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Mike Cappa

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Everything posted by Mike Cappa

  1. Rob, I am doing the same thing you are asking on Sunday. I am mounting it in a 93 extended E250. I will let you know how it turned out. I am getting rid of the trailer and pickup, the van system seems like it will be much more efficient.
  2. should i buy the x-jet????????

    Chuck, give me a call, I think you still have my number.
  3. Winterizing

    I'm moving to St. Louis.!!!
  4. Next year, differently...

    BE CAREFULL!! If your wife is good looking and the homeowner is a woman, or couple and the wife is home and gets jealous at all, you won't get the job. She has to be so professional around other women it will hurt.
  5. Winterizing

    about every 500 hours. Though... my machines are getting old so I will do it about every 350-400 hours.
  6. Winterizing

    I must disagree about changing the oils. In my opinion, keeping the old thick oil seems to lubricate a non moving engine and pump better. either way, you have to change your engine oil before you start the new season, or at least you should.
  7. Trailer Axles.....Torsion vs. Spring

    aren't the leaf springs stronger than torsion??
  8. did you just attach the qc, or re thread the outlet side to make the orfice larger?
  9. I guess we always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. We have alot of commercial work here and have been contacted to do a large chain in three states. I am satisfied with teh commercial and will use res. for gravy work. As for nights and weekends, I have worked those hours since I was 19, so working during the day sucks for me. I think I may be a vampire though, lol
  10. Hose in the House

    Just did a job where we had limited access to the rear. Would not go through the house. There are too many disasters waiting to happen. You will find a way to do it right. What every you do, don't go through the house. You will also look much more professional not going through the house. Just my opinion, and experience.
  11. should i buy the x-jet????????

    the close range tip is not needed. It was a shipping mistake. the reason your adjustable tip won't adjust anymore is because of the low quality parts and construction of the new x jet. I looked at it very closely and won't ever be using it. This is only my opinion.
  12. Is this a whisper wash?

    I have a 20 inch simpson I don't really use if you want to try it. Disclaimer: If it works, I get it back, if it doesn't work, I get it back in working (close as possible to original) order.
  13. around here people act like they are all on welfare. this is why we will not do residential next year and are going all commercial, people suck, lol
  14. since the x jet is a modified downstreamer, how about modifying it even further, putting another qc on the output end and attaching it at the reel, could work?
  15. Xjet vs. Vjet (knockoff)

    rfitz, I love the background in I'veseenitwork, that's all I can go by also. Bob is correct, and I must say, and apologize to bob and anyone else I flipped out on. As some of you know I sometimes let my temper get the best of me and I apologize to everyone. I said some very hurtfull things to and about bob that were untrue and I just hope he can forgive me, and the rest of you also. rfitz, I also know how much I draw and how fast I can drain a pale of chems, with the adams injector, you will drain a pale very quickly.
  16. Xjet vs. Vjet (knockoff)

    I agree, different areas may pose different problems. I always use cold water, once in a while hot on alum. siding, but not very often. I have 300 feet of hp hose on my real, and and extra 250 in spare just in case, never needed it but just in case. So parking my rig on the street usually isn't a problem. Now for Rob. Most of the homes I wash are two stories, so your time may vary, but... your numbers confuse me. 30 gallons of chem, I have no Idea how you came up with that. I may use two gallons max. I don't know how you are applying but I can't see how anyone would use 30 gallons, even with an xjet, On a home I mean. Unless maybe it was a mansion. Like I said, I have not had any complaints, I actually get an "at a boy" for doing the job so quickly. I think it comes down to quality not quantity, in time I mean. I do agree with you about everything having to be rinsed off. You can't leave any soap behind. If you are happy with your way, who am I to judge. But I am sure you would like to wash 5 homes a day and still have sunlight. Not saying this happens all the time, but I have done it a few times. All the homes were in the same area though.
  17. Xjet vs. Vjet (knockoff)

    It is a truck wash called 6173. It can only be bought by chem. Distributors. The guy I was getting it from started to have some very questionable business practices so I no longer order from him. As soon as I find a new distributor, I will let everyone know.
  18. Xjet vs. Vjet (knockoff)

    You guys are more than welcome to think what you would like. I get more referrals than I can handle, including many apartment complexes. I am not even going to advertise anymore. Way too much work. That doesn't even include all the shopping centers and other types of Power Washing. If you have a good set up and I mean effecient, very good chems and an effecient procedure, I can guarantee you could wash a house in a hour. The chem I use is a little more expensive but is definitly worth it. No brushing gutters, just spray the whole side, then rinse, all clean. I have no problem letting people know I can do it quickly and the reason they pay what they do is becuase I have overhead, I am not a charity, I have a business to run and the chemicals also arent cheap. I have never had an unhappy customer.
  19. Xjet vs. Vjet (knockoff)

    The x jet is nice for certain applications, but if you mix you chem correctly you don't need it at all. I can't say for decks because I use a shurflo to put the chem on straight. But for houses, a good chem, a half gallon of chloring and however else you want to mix it, a ball valve, which can throw chem twenty feet, or a 0 degree #40 tip to throw higher, and an adams downstreamer will give you a 5-1 draw rate through 300 ft of hp hose, at least I get that with a 5 gpm machine. Most houses I wash are anywhere from 300 to 450. After I started using this system, It hasn't taken me over an hour to wash a house, no matter the size. The chem I use has about a 5 minute max dwell time and also cleans the gutters very nicely so as soon as I soap, I rinse. Start to finish, an hour max. Give it a try, you will never use an x jet to wash a house again.
  20. My fiance was stopped by some people in a parking lot today, she had my truck so everyone could see it was a power washing vehicle. They said their houses got egged last weekend and could I take it off. Now, I am sure I can but I just wanted to ask here if there is any special chem I should use or just my regular house wash recipe? Steve's Green Power Bleach foamer wax rinse aid water
  21. Reclaiming Water

    I have contacted some municipalities around me and all they said was I had to have one, didn't mention any specs, just that I had to have one, period. One city also said not to bother, just go hook up and use what I needed, he also said he would deny saying that if asked. Oh well, more stuff to buy.
  22. Reclaiming Water

    I'll be picking one up soon. I will be meeting that guy Bob with the bad boy later today. I am going to take it for a whirl and report back here. Well, not right here, I meant on the web.
  23. Reclaiming Water

    Now I got it. Where could I get one of those back flow preventers? Picking up the new trailer next week. Now the fun begins setting it up and trying not to spend all my advertising money doing it.
  24. Reclaiming Water

    I didn't mean paying for water you didn't have to. I meant giving the meter back if you rent it. Do you use that much city water that you don't give the rented meter back?