them with me if I don't need them. No matter what you do, you will smell the fumes. I don't carry chlorine but just the diesel fuel alone last month gave me headaches and made me dizzy when driving over a half an hour away. Please be very careful with your chems in the truck. If you can, remove them daily and get a very good venting system for your van. Your health depends on it.
  22. Which direction do I go???

    Hugh, if I answered all your questions then asked you certain questions on here it would take forever. I have used both, van and truck & trailer. Post your questions here and I'll answer as best as I can. Mike
  23. Vinyl Siding

    their site says to brush on this stuff. can you imagine brushing a whole house. how long would that take. next it costs over 200 with shipping to do an 1800 sqft home. now add your markup then your labor. who is going to pay a grand or more to get this done? no one. Honestly, this stuff seems like a joke to me. just my .02
  24. winterize

    the pump and coil can freeze and crack
  25. Gutter Cleaning Out..?

    yes, but... what do you get to clean them compared to what you get to install gutter guards? I get on average 85 to clean, and on average 800 to install the guards. It is like getting a 10 year cleanout contract in one job. I would rather install gutter guards for everyone on time rather than clean out their gutters each year.