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Clear Shine Maintenance

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About Clear Shine Maintenance

  • Rank
    TGS Member
  • Birthday 11/05/1975

Profile Information

  • Company Name
    Clear Shine Maintenance
  • First & Last Name
    Jeremy Kiefer
  • City & State
    Elkmont, AL
  • Occupation
  1. PWRA Convention Information Nashville, TN August 23 and 24

    PWRA CONVENTION 2013 TRADE SHOW http://youtu.be/_WmvaodRY1o
  2. Greetings from Jospeh D. Walters Insurance in Pennsylvania!

    Welcome Amy! It was good to get to Tom the other day.....
  3. PWRA Convention Information Nashville, TN August 23 and 24

    John, you are correct. The dates are 23 and 24th
  4. PWRA Convention Information Nashville, TN August 23 and 24

    Give a shout out here if you are going! So far they have 180+ contractors from over 100 companies plus 32 vendor attendees coming to Nashville. The dates are August 24 and 25 at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN You can get all the details here http://pressurewashingconvention.com/ IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP AND COME!!! When ordering your tickets, Use the code "25off" to save $25
  5. Political post dealing with Guns,Zimmerman/Martin

    +plus 1
  6. Political post dealing with Guns,Zimmerman/Martin

    Guy, I have not kept up to date with the state run by Chicago democrats for a while and it's a breath of fresh air to see that Illinois is taking back itself from Chicago politics! Even though it is passed, it will be a while till it even will come to fruition, sadly if at all. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/07/17/Chicago-Pols-Strengthen-Gun-Ban-Ahead-of-New-Concealed-Carry-law I lived in Hammond, Indiana and lived 3 blocks from a Chicago suburb at the age of 18. I was allowed in Indiana to carry a gun (which oddly enough wasn't allowed to purchase one at that age, but I digress) and it is great to see Illinois doing the same now if they don't screw it up which too many restrictions. Chicago will definitely be a better city for it. Thank you Guy, for bringing it to my attention!
  7. Political post dealing with Guns,Zimmerman/Martin

    I disagree. Look at DC. Look at Chicago. There is no freedom of gun ownership there. You cannot carry a gun there. You have a limit on the number of guns that can be owned. What type of guns. That, my friends, is taking away people's freedom slowly and it doesn't start by just banning or taking them away at one time. They do it slowly and methodically so no one causes that big of a stink because it's just something little. A little over time becomes big. Does anyone else find it odd that the highest crime and murder rates are the population with the strictest gun laws?
  8. Political post dealing with Guns,Zimmerman/Martin

    When I am teaching and instructing self defense classes, my first rule is to run from danger. I highly think telling his friend some "creepy a$$ cracker" was following him then getting into an altercation with him counts as "fighting as need be". A thug confronts....someone scared for their safety runs unless cornered. TM wasn't cornered and could have just ran.
  9. Political post dealing with Guns,Zimmerman/Martin

    We never will know. We never really know for sure what his motives were. We don't know Zimmermans true intention. I see a bad situation where both parties weren't truly innocent and circumstances escalated quickly and snowballed from there. Here is my best way I summed it up to some buddies before GZ was even convicted..... I think you have an over zealous neighborhood watch member and a high thug punk and unfortunately the one with the gun won
  10. Political post dealing with Guns,Zimmerman/Martin

    Here's facts-TM was 17, not 12 like the medias pictures were showing constantly. TM was suspended from school for drugs and that's why he was down their visiting his Dad. TM had THC in his system at time of death. His friend described to Pierce Morgan how they fight where their from and TM wouldn't hesitate to get into a fight if need be. Far from the normal teenager I know....
  11. Lets see your animals that love you unconditionally:)

    I love her :) She goes with me to work, has a bed in my office, LOVES to ride in the truck, and is daddy's little girl. I call her my party pug or my pig pug lol She stays locked in my truck with the A/C blasting if I have to go in somewhere (like to eat or to a place that doesn't allow dogs) but she goes in with me to lowes, walmart, the bank, half of my commercial accounts that I've dealt with for 15 yrs and I have to go see. She stands on the back of my tool box when I go fuel up.....she even gets her lunch from the drive thru a lot. The dog is spoiled rotten but is my best listener and always loves me unconditionally. [ATTACH]20365[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]20368[/ATTACH]
  12. Lets see your animals that love you unconditionally:)

    [ATTACH]20364[/ATTACH] This is my party pug Bella :)
  13. Muratic shelf life

    Thanks Craig. That's what I had thought but it's been out of the sun but in a shop that isn't heated or cooled so it can get hot and cold in the shop. I don't use it very much either, but my chem distributor messed up about 2 years ago when I ordered 5 gallons and they sent me 55 gallon full drum. They said it wasn't worth the hassle so just billed me for the 5 gallons. Lately, when I need a gallon, I just stop in and get one for the job we are working on but thought I probably need to keep a 5ver on the truck. Didnt know if it was still good but it probably still is I guess.
  14. Muratic shelf life

    I have a half of a drum of muratic that's been in the shop about 2 years or so old, and got me thinking how long of a shelf life muratic carries?